The Right Decision

I usually refrain from political post, but I will say this. In reality voting for Biden is voting for Harris to be President. Biden is acting a lot like Reagan did towards the end of his second term.
Pelosi and co. believe in lockdowns for thee but not for me, Lockdowns and such are for the little people.
Much like our embarrassment of a so called governor.
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That was back in 2016. Graham was a McCain republican then.Which means democrat.
He has since seen the light especially after the left/dems have shown their hand and their plans for America. NO THANKS... Liberalism is truly a mental disorder
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That was back in 2016. Graham was a McCain republican then.Which means democrat.
He has since seen the light especially after the left/dems have shown their hand and their plans for America. NO THANKS... Liberalism is truly a mental disorder

What a sad, ignorant person. I feel sorry for you.
And for u gagoss. To sit here and blame Trump, OUR President for this, simply shows u had to have had someone holding your hand all those years coaching. He shut down travel from CHINA in late January early February and your boy Biden didn’t agree so much. And Pisgah, u would never come out from behind your computer/phone and say that in public, u would get laughed out the building. Typical Dumocrat and Libertards at work. Catch a ride with Madonna or Miley when they leave Country, wait they still here?? Must take 4 years to pack up
Apparently he did not have the intelligence to realize that the virus was spreading to other countries. Had he shut down people coming from all the other countries we would not be in the mess we are in. What does politics have to do with my years of coaching. That one statement shows your ignorance. But that is what you Trump lovers do when confronted with the truth. They make statements that try to distract from the topic. That is exactly what your hero Trump does on a regular basis.
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You realize that has been totally discredited.The Atlantic is pure propaganda. I feel sorry for you. So sad and ignorant....

Discredited? By the same people who routinely lie to the American public? Yeah, I don’t think I’m going to take their word for it. It was also confirmed by Fox News for the record.

Strange that John Kelly nor Jim Mattis have spoken on the subject don’t you think? I never thought I’d see the day when Republicans would blindly follow someone who has such obvious contempt for our brave men and women in uniform. They deserve better.
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The story has been confirmed by multiple news outlets including Fox News. Pretty disgusting behavior from the Commander and Chief, how do you even spin that in your mind?

Heck, you probably believe Trumps inauguration was bigger than Obama’s too! LOL
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You do realize lots of soldiers despised McCain as well.Even before politics..

Hey just for fun lets list Obama and Clintons military creds. Oh that's right...…………….
You keep lapping up that liberal koolaid..LOL