Albemarle vs East Montgomery

bulldog nation2014

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2014
Ok fellas here we go. Conference is here after a disappointing loss last night can our boys come out and get the win? Emery and Bennett back should have our offense moving the ball again. Can our defense hold up consistently like they did last night?

With EM seemingly improved I think this will be a hard fought contest but our boys will come out on top and kick off conference play with a win.

21 Alb 7 EM
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I was pleasantly surprised with our Defense last night. Also with Emery back out there they can open the play book up alittle more. I believe we will see the team we saw in the second half vs Tville but with our defense playing alittle better.
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Tough game. East Montgomery is off to a fast start, but I like the Dogs in this one. AHS has not started a season 0-4 in 33 years and I predict they won't break that streak this week.
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Who knows what will happen next week. Albemarle started out slow the last couple of years only to turn it around. East Montgomery is better than last year, but are they good enough to beat the Bulldogs?

If the Bulldogs play a smart game, they will win.
I do wish that Bird would throw more. He has a good ability to Hit an open Reciever if the Receiver is open. During the Thomasville He was pressured to much and We didn't have open Receivers. That will open up the Offense. Okey, I just want an opinion about West Stanly at North Stanly. I don't want to run a post because it wouldn't get a lot of attention. Who wins this game?
I think North Stanly wins the game. I don't believe West Stanly's defense will stop the Comet rushing attack. I also don't believe the Colts will be able to exploit the Comet's weak defense.
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I think this game (EM vs.AHS) will answer a lot of questions about each team. Should be a hard fought game! North Stanly will Not beat West Stanly.
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The Bulldogs win this one by more than 20 like they've done for the past 10 years. When the Eagles see those blue uniforms and helmets, they'll start thinking, "We can't beat Albemarle" and the game will be over before the flip of the coin.
The Bulldogs win this one by more than 20 like they've done for the past 10 years. When the Eagles see those blue uniforms and helmets, they'll start thinking, "We can't beat Albemarle" and the game will be over before the flip of the coin.

Sort of like the old Mike Tyson mystique, those days are over! Once the bully gets taken down, no one is scared. The absolute mauling that they took against Davidson Day two years began the fall & took away the level of invincibility they had earned in the last decade or so. The beatings for AHS will continue as they have at least 4 more regular season losses on the way plus a super quick exit in the playoffs. AHS coaching staff better start over with the talented young guys making them earn respect.
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Sort of like the old Mike Tyson mystique, those days are over! Once the bully gets taken down, no one is scared.

Bully? Albemarle was no "Bully" back in the day, we just went out and done what we had to do. If you got your head ripped off in the process, then ole well...
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Bully? Albemarle was not "Bully" back in the day, we just went out and done what we had to do. If you got your head ripped off in the process, then ole well...
Yes, Sway, I think your right. They were not a Bully, but, just came out and wore teams down. I remember back in 07' we beat them by 4 tds(41-13?) in the regular season and still barely got by them in the Western Conference Final to play for the state championship (12-7?). They will still be relevant this year in the YVC and yes it will be a lot to overcome mentally for the Eagles of EM to beat the Bulldogs. This game will tell a lot about where teams will stand in the YVC.
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Yes if East Montgomery beats Albemarle it will look like the top 4 would possibly be WM, NS, EM and NM this far. It's never been like this for Albemarle in this Conference. I will accept this but I'm not going to make excuses. Before going in the locker room before the Game Friday the Players where yelling and was up for the game to only get knocked down again
They will possibly be 2A next time they realignment.
Interesting. Would assume that WM would get realigned into what is currently the PAC-6 or Central Carolina Conferences. WM would be fine in those leagues.

BTW, had no idea until surfing over to the NCHSAA's Web site just now that the YVC is a football-only conference. Totally missed that memo. Also, Gray Stone Day is listed as being part of the football-only YVC. Is that right? Does GSD have a football team? If so why don't they play any of the YVC teams, or are they planning to form a team in the future?
I believe with the exception of Isaiah we will finally have everybody dressed out and playing. Bulldogs win 28-7

Is this the big news? on Carolinapreps people have said no way they lose tonight with news they got this week? Is this the news or is T.A. back? Or is the 20 ineligible players for skipping school back on the team? Or is it some new offense?

Guess I'll see tonight.
Albemarle will get it together this week....

Albemarle 32 East Mont. 21

There is such a thing called reality. I know Albemarle teams in the past have come together and made some deep runs when it looked like they were done.

