Season In February will not happen

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What's your facts (All Socialist)??? What have you seen locally to sacrifice the youth and small businesses' in your area??? What have you seen with your eyes and not heard???

I’ve seen death. I’ve seen what Covid does. I also have plenty of friends who work on the frontlines in healthcare. You should hear their stories about what Covid does to the body. I also coach and teach. You all saying kids want to play should realize a lot of these kids are not wanting to put their families nor themselves at risk.

Sacrifice the youth? Missing sports for a year isn’t a sacrifice during a pandemic. We teach our players there is way more to life than this game. This ain’t a dang sacrifice.

Small businesses go out of business all the time. That’s the nature of capitalism. I suggest we should be socialist and keep them and people afloat during Covid by providing income. But your idea of socialism is to narrow to help the same youth and businesses you are here vouching for.
Death is a media fact?
Death is an end we all have to come to terms with personally Sir!!! It also is each Americans right how to live there lives out freely and legally until we Parrish. You are restricting other peoples life's based on how you view and fear death. How many people died gun in hand overseas to allow us the right to make our own decision's and have freedom??? You people need to honor and respect the people that sacrificed there lives for this great country. We continue to have rights thanks to there sacrifice and I do not accept your WOKE SOCIETY OF TEENAGERS AND 20 YEAR OLDS!!! They need to understand the sacrifice many made to get them here and not believe we should tear down there history!!!
Death is an end we all have to come to terms with personally Sir!!! It also is each Americans right how to live there lives out freely and legally until we Parrish. You are restricting other peoples life's based on how you view and fear death. How many people died gun in hand overseas to allow us the right to make our own decision's and have freedom??? You people need to honor and respect the people that sacrificed there lives for this great country. We continue to have rights thanks to there sacrifice and I do not accept your WOKE SOCIETY OF TEENAGERS AND 20 YEAR OLDS!!! They need to understand the sacrifice many made to get them here and not believe we should tear down there history!!!
Plus please change our name
I’ve seen death. I’ve seen what Covid does. I also have plenty of friends who work on the frontlines in healthcare. You should hear their stories about what Covid does to the body. I also coach and teach. You all saying kids want to play should realize a lot of these kids are not wanting to put their families nor themselves at risk.

Sacrifice the youth? Missing sports for a year isn’t a sacrifice during a pandemic. We teach our players there is way more to life than this game. This ain’t a dang sacrifice.

Small businesses go out of business all the time. That’s the nature of capitalism. I suggest we should be socialist and keep them and people afloat during Covid by providing income. But your idea of socialism is to narrow to help the same youth and businesses you are here vouching for.
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I’ve seen death. I’ve seen what Covid does. I also have plenty of friends who work on the frontlines in healthcare. You should hear their stories about what Covid does to the body. I also coach and teach. You all saying kids want to play should realize a lot of these kids are not wanting to put their families nor themselves at risk.

Sacrifice the youth? Missing sports for a year isn’t a sacrifice during a pandemic. We teach our players there is way more to life than this game. This ain’t a dang sacrifice.

Small businesses go out of business all the time. That’s the nature of capitalism. I suggest we should be socialist and keep them and people afloat during Covid by providing income. But your idea of socialism is to narrow to help the same youth and businesses you are here vouching for.
[Man you still have a ton to learn, best of luck.
Red states are starting to implement mask mandates weeks after the election. We are now seeing who really was making this political. You were duped by Republicans who made you think this wasn't an issue and were more worried about elections. Meanwhile the White House has stopped meeting with state governors weekly and Trump has claimed credit for a vaccine that the government didn't invest a single dime in.
Do we get to loot Bass Pro and Sportsman's Warehouse, the dollar store and the corner liquor store don't interest me much.
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I think we should burn each other’s houses down and collect the insurance. Then go tear down some memorials
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How about this situation. As a coach, I couldn't deal with a player getting Covid and Dying. What would you say to the parents? "He had a great game Friday night, had 5 tackles, 2 sacks, and an INT. Great last game before he died from Covid this week". No thanks.
Rural areas have caused the numbers to spike! It’s like you defeat your own purpose each time you respond. Maybe the rural areas should believe in the science as opposed to saying it doesn’t exist. Covid cases are exploding in schools, but I’m guessing you don’t read the paper because it’s “media controlled.” Charlotte Country Day just forfeited in the playoffs due to COVID.

