Havelock vs Charlotte Catholic


Let me add some illumination to your comments. First it was great to hear your recollection of the beginning of practice. team offense, run everyday as a habit..and what was remarkable to visiting coaches was how the first 15 minutes of practice was run so precisely without coaches. We finished this portion of practice with our cadence drill. Each play became habit and we fired off faster because of the cadence drill. A few years ago at a CCHS class function it appeared we had a whole offense in attendance . some confident person found a ball and yelled TTO... it was on... I was so afraid that the Fullback was going to run into the backside pulling guard on the cross buck ( sounds like an ER trip waiting to happen) but we were flawless. Wow..20+ years later we were flawless. :) Next time we are going to get the wives to hold the bags. In my mind it is this type of culture that defined the program.

I believe I know you. My brother & I used to stand coach & his wife at the games after he retired. I visiy
The defenses : 40s series, 50s series, 60s series, 70s series & 80s series

We weren't big enough to man and man. So we had to had to confuse the oline. Shifting at the last second...