I will say, I don't know or I really don't see that in this team. You could see it in the other Bulldog teams, they just needed to get over the speed bump and they came together as "A TEAM". You still had a lot of RESIDUAL effects of Jack Gaster on some of those teams also. Every year when the season starts we look for a championship team. We put our Bulldog googles on and see one weather there is one out there on the field or not. We all compare every team to past championship teams, because that's the standard we got used to. We all have been blessed to see Albemarle win 5 State Championships and be in the West Regional Finals eight or nine times. Albemarle has been the winningest 1AA/1A program over the last 15 years. But, we all must STOP seeing things that are not there. We do not have a superior 1A team this year. We are all real Albemarle Bulldog fans we love to support them, and yes WE WILL continue to support them through the down years. WHY??? Because like the Bulldog teams, the fans never give up on ALBEMARLE. GO DOGS
Good post @fallenmpireofalbemarle, I don't think anyone is not supporting them because they are not winning, and your right, we are comparing this team with past teams as we did last year and the year before that. We do expect "Rings" at Albemarle, and we will always hold our-self to those standards. But at some point, these kids have to take responsibility for their actions off the field. Coach Smith is doing what he thinks is best (I hope), the rest is up to the players. What I saw last Friday was "Not" an Albemarle team and if anyone disagrees about that, we can argue all day about it. Its one thing to lose, but to do it in the fashion last Friday was, pitiful. When the truth is told, it hurts and that's just the truth of the matter.

If they plan on turning it around tonight; and that's a big "Plan", the coaches and the players better get their behinds in gear and say some type of chant to get possessed by Jack Gaster and let the "Nasty" start happening. If not 0-4 is what I'm looking at.
Is this the big news? on Carolinapreps people have said no way they lose tonight with news they got this week? Is this the news or is T.A. back? Or is the 20 ineligible players for skipping school back on the team? Or is it some new offense?

Guess I'll see tonight.

I heard some news yesterday. Not going to disclose too much, but we will see how it works out....
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Ok...I will try to spill the beans. The "news" is that the offense is going to play the game from up top of the press box. The defense will stay on the field all night since they have been the bright spot so far. Am I right? Was I close?

I doubt it. (A serious guess is that they will come out in Pole Cat or the Notre Dame Box and look totally different on offense hoping that EM prepared for what they had been running.) In the end, this all AHS teams in recent years...will be fine. The YVC is just not that strong right now after the top three.
Nipit got a question. In all my years of watching the bulldogs I have never seen a coach coach from uptop. Is there a reason for this? Has Smith done this in the past? Have you ever coached from uptop? I know you can see the field better but other than that whats the reason for it?
Tom Paris did at Whiteville when I was at St. Pauls. He is hc at Hoke now. I am sure you can see it better, but I often wondered how you can control the sideline demeanor. In today's world of volunteer coaches...who can just quit if they aren't happy...and with the crap in Texas of players attacking referees...I couldn't risk it. (I think the last three unsportsmanlike flags on the coaching staff ALL came from good intentioned assistants riding the refs. Coaching up top isn't something I ever did.) I am sure those who do have their own reasons for doing it.
I can promise you Emery is ready. These kids out there have a lot of pride in Albemarle football. The offense was terrible last game but if Coach Smith is a great coach he will adjust. Of course having your top running backs on the field will make a huge a difference. If Emery and Bennett were out there WS does not hold them sorry won't happen. However even with that I support Coach Smith because he needed to stand on the discipline win or lose and that's what he did.

This is a new game and from the adjustments I seen on D vs WS I assume the proper adjustments will be made on O. Tonight is conference play and that's what matters. I don't believe we are far away but conference play will tell the story. I believe the goal was to be at 100% by WM and I still even with the adversity that's still the goal. We will see tonight, hoping for a big win to get this team rolling. Go Bulldogs!!!!
I believe this team is more dependent on Emery than we were with TA. We continued to win after TA graduated but without Emery our offense is stuck in the mud. I think EM will key on him but like TA stopping him is another thing. We still have to generate some offense from someone else to take a little pressure off Emery. Good luck tonight dogs.
Tonight is a "Must Win" game. I knew that they where going to make a change at DB last week, and it worked out great, just couldn't move the freaking ball....We ran the same play over and over and over and over and over.....and over and over and over again, and wasn't getting does that work out?
I believe this team is more dependent on Emery than we were with TA. We continued to win after TA graduated but without Emery our offense is stuck in the mud. I think EM will key on him but like TA stopping him is another thing. We still have to generate some offense from someone else to take a little pressure off Emery. Good luck tonight dogs.

Depends on Birds development. He has really shown out well these last two games. If we can get a descent passing game and Emery in the backfield that would be a serious plus.
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Asking a kid to play qb that has never taken a snap till this year is asking a lot. A think Bird has done a great job all things considered. Also now at cornerback he has stepped up to the task. I agree any kind of passing game would be a big PLUS.
Somethings brewing about this game tonight. Lots of talk on CP's about something new from Albemarle. I know a little but I think it's more than what I know. Can't wait.
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I don't know what all the secret info is but it obviously didn't help tonight. Albemarle was running the ball straight at EM tonight. It didn't work. They had some success but had nothing thrown in the mix to keep us guessing. EM easily puts 40 on the board minus the rain. There are certainly some problems at albemarle, looks like a long season for them. NS and NM are looming for EM. Without better outside containment it's going to be tuff to beat those 2. I predict EM at 6-1 going to NS, we still won't have anyone's respect unless we come out of there 7-1.

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