Albemarle vs East Montgomery

I don't know what all the secret info is but it obviously didn't help tonight. Albemarle was running the ball straight at EM tonight. It didn't work. They had some success but had nothing thrown in the mix to keep us guessing. EM easily puts 40 on the board minus the rain. There are certainly some problems at albemarle, looks like a long season for them. NS and NM are looming for EM. Without better outside containment it's going to be tuff to beat those 2. I predict EM at 6-1 going to NS, we still won't have anyone's respect unless we come out of there 7-1.

Agree with you on that. Looks like the Montgomery County teams own the league.
I don't know what all the secret info is but it obviously didn't help tonight. Albemarle was running the ball straight at EM tonight. It didn't work. They had some success but had nothing thrown in the mix to keep us guessing. EM easily puts 40 on the board minus the rain. There are certainly some problems at albemarle, looks like a long season for them. NS and NM are looming for EM. Without better outside containment it's going to be tuff to beat those 2. I predict EM at 6-1 going to NS, we still won't have anyone's respect unless we come out of there 7-1.
That seems to be the whole Plan for the Season. Run into Your Offence and then run into the Opposing Teams Defense. We may not even score against CC. It blows My Mind. If it doesn't work, stop doing it. Swallow Your Pride Coaching Staff
I'm afraid we have run out of options. With so few players they are tiring out having to go both ways. However I think the players are giving it all they have. I don't think it matters what kind of offense we run the other team is going to stack the line of scrimmage and stop any run game we have. We're in a "catch 22" situation. We should win the next 2 games CC and SD. then we will probably lose the next 3. NS, NM and WM. And maybe finish up with wins over Union and SS. Looks like a 4 win season at best. However there is always hope for a better ending. We shall see.
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We are so used to seeing Albemarle reload. It looks like they have not recovered as of yet to losing those 20 seniors. Most teams lose 20 seniors from a good team and you talk about it will take time to rebuild. But Alb has been so used to reloading because of so many athletes. That does not appear to be the case this year for whatever reason.
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We are so used to seeing Albemarle reload. It looks like they have not recovered as of yet to losing those 20 seniors. Most teams lose 20 seniors from a good team and you talk about it will take time to rebuild. But Alb has been so used to reloading because of so many athletes. That does not appear to be the case this year for whatever reason.
Due to having a chance to work with young Talent
It's really simple foot. Lost 20 to graduation and another 20 for being ineligelable. We can't overcome that.
I was told this morning that the coach apologized to the players last night.

Apologized for what exactly?
Heard they had the ball on the 25 after a big emery run and they got a delay of game due to the play not being in. Also didn't kick a onside kick in the 4th. So from what I gather a few things lol.
They did onside kick it in the 4th, the poor clock management in the 1st half is prolly what he apologized for. Had it on 25yrd line and he took 30 seconds to get a play in with timeouts in his pocket clock ran from 58sec to 25sec.
I accept his apology, but you "gets" no sympathy from me!

This is exactly what needs to happen, everybody talking with their eyes wide shut!

Albemarle has been lied too, bamboozled, hoodwinked! by the BOE and this coaching staff!
They did onside kick it in the 4th, the poor clock management in the 1st half is prolly what he apologized for. Had it on 25yrd line and he took 30 seconds to get a play in with timeouts in his pocket clock ran from 58sec to 25sec.
Ill tell you all you need to know about Albemarle ,last night. 4th and 10+ , 11+- seconds left in 1st half ( NO timeouts), they are on East 20 or so yard line and they run the ball off of left tackle. That tells you all you need to know about everything Albemarle football this year.
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I accept his apology, but you "gets" no sympathy from me!

This is exactly what needs to happen, everybody talking with their eyes wide shut!

Albemarle has been lied too, bamboozled, hoodwinked! by the BOE and this coaching staff!

The issues with this season and the near future of Albemarle football started 2.5 years ago. It is not one thing that is crippling them but a near perfect storm.
Heard they had the ball on the 25 after a big emery run and they got a delay of game due to the play not being in. Also didn't kick a onside kick in the 4th. So from what I gather a few things lol.

See this type of thing to often. Part of this can be attributed to the lack of preparation due to not having a coach during the spring and summer. You have to have a set play to signal from the sidelines that will allow the clock to stop by getting out of bounds or an incomplete pass. I think the lack of a passing game and inexperienced QB is two of the main issues in that type of situation.
if they are goin to put as bad a team out there as i saw last night, they might as well close the school.
@btango I'm just curious of this perfect storm you bring up..

I agree that parents and students need to accept responsibility here, but so does this broken system from the top down. Do people honestly think shutting down Albemarle will fix Stanly County School system? Your just pushing the problem to another school. Let's be honest, our school isn't built to handle urban kids.
Why were 20 kids ineligible this year? Ineligible due to grades? Still trying to understand how AHS could go from state champs in 2010 to dressing out 18 players five years later.
Why were 20 kids ineligible this year? Ineligible due to grades? Still trying to understand how AHS could go from state champs in 2010 to dressing out 18 players five years later.

