A.L.Brown OC Leaves for Mallard Creek


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Barry Merritt is leaving Brown for Mallard Creek. Hope his play calling gets better at M.C..
When I can seat in the stands and look at the formation and tell you the play they are going to run you know the other coaches can figure it out.
Barry Merritt is leaving Brown for Mallard Creek. Hope his play calling gets better at M.C..
When I can seat in the stands and look at the formation and tell you the play they are going to run you know the other coaches can figure it out.
Oh no! 😟 Don’t say that. 🤷🏾‍♂️😂
This upcoming season, I genuinely think MC will win it all. In the past, they have been so close. The tide will turn and their record will improve with the arrival of this new coach. Entering the new season, they possess an excessive amount of talent and experience. I can't think of a single position where experience is lacking. These are elite athletes. Beyond the game, both within and outside the state competition, they have always dominated. Nobody else's squad can match Mallard Creek's performance.
This upcoming season, I genuinely think MC will win it all. In the past, they have been so close. The tide will turn and their record will improve with the arrival of this new coach. Entering the new season, they possess an excessive amount of talent and experience. I can't think of a single position where experience is lacking. These are elite athletes. Beyond the game, both within and outside the state competition, they have always dominated. Nobody else's squad can match Mallard Creek's performance.
I’m a long time Mallard Creek guy. Are you trolling? 🤷🏾‍♂️😂
If he was the play caller and Hardin was heavily involved in the offense, why would anyone think they get better with him gone? I thought Hardin was an offensive guru. Seems like the K Town of old will never be back. Especially at the 4A level.
Good evening everyone,

I spent $10 to do this. I'm excited!

My name is Barry Merritt. I'm the former OC at AL Brown, I was also the Strength and Conditioning Coach, if anyone wants to comment on how our kids are weak, small, or slow. I've had various coaching roles in my 9 years in Kannapolis. I appreciate Coach Newsome hiring me and giving an opportunity, I can't thank him enough. Coach Empsy Thompson, Coach Hardin, and everyone who has come and gone on our coaching staff through my time here, I love you all, and it's your opinions that I truly care about. It was a pleasure working with all of you. I applied for the HC job when Coach Newsome retired, and when Coach Hardin was named the HC, I was hurt, but I understood the reasoning and I appreciate Coach Hardin's hard work and dedication to our program. I learned a lot from him this season.

Now, I'll entertain this conversation about me, and since it's about me I feel like I should be a part of it.

The frustrating part from where I'm sitting and for a lot of coaches in general is people have opinions about how we're doing our job when we have never claimed to be perfect and for me I've been here for 9 years and for some of you who claim to be "in the know" I have no idea who you are. I don't see you at workouts, practices, being a positive influence for the team. I just see you post on here taking shots at coaches and players, while you have no skin in the game and have no influence on the preparation or outcome.

I know this is something I'm supposed to be okay with, because I know it's part of the job and I need to "toughen up" but the constant negativity takes a toll on the coaches and the players hear it as well. At 15-18 years old the negativity, even if not directed at them does hurt them. I agree, not every play I called was perfect, isn't for any OC. I'd be glad to speak with anyone who wants to talk about football and how I game plan, scout opponents, organize a call sheet, and look at the game in general. I'm very interested to hear from some of you who seem to know soooooooooo much about me and the game of football.

As far as our one conversation at Carson a few years ago I'm sorry that I was enjoying myself and trying to interact with the fans, I'm sorry. I really wish I hadn't ever spoken to you. In 9 years you've formed an opinion about me as a person based on one conversation, that's impressive.

I look forward to seeing your response. Please elaborate on your opinions about how we did this season and in seasons before. Coach Newsome was the playcaller for my first few years in Kannapolis and then he allowed me to be the playcaller, and Coach Newsome still heavily influenced our offensive game plan, hence why the offense didn't really change much when I became the play caller.

Lastly, I tried my hardest here and I regret nothing of my time here. I will always love the Wonders, past and present. Those of you that were in the arena, on the field, in the weight room, meetings and practices. Positive fans that were there for the good of the kids and the program, you're who makes K-Town a great place to coach.

If you want to contact me personally my email is I'd be glad to make time to discuss with you any of your concerns person to person
Deana_King , can you lock the thread. I just want to apologize to Coach Merritt for letting it get out of hand like it did.
Deana_King , can you lock the thread. I just want to apologize to Coach Merritt for letting it get out of hand like it did.
Why lock it up? We're all here now, and you seemed to have several opinions about me. You and @onthebank are glad to see me go, so don't backpedal now. We could've talked about things in person, you obviously know me and have known where to find me, but you chose to start a thread to show your excitement for me leaving.

Just so we're all clear, I'll sit down and talk football with anyone, and explain why I called any play, and admit when it wasn't a good call, but I had reasons for calling every play I ever called.
Never a good idea to post as a coach.
It's my first time, hopefully my last. There were things that were inaccurate in this thread and my name is all over it. I've never posted on through all of the years of negativity towards our program, but when people are "excited to see me go," I feel like I can step out on a limb and offer them the opportunity to talk with me directly. The opportunity has always been there, but I felt like making an official offer would be best.
Never a good idea to post as a coach.

