Who's Next????


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2001
Jackets still HOT! Sorry for the late post, but didn't get home until 2:00 AM.

Blew Enka right off the field early and then hung on for the win. Rhinehardt to Cox, along with Harris running is hard to stop.

Bring on Andrews........we can handle it!
The bigger question is can Hayesville handle Swain, Robbinsville, Murphy, and Rosman. Its been 14 years since Hayesville has started 3-0. Definitely off to a good start, but a lot of key games left to play.
The bigger question is can Hayesville handle Swain, Robbinsville, Murphy, and Rosman. Its been 14 years since Hayesville has started 3-0. Definitely off to a good start, but a lot of key games left to play.

Probably the weakest schedule in the SEC in the last 20 years. Time will tell.
The bigger question is can Hayesville handle Swain, Robbinsville, Murphy, and Rosman. Its been 14 years since Hayesville has started 3-0. Definitely off to a good start, but a lot of key games left to play.

Let's take this one game at a time. Can't worry about everyone else with Andrews staring you in thpe face..
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Went and watched the game since I live close by. I will say Hayesville looks better than they have in recent years. I'll be interested to see how they handle the SMC teams. If Enka hadnt had such a pitiful start this game would have ended differetly. But props to Hayesville for jumping on them early.
I am a man of my word Hayesville has looked better than in recent years and totally suprised me with a win over Enka so props to those players. With that being said there is still a long road to go. Now SMC starts Hayesville has had one of the weakest schedules this far in the conference (true statement) they have won more than all their opponents combined. That was probably by design to build confidence which is great headed into conference play because 3-0 is still 3-0 whoever you play. But come on sam learn to win with humility, I am guessing you are either a player or student and you are proud of your team which you should be. But how many other posters do you see on here posting like you do. That is why you have been catching crap on here from everyone.
I am a man of my word Hayesville has looked better than in recent years and totally suprised me with a win over Enka so props to those players. With that being said there is still a long road to go. Now SMC starts Hayesville has had one of the weakest schedules this far in the conference (true statement) they have won more than all their opponents combined. That was probably by design to build confidence which is great headed into conference play because 3-0 is still 3-0 whoever you play. But come on sam learn to win with humility, I am guessing you are either a player or student and you are proud of your team which you should be. But how many other posters do you see on here posting like you do. That is why you have been catching crap on here from everyone.

smc79- I'm sure Sam is a player or student since he's been posting on here since 2001. He was on here before he started Kindergarten evidently. That really makes a whole lot of sense. I'm guessing you haven't been around these boards for too long with statements like that. Bless smc79 heart folks he just ain't too bright!

On another note, it's great to see the Jackets off to such a strong start to the season. 3-0 and the ONLY undefeated team left in the SMC. Coming off of an impressive win over 3A Enka, now the focus shifts to conference play and the much improved Andrews Wildcats. Should be a good one over in Hayesville next week, get there early folks!

AC-T story on the undefeated Yellowjackets: Hayesville 3-0 for first time since 2001
Congratulaions Hayesville Yellow Jackets. Anytime a small 1A win over a 3A you should be proud.. See you guys next week in Hayesville
Learned to post in Pre-K. Been at it ever since.

And yes, Andrews will be a tough game, but we will be ready!
Well I was hoping he was in school because that would have made his arrogance (or ignorance) more acceptable and bless your heart fourth for coming to his defense you guys must be really tight. I love it when you Hayesville guys band together and leave the basketball boards to talk smack about your football team that has beaten virtually no one worth bragging about I mean for goodness sake even Andrews and cherokee stepped up and scheduled some decent teams. Trust me fourth I have been around here a while just never post. So come at me with whatever statements or trash you want to spew to try to make yourself sound intelligent (I am a big boy I can take it). So like I said before congrats to the jackets for being undefeated.
smc79- I'm sure Sam is a player or student since he's been posting on here since 2001. He was on here before he started Kindergarten evidently. That really makes a whole lot of sense. I'm guessing you haven't been around these boards for too long with statements like that. Bless smc79 heart folks he just ain't too bright!

