Big32 or Small32

Each of them have its benefits.

Small32: 1A has 32 teams then everyone else has an evenly distributed # of teams - This would help charter schools. This would also help Mooresville/LN to stay 7A

Big32; 8A would have 33 then everyone else has an evenly distributed # of teams. This would help level off the top end of team n the cut off would be 2,200 or so for 8A. Mooresville n Ln would be 8A.

Buck Sweep Sports Podcast

Anyone interested in Clinton,UNC, and Carolina Panther content??? I’m in the process of starting my own podcast with the goal of producing weekly shows on the subjects mentioned above. If interested you can follow the page on Facebook “Buck Sweep Sports Podcast” or follow myself on whatever Twitter is being called now @Darkhorse34_

Thanks and good luck to everyone’s respective teams this season. Go Horses!!!!!!!

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