The Right Decision

This happened at the DNC tonight.Click on the play button.

They got that money because they both authored a number one selling book after leaving office.Trump will have to pay someone to buy his book..So far Trump has cost us tax payer over a 100 million dollars so he could play golf while Americans are dying.Quadrupled the federal deficit and put million out of work.He is now calling for a boycott of an American company and said the employees could find another job.Why would anyone want four more years of this shit show?
How many adult film stars has Biden or Obama paid off ?

P.S. Have you ever watched the Billy Bush interview with The Orange One on Faux News or did they even show it on your only source of information ?
How many trips to pedo island you think wild bill made? How about Tara reade? And everyone knows Obozo likes men....Just look at Michael.....eerrr michelle
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They got that money because they both authored a number one selling book after leaving office.Trump will have to pay someone to buy his book..So far Trump has cost us tax payer over a 100 million dollars so he could play golf while Americans are dying.Quadrupled the federal deficit and put million out of work.He is now calling for a boycott of an American company and said the employees could find another job.Why would anyone want four more years of this shit show?
Obama pumped up the debt more than the other presidents combined... And the virus and the states put millions out of work..
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Have you ever said or did anything in your life that you have regretted? Come back to me if you havent. Till then you can answer for all the crap your party does. Including Bidens sexual assault that the media conveniently swept under the rug
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By the way my media outlet tells the good and bad on my President and on the other party. They dont choose to just omit the bad of one side and tell the bad on the other.
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Still waiting on responses from you. That's right you libs only want to hear a point of view that fits your stance.
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Obama pumped up the debt more than the other presidents combined... And the virus and the states put millions out of work..
Democratic run states put millions out of work including ours. That is the agenda. Dems couldnt take Trump having the most productive economy ever so they will stop at nothing to ruin it at the expense of the American people. They dont cate about the people. Only the power they can have over them and their own selfish financial gains. I've heard many liberals on tv etc state that they hoped the economy would suffer so they could get him out of office. You always hear that out of folks who have no worries but those of us who live paycheck to paycheck cant afford the economy to falter. Wake up folks
The longer this thread goes on the dumber we all get, kind of like our political scene in general.
Obama pumped up the debt more than the other presidents combined... And the virus and the states put millions out of work..
Obama inherited the worst recession in history with a 1.2 trillion deficit .Eight years later it was less than 600 billion.Now it's close to 3 trillion .
Have you ever said or did anything in your life that you have regretted? Come back to me if you havent. Till then you can answer for all the crap your party does. Including Bidens sexual assault that the media conveniently swept under the rug
I am not the president Trump is .Trump admitted to being a sexual predator and you think Biden is.Trump has screwed us all and unlike Stomy he never even paid us.I bet you even believe windmills cause cancer and Mexico will build the wall.
What exactly has Trump screwed everyone on? My home is worth more than it ever has. My pay is higher than it's ever been. The church is more supported than the previous administration. Our borders are more secure. So enlighten me. That's just a few ways I see things better. Dont get me started on foreign relations etc. Wayyyyyyy better. Nobody is pushing us around anymore
You guys wanna talk about a tape of Billy Bush. The fact is we dont know if that was locker room talk like 95% of the Male population has had in their lifetime to inflate egos or real talk. No proof at all. I can tell you I slept with 140 women doesnt mean I did
I am not the president Trump is .Trump admitted to being a sexual predator and you think Biden is.Trump has screwed us all and unlike Stomy he never even paid us.I bet you even believe windmills cause cancer and Mexico will build the wall.
No but that paper mill might. I sure no my nose wants to fall off everyday I drive through there. Sure dont want to stop in. The drive is enough
That message was only for him by the way. Some of you bear fans are ok in my book.
You guys wanna talk about a tape of Billy Bush. The fact is we dont know if that was locker room talk like 95% of the Male population has had in their lifetime to inflate egos or real talk. No proof at all. I can tell you I slept with 140 women doesnt mean I did
Twenty women have claimed he sexually assaulted them.I have been in a lot of locker rooms and never heard people talk like that maybe it's just different in your area .
On the deficit ,evidently they never taught you the difference in deficit and debt at Owen.I give you a little hint ,you have to get rid of one before you can cut the other one.Something no Republicans has done since Eisenhower.
So more people are going to church ,I understand that.Unlike Trump they probably go inside.Tell me do you believe in the Bible?
Now for the paper mill.Around here we say it smells like money.Average yearly wage is $60,000.
I do believe in the bible. I sent you a whole article that said the debt doubled from 2008 to 2016 so apparently that wasnt taught at Pisgah
I'm not talking about more people at church. I'm talking about Trump has taken a stand for church. Not a church, THE CHURCH
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That 60000 is not that considerable these days either. It's a good wage but not amazing. It still stinks.
Funny how those 20 women never said anything until he was running for office. Tell me why he hasn't been charged. They have had many years to charge him.
I more than believe in the Bible. I'm saved and work in the church
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We dont do that. That was the religious leaders of that time. Obviously you dont know Grace which is the whole reason Christ laid down his life.
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The dems believe in killing innocent children and dont support the church. Also like I said there is no proof. Where is it?
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The dems always wanna go against him but never have anything of substance to go after. Tell me how he has screwed us
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The dems always wanna go against him but never have anything of substance to go after. Tell me how he has screwed us
You don't consider 175 ,000 dead Americans,40 million out of work and the worst economy being screwed.A president that says it will just go away.
I call those numbers very skewed. If you believe that all those deaths are covid then you are dumber than I thought. Prior to covid the economy was the best it had ever been. It will get back there once the crazies get out of the way and get back to normal. So Roy cooper says we arent opening up because of covid and folks losing businesses and having to lay folks off is Trumps fault. Delusional is all I have to say. It is all by design by the dems. Evidently you cant see the forest

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