On another note, it's great to see the Jackets off to such a strong start to the season. 3-0 and the ONLY undefeated team left in the SMC. Coming off of an impressive win over 3A Enka, now the focus shifts to conference play and the much improved Andrews Wildcats. Should be a good one over in Hayesville next week, get there early folks!

AC-T story on the undefeated Yellowjackets: Hayesville 3-0 for first time since 2001

Andrews at Hayesville is not a conference game.
Is it counting as an endowment recycled

That just means the state gets a big chunk of the gate. No a conference game and it is interesting that it is an endowment game since Hayesville only has 10 games scheduled.
Andrews is not bad as long as they do not have to punt the ball but their punt team killed them against Mitchell if they take care of the punt team or go for it on 4th down their defense is pretty good so they will be ok.
Well I was hoping he was in school because that would have made his arrogance (or ignorance) more acceptable and bless your heart fourth for coming to his defense you guys must be really tight. I love it when you Hayesville guys band together and leave the basketball boards to talk smack about your football team that has beaten virtually no one worth bragging about I mean for goodness sake even Andrews and cherokee stepped up and scheduled some decent teams. Trust me fourth I have been around here a while just never post. So come at me with whatever statements or trash you want to spew to try to make yourself sound intelligent (I am a big boy I can take it). So like I said before congrats to the jackets for being undefeated.

Ignorance shown again sam boy you are on a roll. That is strange recycled since endowment were usually done at beginning of season and were always an extra sort of.
Ignorance shown again sam boy you are on a roll. That is strange recycled since endowment were usually done at beginning of season and were always an extra sort of.

Yes, usually teams give up a chunk of money for the state to allow them an extra game. It seems Hayesville is paying for nothing.
Ignorance shown again sam boy you are on a roll. That is strange recycled since endowment were usually done at beginning of season and were always an extra sort of.

I must clear up some ignorance here on this board. Once you get proficient in reading, go to and learn to do some research. If that is too hard, I will give you the FACTS:

1: The Hayesville-Andrews game is NOT an Endowment game!
2: Endowment games can be played on any date
3: There are several being played in October
4: There is one Endowment being played in November!

If you need clarification on anything else, I will gladly provide it !!
I must clear up some ignorance here on this board. Once you get proficient in reading, go to and learn to do some research. If that is too hard, I will give you the FACTS:

1: The Hayesville-Andrews game is NOT an Endowment game!
2: Endowment games can be played on any date
3: There are several being played in October
4: There is one Endowment being played in November!

If you need clarification on anything else, I will gladly provide it !!

This is NOT a SMC game!

You coming over to Rosman in a couple weeks Sammy?

You do remember what happened the last time those Yellowjackets came to Rosman undefeated don't you?

It was Homecoming at Rosman, and your boys led 20-6 at the half before one of my nephews caught the winning TD pass late in the 4th quarter of a 21-20 Rosman Homecoming win....Oh how sweet it was, and how sweet it will be for the Tigers to get another opportunity to do the same!

So again, welcome back to Preps Sammy, I've needed some comic relief lately, and you thankfully provide that!

Roar Tigers Roar!

Roar Tigers Roar!
No Sammy you actually cleared up nothing at all I was just asking a question I will review it again so u can catch up. I asked if it was an endowment game since it was a conference opponent and not a conference game. Then I said most of the time schools schedule those games at the beginning of the season to just get it out out the way. I never said that they had to be played at the start of the season. Unlike you and your ignorance I didn't have to research this as I was well aware of the rules. Trust me sam I have forgotten more about football than you will ever know. On a last note your fellow Hayesville poster is the one that said it was an endowment not me pal, maybe someone could help you out and read it aloud to so you could understand what exactly was discussed. Again thanks for trying but you aren't helping yourself get off that short bus anytime soon.
I must clear up some ignorance here on this board. Once you get proficient in reading, go to and learn to do some research. If that is too hard, I will give you the FACTS:

1: The Hayesville-Andrews game is NOT an Endowment game!
2: Endowment games can be played on any date
3: There are several being played in October
4: There is one Endowment being played in November!

