Monroe @ Shelby

Every body wanna talk about Monroe classification.. out of our almost 1200 students 800 is Hispanic and those kids don’t play football or basketball.. so out of the other 400 Monroe is only picking from prolly 200 boys to play football.. the other 200 is girls.. So to be honest Monroe really playing 1A ball if you look at it.. Monroe just has some dawgs in their little small community and a great Head Coach to compete…
Lol that's not how it works 🤣 you don't get to subtract the Hispanic kids 🤣

Tarboro vs Pender 4th round

Penders defense is the most improved in the conference. I do believe that this is the eastern championship just a week early. Nobody is picking Pender but I will. Pender 48 Tarboro 42. I know I’ll get a lot of heat but it’s whatever. All the kids can do is show up and play ball. Hope for an injury free game by both teams!!
I’m not mad at you, I understand your love for your team. You guys have had a really good year. I actually think this game will be closer than most just because of the low number of possessions, but I think the Vikings win in the end

G7GOOTBALL.COM Pigskin Picks Playoffs Week 4

4th round, aint no scrubs left playing now
we will be making the trip to see hough/grimsley this Friday night
then probably the 4a west final the next Friday
It will be CCCCOLD this Friday night
Robinson Dudley good hard nose football this past Friday, great atmosphere
2 good teams, slow slow going getting into the stadium in Concord, glad we arrived
early enough to get inside by kickoff.
Making my picks this week, things will not be as they seem in some of these games.
Good Luck to all of us.....

Tarboro vs Pender 4th round

Penders defense is the most improved in the conference. I do believe that this is the eastern championship just a week early. Nobody is picking Pender but I will. Pender 48 Tarboro 42. I know I’ll get a lot of heat but it’s whatever. All the kids can do is show up and play ball. Hope for an injury free game by both teams!!
I respect your opinion. I do think however IF Pender wins it'll be a lower scoring game. With the way both teams run the ball I can't see either team getting a lot of possessions. As cold as it'll be Friday I don't think you'll see much passing
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Tarboro vs Pender 4th round

If pender wins I doubt it will be a shootout. I can’t see Tarboros defense giving up 48 points to a running team. I don’t think there will be enough possessions unless you’re thinking pender will break a bunch of long runs.

Pender scored 12 points in 2021. I think Tarboros defense is better this year than it was that year. That’s a big jump to go from 12 to 48…

Tarboro vs Pender 4th round

Penders defense is the most improved in the conference. I do believe that this is the eastern championship just a week early. Nobody is picking Pender but I will. Pender 48 Tarboro 42. I know I’ll get a lot of heat but it’s whatever. All the kids can do is show up and play ball. Hope for an injury free game by both teams!!
I can definitely respect that take on game….But no so fast my friend

Grimsley vs Hough 12/6 Rd 4

I think some of you are discounting the history between these teams. Hough has been on an absolute focused mission to get exactly to this point. Now, emotion can work against you sometimes, but I think this iteration of Hough gets it done.

Grimsley will make them work for it though. We could be in store for a classic. We will truly see how good Brandon is at QB for the Whirlies.

Tarboro vs Pender 4th round

Penders defense is the most improved in the conference. I do believe that this is the eastern championship just a week early. Nobody is picking Pender but I will. Pender 48 Tarboro 42. I know I’ll get a lot of heat but it’s whatever. All the kids can do is show up and play ball. Hope for an injury free game by both teams!!
If pender wins I doubt it will be a shootout. I can’t see Tarboros defense giving up 48 points to a running team. I don’t think there will be enough possessions unless you’re thinking pender will break a bunch of long runs.

Pender scored 12 points in 2021. I think Tarboros defense is better this year than it was that year. That’s a big jump to go from 12 to 48…

#13 Forest Hills at #9 Brevard

Anyone care to share what happened at the end of the Brevard East game? Did East really just walk off with 4 minutes left? What happened that caused that?
Shared on another thread. Only thing that I’ve heard is that one or multiple coaches got ejected. They then had their players leave the field. I didn’t see anything egregious happen on the play before they left (Brevard interception).

I’ll likely hear the ER side of things at some point this week.

Tarboro vs Pender 4th round

Penders defense is the most improved in the conference. I do believe that this is the eastern championship just a week early. Nobody is picking Pender but I will. Pender 48 Tarboro 42. I know I’ll get a lot of heat but it’s whatever. All the kids can do is show up and play ball. Hope for an injury free game by both teams!!

JK vs NE

Haven’t seen either team play but based in the comments from both teams posters, I think James Kenan will have to rely in the power running game to win this one. It does appear that the Northeastern offense is explosive. The best way I know to pressure a potent high octane offense is to limit possessions and make every possession critical. One holding call could derail a drive. It also appears the Northeastern defense is better too. If the defense is as capable as the posters say, James Kenan will have to dominate the line of scrimmage to win this one.

Don’t give Goobs a hard time. Yes, he is always over the top about his team and very proud of them - just like he should be. Posters give him a hard time but most teams would love to have a fan like him. He has been down the Duplin County road before and that’s why he wanted a DC team to make the drive to Elizabeth City this year. A shot at redemption, and there is certainly nothing wrong with that.

I will be pulling for James Kenan this Friday but I think it’s going to take an almost perfect game.

Don’t worry about Chopper either. He keeps things lively with well thought out posts and some meant to get under a fan base’s skin. (Especially eastern NC football). James Kenan has lots to be proud of and the hardware to prove it.
Can completely agree with this. We already proud of these players and these coaches for doing what we ain’t in a long time. It’s gone take a perfect game from us, limit possessions fasho. NE a tough opponent. Good luck to em 🫡
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James Kenan and Kinston will be eliminated and there will be no more ECC threads after this week. Clearly biased and not realistic. Lol. Good luck
You're hoping that JK and Kinston gets eliminated!! I think it’s pretty much realistic that both JK and Kinston can win Friday, and have an all ECC Eastern Championship game. You acts as if Whiteville and Northeastern are unbeatable. Your thinking is not realistic!!
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Monroe @ Shelby

Monroe is an enigma. The school that seems to always have close to or over a thousand students who still end up in 2A constantly. But they also tend to shit the bed on the road and lose. (Bunker Hill last year).
Every body wanna talk about Monroe classification.. out of our almost 1200 students 800 is Hispanic and those kids don’t play football or basketball.. so out of the other 400 Monroe is only picking from prolly 200 boys to play football.. the other 200 is girls.. So to be honest Monroe really playing 1A ball if you look at it.. Monroe just has some dawgs in their little small community and a great Head Coach to compete…
