Mallard Creek vs Butler who you got?


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2006
Charlotte NC
I know most will say Mallard Creek wins this game but how much do you think give a score? If you think butler will pull off the biggest upset give score an keys to the game.
I think rivals ranked mallard creek's recruiting classes a lot higher than butlers the last few years so mallard creek by a bunch.

Butler needs to step it up. I remember when recruiting at butler a strength and not a weeknes
Our only recruit this season actually came from Mallard Creek, LOL. We play him on both sides of the ball.
Get over the recruiting BS. When you live is a place like CLT you can move from one rental to another 2-3 blocks away and go to any school you want. The coaches are not recruiting these kids; it is the Programs and other players. We had our fair share of recruiting accusations back in the 80's and 90's. How many times have we heard somebody say something Wallace, SC. lol
He was their backup QB last season. At Butler, he's a defensive end. And no, I'm not making that up.
I believe recruiting is a violation of the NCHSAA rules so unless you have proof of this rules violation ( And we know you don't) then you should stick to playing offensive coordinator for Richmond.
I think rivals ranked mallard creek's recruiting classes a lot higher than butlers the last few years so mallard creek by a bunch.

Butler needs to step it up. I remember when recruiting at butler a strength and not a weeknes

If you truly ever want to know what is going on over here, all you have to do is ask, instead of just making a bunch of dumb allegations and assumptions.

The truth of the matter is that nepsy says he expects Mallard Creek's ADM this season to be around 2,800, making them the 3rd largest (or so) public high school in the state...and still growing very quickly. Butler has 2,100 for comparison's sake. Richmond has 2,150. The new I-485 beltway section just opened through that area, which is going to bring even tons more kids once all of those brand new housing developments are finished being built.

This all means that CMS will be along shortly to bust up their party, and if the I-485 population boom happens like what is expected by the city planners, then Mallard Creek will probably end up being busted up more than once (like what they did with Indy when Butler opened in 1997 and then again when Rocky River opened in 2010). That University area is the fastest growing population area in the entire state right now, so you can expect the boatloads of new families moving in (and yes, many of them play football) to continue for the foreseeable future. It will eventually die down like suburbs always do once they are fully developed, but that's going to be a while. Maybe 10 or 15 years. In the meantime, you can expect to continue to see the Mallard Creek roster be a revolving door of new kids each year (if anything, it's going to get worse), and soon you will see some redistricting going on which will change the makeup of Mallard Creek's team considerably (and not for the better). At least that's what happened with Indy when they went through this same process.
Players are going to move into district to play for a good program such as Mallard Creek and you can't blame the parents one bit for giving them the best opportunity to shine.
If you truly ever want to know what is going on over here, all you have to do is ask, instead of just making a bunch of dumb allegations and assumptions.

The truth of the matter is that nepsy says he expects Mallard Creek's ADM this season to be around 2,800, making them the 3rd largest (or so) public high school in the state...and still growing very quickly. Butler has 2,100 for comparison's sake. Richmond has 2150.

Butler +17 is the number...I think Id take the Creek if I had
to choose..... Scotland only has 1500 in the building its hard
to compete against those numbers
. People assume because of the Admin #s more kids try out. Not so. There are not a lot of kids that try out for the program at MC in comparison to schools with lower admin numbers. The theory that you have more students so you have more players to pick from does not hold up at the Creek.
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that's a load of crap nepsy, it has nothing to do with how many bodies
show up, youre just pulling from a bigger pool potential.
so if a 2a school has 80 to show up first day and a 4a school
has 80, who ya going to take, with that analysis these 2 should
be in the same league/conference..
that's a load of crap nepsy, it has nothing to do with how many bodies
show up, youre just pulling from a bigger pool potential.
so if a 2a school has 80 to show up first day and a 4a school
has 80, who ya going to take, with that analysis these 2 should
be in the same league/conference..

Not comparing to a 2A school. Come on Man! My comparison was to 4A to 4AA
Fellas can we get back on topic an discuss the game who cares about stuff that doesn't matter at this point you don't see 4a schools playing 2A schools. Mallard Creek is the team to beat in the state there a back to back champs I want to know if any one will chose butler to pull the upset?
Butler +17 is the number...I think Id take the Creek if I had
to choose..... Scotland only has 1500 in the building its hard
to compete against those numbers

Oh wow. Yeah, that number will be tough to cover. If I had money on it, I would not bet on Butler to cover.

+27 might be a better betting line.
Hokie- he was not at MC last season. He went to MC in 2012 and 2013 playing JV at QB. Last season Porter played for West Meck as a DE, this season he is at butler playing DE.
Hey guys. We are from Shelby, and we were just down on our little 2A board and we noticed a bad smell coming from up here on the powerful Big Boy football 4A board. Then we saw where you were discussing redistricting and classifications and ADMs and 80 player tryouts and, low and behold, you guys have stepped all in it with both feet. So, with your kind and generous permission, we would like to ask you some questions. We understand you are sensitive about sharing board time.
Hey guys. We are from Shelby, and we were just down on our little 2A board and we noticed a bad smell coming from up here on the powerful Big Boy football 4A board. Then we saw where you were discussing redistricting and classifications and ADMs and 80 player tryouts and, low and behold, you guys have stepped all in it with both feet. So, with your kind and generous permission, we would like to ask you some questions. We understand you are sensitive about sharing board time.

Talk 4A football or go sit in a corner somewhere and pick you nose CHUMP!
Thank you TarheelRaider, and we will talk 4A football. As a matter of fact you are the perfect poster to answer our first question. Since confusion exists over what constitutes the classifications, why at year end does the NCHSAA separate the 4A schools into 4AA and 4A?

And what criteria do they use to separate the schools and why?
. People assume because of the Admin #s more kids try out. Not so. There are not a lot of kids that try out for the program at MC in comparison to schools with lower admin numbers. The theory that you have more students so you have more players to pick from does not hold up at the Creek.

....and not just Mallard Creek, this doesn't hold up alot of places like a school with 3A numbers that's all boys, or if a school with 2500 students that's mostly female or immigrant kids who are into soccer and tennis. Lots of other variables in a metro area like Charlotte.
98 fact the year that 2A went into two separate classes (2AA and 2A), 4A did the same thing. The coaches voted it in after 1A did the year before. It looks like you need to do some research before you start bashing people on the board. In fact that Shelby only won 4 state titles since 2002 (The year they split 2A up). Independence won five while Rose won 4 straight. Dudley won three but two in 3AA and once in 4A. As you can see, Butler and Mallard Creek is very young schools. Butler won 3 while Mallard Creek won two and looks like MC will win some more. Shelby High School is a very old school with GREAT tradition.

Do your research and stay on 2A board.
Butler JV Beats Mallard Creek JV 8-6 they got a intercept to seal the game could have returned it for touchdown but took a knee. This has no baring on the big game tomorrow but says something about future butler talent.

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