Nail meet coffin.
could change your name to the Red Devils but that’s offensive to the satanist
Nail meet coffin.
Redskins/ Red Raiders I see no difference. Our mascot in Vanceboro use to be the Farm Life Red Raiders then they built the New School and changed to the Eagles. That is probably already offensive to some.
I just saw this on WITN's website. I'm not familiar with this tribe but they are in NC and they did oppose the name Redskin. They claim it came from bounties on Indians and the bloody scalp led to the name Redskin. I don't agree with that I think they are rewriting history. I'm 61 and in the last few years is the only time I have heard this. What I posted several post up is what you would find if you searched Redskin years ago. But if people are offend my goodness let's not hurt feelings. I quit watching when they started kneeling. I have a feeling college and high school ball may go the same route for me. If they kneel I will have more time for my family.
All that and I forgot the link. I'm getting senile.