If you need clarification on anything else, I will gladly provide it !!


Some people on this board just need a little guidance. Bless their little hearts!
Aww look Sam's buddy fourth is bck and he doesn't understand either. I will try to help you out also recycled said it was an endowment and I said that usually endowments got played at the beginning of the season by choice, are you still with me I can give you a minute if you need it............. ok we are back. Recycled stated that is is strange that it was an endowment since Hayesville only had 10 games on the schedule. No I didn't have to research what an endowment is nor did I have to ask what it was. So if you guys want to try to bash someone go after recycled (which I am sure would out wit you guys in his sleep). As I have said before congrats to Hayesville for being 3-0.
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This is NOT a SMC game!

You coming over to Rosman in a couple weeks Sammy?

You do remember what happened the last time those Yellowjackets came to Rosman undefeated don't you?

It was Homecoming at Rosman, and your boys led 20-6 at the half before one of my nephews caught the winning TD pass late in the 4th quarter of a 21-20 Rosman Homecoming win....Oh how sweet it was, and how sweet it will be for the Tigers to get another opportunity to do the same!

So again, welcome back to Preps Sammy, I've needed some comic relief lately, and you thankfully provide that!

Roar Tigers Roar!

Roar Tigers Roar!

O come on Tigertown, Don't get down in the gutter with pup79!!
They might get smoked in our rec league. After watching them I can see why they have only won 1 ballgame a year for awhile. Now they were horrible!!!!!!!
Hey tigertown just curious what is the all time record between Hayesvegas and Rosman.
I must clear up some ignorance here on this board. Once you get proficient in reading, go to and learn to do some research. If that is too hard, I will give you the FACTS:

1: The Hayesville-Andrews game is NOT an Endowment game!
2: Endowment games can be played on any date
3: There are several being played in October
4: There is one Endowment being played in November!
If you need clarification on anything else, I will gladly provide it !!

Sam, let me assist you in your goal of clearing up ignorance. Let's start with your basic statement: "Jackets are back." You see they never were gone. Perhaps you considered them gone, but you were wrong. You see those young men and their coaches have always been there. They spent long hours on the practice field, in the weight room and the film room. The Jackets played several young players last year and in the SMC sometimes the learning curve is a hard process. They were never gone, they were just representing their school, teammates, coaches, friends and families to the best of their abilities. They have earned the good start they have achieved this season. As the number of football players across the nation decrease all the young men that participate should be respected, win or lose. These young men have learned discipline, respect for themselves, their coaches and the game. In the face of adversity they stand up to be counted. The results may not always be great but the effort is. They don't disappear because their record is not what they want it to be. Where were you when times were tough for the Jackets?
I'm confused or maybe just stupid. Probably a little both, but how does this not count as either an SMC game or endowment?
It is just a nonconference game. It could be used in the crazy tie breaker system that the NCHSAA has, but it is very unlikely,. It was originally considered as an endowment game but then Hayesville scheduled only 10 games and did not need an endowment game. I believe a private school dropped them.
They might get smoked in our rec league. After watching them I can see why they have only won 1 ballgame a year for awhile. Now they were horrible!!!!!!!

I agree with Mitchell county mountie and Wildcat10fan... anytime a school with an enrollment of 350 kids beats a school with an enrollment of 1300+ students there is reason for celebration. I might add that they didn't just squeak by 3A Enka either, as I believe the score at the half was 27-0. Enka has beat Owen this year and lost to Smoky Mountain by LESS than Swain County did. And to top it off the Jackets did all of this on the road which is even harder to do. Impressive victory any way you cut it.. Hayesville is playing good football right now!
I attended the murphy/hayesville soccer game last week @ hayesville. I think there were more hayesville fans at the soccer game than last years murphy/hayesville fb game.

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