The Rematch Whiteville at Northeastern

From another “subjective” view it appeared JK started wearing down. From your stats for the game you had only 77 yds rushing, 38 on one carry. A total of less than 200 yds. No way I can say I saw a visibly better team. Very good team no doubt, but bs on your on your visible statement. This is a NE vs WHS tread. Good luck to you next season!
I didn’t bring up my team, he did I just defended the house. And if you’re going to mention the rushing stats it’d be good if you mention the fact Coach Grady absolutely caught whiteville by surprise, whitevilles coaching staff was expecting for the tigers to be in that power run formation all game and then got uppercut when they came out in spread and started absolutely dotting you guys up! You guys tried getting in the air and #10 absolutely shut down anything attempted in the air, took #3 from whiteville straight out of the game. If he did it, I’m sure someone on NE team full of athletes will. If will fisher is shut down it’s going to be a long, short on the clock, night for whiteville. So let’s hope the coaches wish to play again next year, because I’m sure it’ll be ugly, and not for us.

The Rematch Whiteville at Northeastern

Cmon guy let’s be real just watching the game James kenan was visibly better. It’s not an excuse when it’s a fact, yall couldn’t score until we started to cramp up horribly on defense.
From another “subjective” view it appeared JK started wearing down. From your stats for the game you had only 77 yds rushing, 38 on one carry. A total of less than 200 yds. No way I can say I saw a visibly better team. Very good team no doubt, but bs on your on your visible statement. This is a NE vs WHS tread. Good luck to you next season!

Monroe vs Brevard

Back to the game: Brevard is not going to Monroe thinking of losing!!!!!
That’s like saying the sky is blue. No team is thinking of losing, ever. But I think Monroe will pull this off unless brevard plays a perfect game. Monroe has only allowed 111 points scored all season averaging 8-9 pts a game. While scoring 667, averaging 51 pts scored per game. Will be a good game but I think Monroe comes out of this one

The Rematch Whiteville at Northeastern

I guess you could say it’s like Reidsville’s schedule. One thing I noticed is Paswhatever gave us the toughest game in the 1st round an NE scored over 60 on them…I think that’s the only common opponent….opps Jk too who squeaked by us or should have beat us by 50 if they didn’t cramp up or have the refs call back 8 touchdowns 😆
uh oh , you've done started something now 🤣

Dearest Mt. Airy, Eastern Randolph and Mt. Heritage folks

Speaking of teeth, I was called 7up for the most part of my younger years...

Its because I had one 1 tooth pointing down and 7 pointing up

Is it true when yall went to grade school down that way they taught yall to write TGIF on the tops of yalls shoes to remind you that TOES GO IN FIRST??

Thats special right there
No truth at all to THAT shoe rumor…
Not saying there ain’t an L and R in Magic marker written subtly on the soles however..

Hey this about you city slickers shortcomings not ours!!!

Dearest Mt. Airy, Eastern Randolph and Mt. Heritage folks

For your first dip of the toe into the new 3A I’m going to give it, as my baby boy would say, meh…
I do appreciate the effort it took for you to tear yourself away from the arms of your first cousin/wife to post this “welcome” to all us. She probably spit some Grizzly at you as you grabbed the phone. Yall call that foreplay I heard.
Anyway, speaking for my brethren coming up from 1A, thanks for the warning about the name calling.
I’ve heard of a Golden Cat before but thought it resided mostly in the southern region of a trophy wife?
Looking forward to your self proclaimed quick wittedness…
Hope to be able to keep up 👍
Merry Christmas to you as well SL..
Next year is a new experience for us all…
And if, god forbid, somehow Shelby DOESN’T win this football thing, the smallest school in the classification might revisit this diatribe…
Nah they can’t handle Grizzly, it’s Hawken for those city slickers😁