It's my first time, hopefully my last. There were things that were inaccurate in this thread and my name is all over it. I've never posted on through all of the years of negativity towards our program, but when people are "excited to see me go," I feel like I can step out on a limb and offer them the opportunity to talk with me directly. The opportunity has always been there, but I felt like making an official offer would be best.
let him post his side of the story. The few posters on here that knows me knows that I’m not a bad person, I just let my emotions get the best of me and said some things I shouldn’t have posted.
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Good evening everyone,

I spent $10 to do this. I'm excited!

My name is Barry Merritt. I'm the former OC at AL Brown, I was also the Strength and Conditioning Coach, if anyone wants to comment on how our kids are weak, small, or slow. I've had various coaching roles in my 9 years in Kannapolis. I appreciate Coach Newsome hiring me and giving an opportunity, I can't thank him enough. Coach Empsy Thompson, Coach Hardin, and everyone who has come and gone on our coaching staff through my time here, I love you all, and it's your opinions that I truly care about. It was a pleasure working with all of you. I applied for the HC job when Coach Newsome retired, and when Coach Hardin was named the HC, I was hurt, but I understood the reasoning and I appreciate Coach Hardin's hard work and dedication to our program. I learned a lot from him this season.

Now, I'll entertain this conversation about me, and since it's about me I feel like I should be a part of it.

The frustrating part from where I'm sitting and for a lot of coaches in general is people have opinions about how we're doing our job when we have never claimed to be perfect and for me I've been here for 9 years and for some of you who claim to be "in the know" I have no idea who you are. I don't see you at workouts, practices, being a positive influence for the team. I just see you post on here taking shots at coaches and players, while you have no skin in the game and have no influence on the preparation or outcome.

I know this is something I'm supposed to be okay with, because I know it's part of the job and I need to "toughen up" but the constant negativity takes a toll on the coaches and the players hear it as well. At 15-18 years old the negativity, even if not directed at them does hurt them. I agree, not every play I called was perfect, isn't for any OC. I'd be glad to speak with anyone who wants to talk about football and how I game plan, scout opponents, organize a call sheet, and look at the game in general. I'm very interested to hear from some of you who seem to know soooooooooo much about me and the game of football.

As far as our one conversation at Carson a few years ago I'm sorry that I was enjoying myself and trying to interact with the fans, I'm sorry. I really wish I hadn't ever spoken to you. In 9 years you've formed an opinion about me as a person based on one conversation, that's impressive.

I look forward to seeing your response. Please elaborate on your opinions about how we did this season and in seasons before. Coach Newsome was the playcaller for my first few years in Kannapolis and then he allowed me to be the playcaller, and Coach Newsome still heavily influenced our offensive game plan, hence why the offense didn't really change much when I became the play caller.

Lastly, I tried my hardest here and I regret nothing of my time here. I will always love the Wonders, past and present. Those of you that were in the arena, on the field, in the weight room, meetings and practices. Positive fans that were there for the good of the kids and the program, you're who makes K-Town a great place to coach.

If you want to contact me personally my email is I'd be glad to make time to discuss with you any of your concerns person to person
Coach, the fact that you posted your opinion without seeking permission is admirable. Some people believe they have the right to say whatever they want and to treat whoever they want disrespectfully just so they can rent space in someones head. Those same people play victim when the tables are turned.

Rudeness from football fans towards coaches is a common issue that occurs in various sports leagues worldwide. This behavior can manifest in different forms, such as verbal abuse, online harassment, or disruptive actions during games.

My point here is that rude behavior from football fans towards coaches is a significant issue that affects the well-being of coaches and the overall atmosphere in the sport. Addressing this problem requires a multi-faceted approach, including fan education, stronger regulations, and support systems for those affected. By promoting a more respectful and positive environment, the football community can help ensure that the passion for the sport is expressed in a healthy and constructive manner.

I doubt you will hear much more from this person(s) because of your direct and honest expression.

I appreciate your candor and stating everything that was necessary.

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I know coach Merritt from His North Iredell Days and ALB Days - Regardless of our Personal feelings or beliefs- I know Coach does everything the right way and he does truly care for the kids. He has always treated me with respect and I wish him the best of luck at Mallard Creek.

Like they say - 1 Teams loss is another teams gain! Go prove them wrong Coach! @coach_merritt
Good evening everyone,

I spent $10 to do this. I'm excited!

My name is Barry Merritt. I'm the former OC at AL Brown, I was also the Strength and Conditioning Coach, if anyone wants to comment on how our kids are weak, small, or slow. I've had various coaching roles in my 9 years in Kannapolis. I appreciate Coach Newsome hiring me and giving an opportunity, I can't thank him enough. Coach Empsy Thompson, Coach Hardin, and everyone who has come and gone on our coaching staff through my time here, I love you all, and it's your opinions that I truly care about. It was a pleasure working with all of you. I applied for the HC job when Coach Newsome retired, and when Coach Hardin was named the HC, I was hurt, but I understood the reasoning and I appreciate Coach Hardin's hard work and dedication to our program. I learned a lot from him this season.