All of us work for a living. I’m lost at the suggestion that those that disagree dont. Multi-tasking isn’t that hard. We all enjoy the freedoms, but freedom comes with sacrifice especially during a dang pandemic. It’s not about fear it’s about saving lives. What do you not understand about that. The science is out. Guess that science is intended to control thenarrative, right?

The economy sucks, stocks are up but the economy as a whole is down. One of you all commented that big business was killing small business as part of the “agenda,” yet you say businesses are coming back. Which is it?

An agenda would be downplaying the virus while knowing its lethality. It would be pushing a false narrative to your supporters knowing the damage it would do to what they believe about the virus. It would be pushing the cause of the virus towards a racist saying that those who follow you would regurgitate. The agenda would falsify data, repeat false claims, and risk the lives of those around them to score political points. The agenda would be so well done that guys from rural areas would use the exact same talking points while the numbers rise daily, schools close, hospitals are full, and we have to limit numbers during the holidays. You my friend are pushing the agenda. Below is the link for the rural cases going up. I would tell you that google is your friend but you respond that google is some conspiracy aimed at focusing media one way. SMH!

Mr. Powell repeated a long-held view that more spending from Congress will be needed to help the economy through at least the next few months and to avoid more permanent scarring if the virus forces Americans to leave the workforce and small businesses to close for good. I do think it’s likely that more will need to be done in time.”

You quoted the Charlotte Observer...WOW, the most onesided, biased, liberal news outlet in NC. What did you expect?
You quoted the Charlotte Observer...WOW, the most onesided, biased, liberal news outlet in NC. What did you expect?

So the paper wrote a story about a school forfeiting a game due to Covid, and that’s biased? We can confirm each piece of the story, there is literally no political gain either way, and it’s still biased? Wow! Or you didn’t read the story and just wanted to say something to fit in.
25 is the current number for volleyball. In the CCC, an agreement is that only home fans will be admitted.
I think you are going to find this to be the plan at most games. Also, gym will be cleared after JV game and another 25 in for Varsity game.
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So the paper wrote a story about a school forfeiting a game due to Covid, and that’s biased? We can confirm each piece of the story, there is literally no political gain either way, and it’s still biased? Wow! Or you didn’t read the story and just wanted to say something to fit in.

if the past two presidential election polls and media predictions don’t speak to media bias I don’t know what does. The interesting thing is how does mainstream media live with themselves? They hid stories about Biden and Harris. They continually trashed trump for everything from covid to irrelevant tax returns. The vast majority of journalists are democrats and socialists.
How about this situation. As a coach, I couldn't deal with a player getting Covid and Dying. What would you say to the parents? "He had a great game Friday night, had 5 tackles, 2 sacks, and an INT. Great last game before he died from Covid this week". No thanks.
if the past two presidential election polls and media predictions don’t speak to media bias I don’t know what does. The interesting thing is how does mainstream media live with themselves? They hid stories about Biden and Harris. They continually trashed trump for everything from covid to irrelevant tax returns. The vast majority of journalists are democrats and socialists.

Out of curiosity, what do you watch and where do you get your news from?
Did you know Roy coopers wife flipped off a crowd of protesters. I watch fox and cnn. Mainly I read the Asheville Citizen-Times, New York Times and blue ridge Christian news
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Did you know Roy coopers wife flipped off a crowd of protesters. I watch fox and cnn. Mainly I read the Asheville Citizen-Times, New York Times and blue ridge Christian news

