
Or posters could be responsible and respectful enough to avoid posting stuff just to make it look like they know more than everybody else.
It’s one thing to say, “I think Joe Blow, the OC at Podunk High would make a great candidate.” Quite another to say that Joe Blow applied for the job.
As much as we might be curious, none of us have a right to know who has applied.

Mid-Piedmont (3A) and Central Carolina (1A/2A) boys basketball prediction!

My " beef " really isn't with Asheboro, Mister Juke Box, but more with the RPI thang. Last year Asheboro played their usual non conference schedule with Southwestern Randolph, Uwharrie Charter, Providence Grove, etc. , while Dudley and Smith played a mucho tough non conference schedule, and yet Asheboro was " awarded " a higher ranking than either of the Greensboro schools. So, Asheboro got a first round home game and then got blasted by Asheville Reynolds in the second round.. Its the same deal every year with them- play a pansy non conference schedule and get smoked the second round. Different philosophies, I guess.
P.S. Year before last, Asheboro's RPI ranking was higher than Dudley's and Smith's, and in the second round Smith won over Asheboro by twenty eight. You have to have some system ranking the teams, but the RPI deal seems flawed, to say the least.

Dearest Mt. Airy, Eastern Randolph and Mt. Heritage folks

We have fans from Starmount, East Wilkes, Mitchell, Murphy, Swain, Cherokee plus the new Corvian posters.

Eastern-wise I’m not sure who will be here except Tarboro.
2nd Corinthians poster is just one guy ain’t it?
1A forum probably will have a similar look as Carolina preps used to with a heavy SMC contingent.
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Really? considering anyone can make an account I don't see what it hurts? And the high school athletics world is small everyone knows everyone. I bet Randleman already knows who they are gonna hire.
But what about the person who didn’t get hired and didn’t tell their AD and/or principal they were applying? And now their name is on here.

Cleveland County

Great work either way but let's be honest. If Shelby doesn't petition to move up and I have not heard they are, they have a pretty clear path every year. I just don't see anyone consistently giving them a hard time in the playoffs. The big question is, with Reidsville moving up will Shelby come up and join. 2-3 students away from 4A.
We know the answer to that question. If they would they would have. They see what you see.

South Carolina 5A Championship Div-1, Div-2 Games

South Carolina plays all state championships at the same venue so the playoffs take place from Thursday to Saturday. The times rotate to the classes so 1 classification doesn't always get the prime Friday night spot. Just the 5A turn to be the 2pm game. Games used to be at Williams -Brice but the cost got to be too much, among other reasons.

Good picks Jackets.

By the way Dutch Fork and Irmo are in the same region (conference) even though Irmo is representing the Lower state and Dutch Fork the Upper state, they are 7 miles a part. Go figure that one out lol
A few years ago in the basketball playoffs here in NC N. Guilford’s girls were in the west while the boys were in the east due to the way things were seeded.

South Carolina 5A Championship Div-1, Div-2 Games

South Carolina plays all state championships at the same venue so the playoffs take place from Thursday to Saturday. The times rotate to the classes so 1 classification doesn't always get the prime Friday night spot. Just the 5A turn to be the 2pm game. Games used to be at Williams -Brice but the cost got to be too much, among other reasons.

Good picks Jackets.

By the way Dutch Fork and Irmo are in the same region (conference) even though Irmo is representing the Lower state and Dutch Fork the Upper state, they are 7 miles a part. Go figure that one out lol
12-0 Dutch Fork vs 13-0 Summerville Div 1 State Title game
Shoutout to Tom Knotts for having a chance for another State Title
I have to say I’m puzzled at the 2pm start time on Friday

12/14 at Oliver C Station at 6pm
13-0 RH Northwestern vs 12-1 Irmo Div 2 State Title game
Oliver C Stadium from my understanding holds 22,000

Mid-Piedmont (3A) and Central Carolina (1A/2A) boys basketball prediction!

I am perplexed with how some schedule. Cupcake wins must not taste good. C Davidson and Ledford challenge themselves.
I agree. I was looking back at tville’s stuff and they seemed to always have several games where they play big talent. It feels like that’s been taken to Ledford, which I would imagine we’ll have a pretty significant effect on the metric to determine playoff seeding. Wins like page and if they best parkland tonight should carry a some weight.
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Fake Schools

If you give someone a dollar and they turn that into $10 then that person understands $$$. If he inherited 1 million or 400 million he is worth 5.5 BILLION today. I'm not the smartest, but that is the blueprint of how to manage businesses, money, investments, etc. What are you talking about? SMH
And Charters are here and were created because the problems with "traditional" schools. Now, I do agree, Charters, and I'm sure they all agree as well, should play up in 3A and 4A for sports. Especially, year in year out, if they are competitive or superior in sports. My kids went to a charter, played sports, and both excelled in sports and academics. Both played college sports and excelled academically and graduated. I credit those accomplishments to the charter they attended and the rigorous academics they were introduced to along the way. I saw many, many kids (athletes) try to get into our school of choice through the lottery that was denied year after year. So, I don't agree with the assessment that lotteries don't work or its easy to get into if you are an athlete. All Charters are being overseen by the Charter Schools of NC and if you do not comply with the rules (lottery), you will lose your charter.

I think 2a is fine. Charters can do fine in 2a of course. But they wouldn't just run through the 2a bracket unscaved.