Now, I'll entertain this conversation about me, and since it's about me I feel like I should be a part of it.

The frustrating part from where I'm sitting and for a lot of coaches in general is people have opinions about how we're doing our job when we have never claimed to be perfect and for me I've been here for 9 years and for some of you who claim to be "in the know" I have no idea who you are. I don't see you at workouts, practices, being a positive influence for the team. I just see you post on here taking shots at coaches and players, while you have no skin in the game and have no influence on the preparation or outcome.

I know this is something I'm supposed to be okay with, because I know it's part of the job and I need to "toughen up" but the constant negativity takes a toll on the coaches and the players hear it as well. At 15-18 years old the negativity, even if not directed at them does hurt them. I agree, not every play I called was perfect, isn't for any OC. I'd be glad to speak with anyone who wants to talk about football and how I game plan, scout opponents, organize a call sheet, and look at the game in general. I'm very interested to hear from some of you who seem to know soooooooooo much about me and the game of football.

As far as our one conversation at Carson a few years ago I'm sorry that I was enjoying myself and trying to interact with the fans, I'm sorry. I really wish I hadn't ever spoken to you. In 9 years you've formed an opinion about me as a person based on one conversation, that's impressive.

I look forward to seeing your response. Please elaborate on your opinions about how we did this season and in seasons before. Coach Newsome was the playcaller for my first few years in Kannapolis and then he allowed me to be the playcaller, and Coach Newsome still heavily influenced our offensive game plan, hence why the offense didn't really change much when I became the play caller.

Lastly, I tried my hardest here and I regret nothing of my time here. I will always love the Wonders, past and present. Those of you that were in the arena, on the field, in the weight room, meetings and practices. Positive fans that were there for the good of the kids and the program, you're who makes K-Town a great place to coach.

If you want to contact me personally my email is I'd be glad to make time to discuss with you any of your concerns person to person

Is it true there are 40 seniors and only one of them is a lineman?
Always cracks me up when the coaches respond on here. Do you really care what someone says on a goofy message board??? Got to be better things to do with your time I would think.
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I thought the original poster wanted to lock the thread as soon as his target showed up was pretty funny myself.
The original poster had a big chest and huge arms until the coach said "Hush baby. Sit down". Then he went crying to the Webmasters and they also said "Hush baby. Sit down". He let his emotions get the best of him were the last words I saw him post.
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It's a message board. It's where people post opinions about HS football. Might have missed it but I didn't see anything derogatory about any kids.

Here is what I know about 84K. He has been a huge supporter of AL Brown football long before this coach arrived and will be there supporting long after.

I certainly get that it sucks to read negative stuff about yourself or your team and wanting to engage. There is a reason why 99% don't. They understand that most of us are clueless and don't bother reading.

Lots of professions have to deal with negative feedback on performance. Welcome to the internet.
It's a message board. It's where people post opinions about HS football. Might have missed it but I didn't see anything derogatory about any kids.

Here is what I know about 84K. He has been a huge supporter of AL Brown football long before this coach arrived and will be there supporting long after.

I certainly get that it sucks to read negative stuff about yourself or your team and wanting to engage. There is a reason why 99% don't. They understand that most of us are clueless and don't bother reading.

Lots of professions have to deal with negative feedback on performance. Welcome to the internet.
Never will I say anything bad about a kid. They are high school kids out there doing their best. And I said some things I should not have said about Coach Merritt.
Best of luck to Coach Merritt at M.C..
It's a message board. It's where people post opinions about HS football. Might have missed it but I didn't see anything derogatory about any kids.

Here is what I know about 84K. He has been a huge supporter of AL Brown football long before this coach arrived and will be there supporting long after.

I certainly get that it sucks to read negative stuff about yourself or your team and wanting to engage. There is a reason why 99% don't. They understand that most of us are clueless and don't bother reading.

Lots of professions have to deal with negative feedback on performance. Welcome to the internet.
Have I read and comprehended this correctly?
"It's a message board. It's where people post opinions about HS football. Here is what I know about 84K. The few posters on here that knows him knows that he's not a bad person. He will take his shirt off his back for anybody. Someone he hardly even knows. He's a country boy. Loves to fish. Loves football. Loves coaches. Loves their play calling. Loves NCPreps. He cares about his friends and people with authority a great amount. Now he's on the internet posting his opinion them suddenly wakes up to a mistake and submits a thread lockdown..…"
I dont have a dog in this fight. I don't think confessing the error or the Class Act were the main points of emphasis. I think the problem still exists beyond that with the entire fallout; in a retort, he would remove his shirt. It has a corny sound and contradicts itself several times.
Barry Merritt is leaving Brown for Mallard Creek. Hope his play calling gets better at M.C..
When I can seat in the stands and look at the formation and tell you the play they are going to run you know the other coaches can figure it out.
To be hired at Mallard Creek, the hiring party must have trust and confidence in the candidate. A distinct program. Distinct athletes. Distinct force. Coach Merritt is going to be OK!

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