SWE 14 Farmville Central 30


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2010
Seeing as how I can't ask if your school prioritizes winning or academics more from their coaches, or voice my opinion about the current state of our program, I guess I'll just stick with the game. FC came into the game as a 3 to 4 win program over the last 10+ years, and should have been the spring board for SWE turning its season around. Instead, like all season, the offense goes from 30 to 30 then stalls, the QB fumbles the opening snap for the second consecutive game, and the insane amount of penalties, many being unsportsmanlike conduct penalties, do us in. But the players' grades are excellent, and they are fine young men. And the $100 profit made from the 20 fans that come to the games now should go a long way.
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My daughter goes the SW now. Believe me when I tell you that retards will make straight A's there. It is absolutely pitiful. She's in all honors classes but they are more glorified study halls of elementary level curriculum. I'm gonna let her finish the semester then pull her out. I'm just gonna have to break out the wallet and send her to private school. I was floored by level of education or lack there of there.
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Seeing as how I can't ask if your school prioritizes winning or academics more from their coaches, or voice my opinion about the current state of our program, I guess I'll just stick with the game. FC came into the game as a 3 to 4 win program over the last 10+ years, and should have been the spring board for SWE turning its season around. Instead, like all season, the offense goes from 30 to 30 then stalls, the QB fumbles the opening snap for the second consecutive game, and the insane amount of penalties, many being unsportsmanlike conduct penalties, do us in. But the players' grades are excellent, and they are fine young men. And the $100 profit made from the 20 fans that come to the games now should go a long way.
I actually agreed with what you had to say. I guess when you mentioned you would like to see him relieved of his duties that was what got some people fired up lol. I'm glad your current head coach is doing a tremendous job with SWE students and making an impact in the classroom however. Having said that though, something has to change regarding the football team.
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