• E
    ecu424 replied to the thread Grimsley vs Hough 12/6 Rd 4.
    Agree if the receivers constantly make receptions Summers will feast on yardage! Also they will have to cover Fazon because he is nasty...
  • K
    kingbluedevil replied to the thread Monroe @ Shelby.
    If you didn't win state in soccer need to replace the coach
  • T
    I am pulling for the guilford county teams. But I don't see Grimsley winning this one. Seen them on film their defense and front 4 are...
  • V
    Veek45 replied to the thread Grimsley vs Hough 12/6 Rd 4.
    This is definitely the best defense Brandon will be seeing so far in his high school career.
  • O
    onioncfb replied to the thread Grimsley vs Hough 12/6 Rd 4.
    He doesn’t like to get hit. That is the key. That changed the game at Weddington last year.
  • TarVikes
    TarVikes replied to the thread Tarboro vs Pender 4th round.
    I think Wilson prep will win fairly easily
  • amaidendevil
    Didn't I already say this on another post 🤣 I gave 2 cents lol 4 cents getting a little expensive 😂🤣
  • Tarborovikingsfan2018
    Yep. I personally think Pender may be better than both of those teams IMO
  • KingJordon704
    KingJordon704 replied to the thread Crest @ Hickory.
    again u talking about one game(the states) if the top teams in the east and west played every year during the regular season im sure it...
  • vikandpirate4christ
    Man, I sure hope the wind isn’t blowing like it was a few weeks ago
  • amaidendevil
    amaidendevil replied to the thread Monroe @ Shelby.
    Lol that's not how it works 🤣 you don't get to subtract the Hispanic kids 🤣
  • Lawn12Dog
    Lawn12Dog replied to the thread Crest @ Hickory.
    Yes they get a fancy practice this week .
  • vikandpirate4christ
    I’m not mad at you, I understand your love for your team. You guys have had a really good year. I actually think this game will be...
  • scotswin
    4th round, aint no scrubs left playing now we will be making the trip to see hough/grimsley this Friday night then probably the 4a west...
  • TarVikes
    TarVikes replied to the thread Tarboro vs Pender 4th round.
    WeatherBug now says 28 degrees at kickoff
  • O
    owen98 replied to the thread #13 Forest Hills at #9 Brevard.
    I went and listened to the East radio broadcast and it sounded like they felt the the East coach made the decision to send his kids off...
  • Tarborovikingsfan2018
    I respect your opinion. I do think however IF Pender wins it'll be a lower scoring game. With the way both teams run the ball I can't...
  • L
    livlarge replied to the thread Tarboro vs Pender 4th round.
    70-24. 42-6 half. a few garbage scores at the end.
  • THSRudeBoyz
    THSRudeBoyz replied to the thread Tarboro vs Pender 4th round.
  • THSRudeBoyz
    THSRudeBoyz replied to the thread Tarboro vs Pender 4th round.
    I can definitely respect that take on game….But no so fast my friend
  • I
    InfoMan25 replied to the thread Grimsley vs Hough 12/6 Rd 4.
    I think some of you are discounting the history between these teams. Hough has been on an absolute focused mission to get exactly to...
  • TarVikes
    TarVikes replied to the thread Tarboro vs Pender 4th round.
    If pender wins I doubt it will be a shootout. I can’t see Tarboros defense giving up 48 points to a running team. I don’t think there...
  • brevard'04grad
    Shared on another thread. Only thing that I’ve heard is that one or multiple coaches got ejected. They then had their players leave...
  • TD-FridayNight
    Gomer Prlyles alway puts fans down or corrects them on what they mean and their grammar. If you have the worst team in NW, North...
  • B
    Ballboy4life replied to the thread Tarboro vs Pender 4th round.
    Penders defense is the most improved in the conference. I do believe that this is the eastern championship just a week early. Nobody is...
