South Lenoir @ WRH


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2005
Not much being said about this game, SL coming off a blowout loss to Kinston for the only blemish on their record, lets hear everyones predictions.

I will go with 55-14 Dogs, Kanye will once again show why he is one of the best running backs in the state.
This week we should see heavy reserve play in the second half. Sixty something to thirteen.
Kinston had speed But against a good defense they fold Kinston an is not that great but his wide outs are electric!! ED Defense 3 picks tonight!! Ed Offense switched gears on the last drive tired defense from Kinston a 6:30 mins drive to close the game leaving Kinston with 29 seconds left and the web sets up for a screen pass and it was intercepted completing the victory!! Overall good game!! Worth The trip to c some of my family!!
South Lenoir has a really good passing attack. Cobb #3 QB got a cannon for a arm. We got better defending in the second half but it was pressure on qb. Dbacks got beat most of the night. Got to get better.
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This is gonna sound like a yogism. But it seems the only way we're gonna beat the good teams is to outscore them! I mean we apparently suck at defending the pass. Oh yeah, we can score, but are the huge games all gonna be shootouts? Smh! This is a prob it seems every yr! Im a little concerned about the passing teams nowadays. (Like the football guru chopper says) Make sense?

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