GrizzlyDevil, sounds like the neighborhood is really growing. In the event it gets to where a single driveway separates the homes there will ultimately be at least one couple (and that's an awfully conservative estimate) who are given to loud, late night discussions. It won't be long until one or more of them are going to be knocking, well, beating loudly is more like it, on your front door hoping you'll come out and take their side.
These incidents are a little disturbing to children who might be in the home but as for me, I was fortunate. My Father was very schooled in handling such matters. Typically, my advice usually isn't appreciated but indulge me here as it may come in good someday:
If they're out in the yard just let them alone or as he would say let them stay out there, but once they start banging on the door that's when Dad showed his skills. In a "calm" voice he would say WHO IS IT ! most of the time, after that, there was no answer but sometimes you would hear a low voice to which he would respond GET THE HADES OUT OF HERE ! ( He didn't say hades he didn't know what that was. He said the other word).
Either way, that always solved the problem...I wanted to share this tidbit of information since the neighborhood is expanding, and if you need further on sensible interaction within the community just let me know. I got a bunch of them.