Dearest Mt. Airy, Eastern Randolph and Mt. Heritage folks

Good Thunder???

That was the thighs of girthy Eastern gals, bombarding their way up to the counter to order their Super Sausage biscuit combo at Hardees before lumbering their way to their meaningless job of sitting on that dump truck they call a hind end, smelling like marlboros and baby powder selling fake Loreal makeup to the other Randolph county women trying to hide their mustaches

White Christmas? No matter what you heathens call it, the crystal meth stuck in your nostril hair aint a White Christmas, its more of a stay up 72 houra straight biting at the meth bugs crawling up your arms....
All I took from this was “meth, fat girls, Christmas and biscuits.”
Episode 2 Enjoy GIF by UFC

Mid-Piedmont (3A) and Central Carolina (1A/2A) boys basketball prediction!

I agree with the sentiments here. While I root for coach Ferguson and thought they might be good, I wasn’t convinced of it given how truly and shockingly bad they were last year. I’d prefer ND be this good but I don’t believe they are. As was observed, they’ve essentially played no one. More importantly I think we rely on the three too much and that’s not going to work against a defensive team like Ledford. We don’t have a good alternative if we go cold or can’t get the shots off that well.

I do believe Ledford will burn through the MPC with relative ease. With the exception of maybe Parkland tonight or a team in the Christmas tournament, I don’t see them coming into conference play with a loss. That’s an amazing feat with how pedestrian they were last year.

Indeed congrats to Coach Ferguson.
I am perplexed with how some schedule. Cupcake wins must not taste good. C Davidson and Ledford challenge themselves.
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Fake Schools

Listen bro, I really don’t care what you think. Maybe you have a good school system. Maybe they aren’t all that way but here it is that way and it apparently is in other areas. They can all go broke for all I care. I will continue to do what I’m doing. If they straighten up then I’ll send my son to them Its that simple. You don’t get to preach to me about my kids. Their mine. Some school systems think it’s ok to keep things regarding their kids away from the parents. Maybe it’s not yours but it’s happening
I agree 100% but I do have a say if the taxpayer's pay for your kid's education.

Dearest Mt. Airy, Eastern Randolph and Mt. Heritage folks


That was the thighs of girthy Eastern gals, bombarding their way up to the counter to order their Super Sausage biscuit combo at Hardees before lumbering their way to their meaningless job of sitting on that dump truck they call a hind end, smelling like marlboros and baby powder selling fake Loreal makeup to the other Randolph county women trying to hide their mustaches

White Christmas? No matter what you heathens call it, the crystal meth stuck in your nostril hair aint a White Christmas, its more of a stay up 72 houra straight biting at the meth buds crawling up your arms....
Now I want a sausage biscuit from Hardee's. Dang it.

Dearest Mt. Airy, Eastern Randolph and Mt. Heritage folks


That was the thighs of girthy Eastern gals, bombarding their way up to the counter to order their Super Sausage biscuit combo at Hardees before lumbering their way to their meaningless job of sitting on that dump truck they call a hind end, smelling like marlboros and baby powder selling fake Loreal makeup to the other Randolph county women trying to hide their mustaches

White Christmas? No matter what you heathens call it, the crystal meth stuck in your nostril hair aint a White Christmas, its more of a stay up 72 houra straight biting at the meth buds crawling up your arms....

I bow to the master…
I’ll keep trying to improve Obi Wan…
  • Haha
Reactions: Shelby Lion

Cleveland County

Only 7 play football...that would make 6 conference games and 4 or 5 non conference games depending on how they handle the overall football schedule this upcoming alignment.

I don't believe far fetched at all.
Great work either way but let's be honest. If Shelby doesn't petition to move up and I have not heard they are, they have a pretty clear path every year. I just don't see anyone consistently giving them a hard time in the playoffs. The big question is, with Reidsville moving up will Shelby come up and join. 2-3 students away from 4A.

Dearest Mt. Airy, Eastern Randolph and Mt. Heritage folks

@Shelby Lion better get them rubbers out of storage…
No your sister ain’t coming by for a visit…
I awoke to thunder this morning…
Good chance it’s gonna be a White Christmas!!!

That was the thighs of girthy Eastern gals, bombarding their way up to the counter to order their Super Sausage biscuit combo at Hardees before lumbering their way to their meaningless job of sitting on that dump truck they call a hind end, smelling like marlboros and baby powder selling fake Loreal makeup to the other Randolph county women trying to hide their mustaches

White Christmas? No matter what you heathens call it, the crystal meth stuck in your nostril hair aint a White Christmas, its more of a stay up 72 houra straight biting at the meth bugs crawling up your arms....


Didn’t see it but glad he deleted it. Said it before….job applicants don’t need to be aired on here. It could negatively affect their future. Not every applicant tells their boss they’re applying.
Really? considering anyone can make an account I don't see what it hurts? And the high school athletics world is small everyone knows everyone. I bet Randleman already knows who they are gonna hire.

CVAC 2024


I saw that, how does that happen? I a assume he is counting 8th grade year? Where did the play that year

No disrespect or anything. He is truly impressive. Seen him live a couple times. Game comes easy for him. Just curious.

I am not certain, but I believe he played a varsity season in 8th grade at Hickory Christian Academy

Mid-Piedmont (3A) and Central Carolina (1A/2A) boys basketball prediction!

I agree with the sentiments here. While I root for coach Ferguson and thought they might be good, I wasn’t convinced of it given how truly and shockingly bad they were last year. I’d prefer ND be this good but I don’t believe they are. As was observed, they’ve essentially played no one. More importantly I think we rely on the three too much and that’s not going to work against a defensive team like Ledford. We don’t have a good alternative if we go cold or can’t get the shots off that well.

I do believe Ledford will burn through the MPC with relative ease. With the exception of maybe Parkland tonight or a team in the Christmas tournament, I don’t see them coming into conference play with a loss. That’s an amazing feat with how pedestrian they were last year.

Indeed congrats to Coach Ferguson.
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Wilson Prep @ Tarboro

The Vikings dominance in the 1A East is more about geopolitics than it is anything. Tarboro specifically and Edgecombe County as a whole was decimated when Sprint moved Carolina Telephone and textiles moved out in the 90’s. Until that point, Tarboro was playing at 3A. So many good paying jobs left the area in such a short period of time. The only thing the folks in this town really had to take pride in was HS football. Even as the numbers declined, the passion for football in Tarboro never wavered. The Vikings are still better than 90-95% of 2A programs in the state. It’s part of the fabric of who we are.

So I’m sorry, Wilson Prep. Three years of collecting local talents and throwing them out there with their hair on fire isn’t going to make up for years of preparation, tradition and investment in a program that represents the heart and soul of a community.
Great post!