I've already answered this. So many factors I don't know where to begin.
@btango Let's be honest, our school isn't built to handle urban kids.

What do you mean by "urban kids"? With a population of 16,000, I'm not sure the city of Albemarle is even big enough to be called "urban". We do have a lot of kids from low-income or single parent families who are scratching to make ends meet, however.

Still trying to understand how AHS could go from state champs in 2010 to dressing out 18 players five years later.

Academically, AHS is slipping badly, and that has caused a pretty fair number of kids to transfer out. School enrollment is too small to offer any AP courses, so many kids who have college aspirations have either gone to Gray Stone or to North Stanly where they can get them. With a low school enrollment, athletic numbers are going to drop too. Football is NOT the only casualty:
  • AHS was once a wrestling power, but did not have enough come out last year to field a team.
  • Unless I'm mistaken, AHS does not have enough girls for a tennis team this fall.
  • The AHS girls softball program has struggled the past few years to get enough out for a team.
  • Baseball is dwindling in interest also, and several of the better players have transferred out.
From what I heard about the game last night, our QB was knocked out of the game in the first quarter and we struggled to run an offensive play with our backup QB. The coaching staff was actually putting in plays for our new QB at halftime. Also the punter dropped a snap inside the 5 yard line, which is the second time this season that has happened. I want wins as bad as anyone and I know our staff does as well. The entire program has been put through the ringer since the Seth situation, Talbert resigning late, Smith being hired late, and missing key players due to and on-the-field, or off-the-field situation. I really do think if we can catch a break over the next couple weeks that we will give West Montgomery all they can handle 4 weeks from now. Lets not jump ship yet.
give west montgomery all they can handle lmao! thats a good one. yall never even throw a pass which is why teams stack the box. does the backup qb not know the normal 3 plays they run and how to hand the ball off? The game was well in hand when punter dropped the ball. East dropped 2 td passes score should have been worsee like i said rain kept albemarle in the game
@btango I'm just curious of this perfect storm you bring up..

I agree that parents and students need to accept responsibility here, but so does this broken system from the top down. Do people honestly think shutting down Albemarle will fix Stanly County School system? Your just pushing the problem to another school. Let's be honest, our school isn't built to handle urban kids.

"Perfect storm" is what has happened to the football program. It is not one thing that is causing the losses, the lack of players, the lack of success of the O, et al. This has been gradually building over a period of time and it is all coming together in a very negative way, ie "perfect storm".

If the coaching choice was different 2.5 years ago, if the removal of the coach from 1.5 years ago is different, different HC hired then, if the last coach remained in place, if the former AD does not leave which I think was direct result in the forfeits, if there were more coaches on the teaching staff at AHS, if you do have the players fighting, the school closure issues, the students leaving due to the educational opportunities, et al. All of these things are coming together for football right now.

I think this is a season to build a "team" with the system that the HC wants in place and start working with the youth leagues and middle school on that system. The days of AHS rolling out more athletes, better athletes, more size, more support than any other 1A team are not going to be there for awhile. It is time to strengten the foundation. It is almost like the first season for Gaster but it will be tougher this time to build it back up because the school overall is nowhere near as strong as it was in the early 1990's and it will be tougher to get the support from outside the school.
We all are old enough to know that CHANGE is the only concrete constant in everyone's life. Albemarle has changed, it's no longer the program it once was. We can point fingers here or there but all that is really irrelevant. We did not get where we're at in a day, week, or even a couple years. We will NOT get back to where we all want to be in a day, week, or a couple of years. Albemarle had it's time, and we were all blessed to see it happen. Sooner or later, a program will start to slide in the wrong direction. When this starts, it's very hard on the fans, players, parents, and coaching staff, or I should say the coaching staff that REALLY CARES about the program.

I to was hoping Albemarle would turn it around against EM, but it wasn't to be. It's time to accept reality, we are or we are, and more importantly, WE'RE NOT, WHO WE'RE NOT. Albemarle will lose to North Moore, and North Stanly. No shame in losing, but don't hang your head. Leave it all out on the field. If Albemarle loses to better teams, so be it.

Truthfully, it's highly probable that we will never see Albemarle get back to where they once were. I'm not saying it can't happen, but barring another Jack Gaster coming in, I don't see it.

For all the long term Bulldog fans, if we just stop, think back to all the great teams we've had and open your eyes to our team today, It's almost UNBELIEVABLE, that we've come this far.

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The only Team in Stanly County to win State Championships in Football and may be the only Team to ever do it. To say that Stanly County wants to be mediocre in everything is a sad truth. We happened to get Jack Gaster and We had Teams to be proud of but this County never had Our back. They never seen that They also could take pride in that
We could have built some type if foundation. I heard Travis Gaster put in for the position and never got a call back! You think the fans or the community wouldn't have supported that?

You guys only now is what it is.
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