Fox and CNN are main stream, Gannett owns the Citizens Times and newspapers throughout the country which is very mainstream.
What Roy Cooper’s wife does has no effect on me. But while casting stones it should be noted of all the things Trump has done an morals we are lax/forgiving on with him. W
How about this situation. As a coach, I couldn't deal with a player getting Covid and Dying. What would you say to the parents? "He had a great game Friday night, had 5 tackles, 2 sacks, and an INT. Great last game before he died from Covid this week". No thanks.
What is your proof of that is happening Sir!!! You have never had a problem with the fact they could be handicap if a kid gets hit wrong!!! Now you have health concerns about the game??? You should quit coaching if these socialist morons are making you that weak. These kids play this game to learn to be tough and gain leadership skills each of you Morons that I hope never coach my kid do not have. BREAKING NEWS the media is misleading you. HOW ABOUT YOU SO CALLED COACHES CONTINUE TEACHING THESE KIDS VALUES AND NOT WHAT YOU HEARD ON SOCIAL MEDIA LAST NIGHT!!!
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Fox and CNN are main stream, Gannett owns the Citizens Times and newspapers throughout the country which is very mainstream.
What Roy Cooper’s wife does has no effect on me. But while casting stones it should be noted of all the things Trump has done an morals we are lax/forgiving on with him. W
Good to know Sir, you now need to live a perfect life the rest of your life, If you do not we will riot and tear down every you thing that matters to you. How would that make you feel Sir???
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Just take a moment and imagine you where 15 in this very moment with everything they are trying to learn and take in. What they are hearing and learning is fear and hate. If the Presidency was that important to any of you that is sick and twisted. You act like you care but you do not!!! You are controlled by social media and need to take a step back.
You wear a mask you are weak and you better not say anything when you meet me in public I'm ready to swing my fist
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You wear a mask you are weak and you better not say anything when you meet me in public I'm ready to swing my fist

Let me correct you. If you wear a mask, you're intelligent enough to understand science, while caring about the person on the same aisle as you in the store. If you feel the need the swing at someone over a mask, then you're weak.

You know what else is weak? Carrying a gun everywhere. But that crowd sure loves poking fun at people that wear mask don't they?
Fox and CNN are main stream, Gannett owns the Citizens Times and newspapers throughout the country which is very mainstream.
What Roy Cooper’s wife does has no effect on me. But while casting stones it should be noted of all the things Trump has done an morals we are lax/forgiving on with him. W

yes. I agree. My point is if it were a republican governors wife it would be all over mainstream media. Guess what you can hardly find it if you google search and no word in papers. I haven’t watched fox or cnn much but haven’t seen it on there. I personally don’t think it’s news, But think if it was a republican it would be all over the news.
I saw it going around social media quite a bit. I think mainstream would have pick it up had it of been related to a national politician.

With that said, they're lighting Newsome up for going to a party in Cali though. And rightfully so.
I said that as a possible situation Sir! I definitely understand the risks of playing this great game. Kids get injured and you deal with that. It is quite something else to deal with a kid dying because of possible contraction of a disease. The problem with Covid is the unknown. How it was contracted? Where it was contracted? And the fact there is no vaccine, yet. So, throw your stones all you want. I'm sure your a perfect tough guy behind your keyboard.
yes. I agree. My point is if it were a republican governors wife it would be all over mainstream media. Guess what you can hardly find it if you google search and no word in papers. I haven’t watched fox or cnn much but haven’t seen it on there. I personally don’t think it’s news, But think if it was a republican it would be all over the news.
It was all over the local news in the Piedmont and made CNN for a few days. New York Times had it on their newsfeed.
Not that newsworthy compared to the rancorous rhetoric and tweets that have become the norm.
Chill out and relax. Some of us work for a living and not on here all day long. The damn agenda is very obvious young buck. These elite dont give two ****s about u or me or ur kid or mine. This is only the first virus, there will be more from the Chinese lab. This one covid was a test and failed horrible. They want everyone to take vaccines to kill people slowly. Look at the deaths in 3rd world countries during different Bill Gates planned vaccines. This info is all over the internet please research. Sleepily retarded Joe, works for the Chinese, along with his son hunter and Joe Jr. They have the shut downs to kill small business or the middle class. Hence why walmart lowes home depot etc. Stayed open but family owned stores shut down for 8 months and cant recover. You have to understand how crazy this shit is. You can be a snowflake and hide under the bed, but I will go provide for my family and dont need stimulation checks from the government

Thank god this antiquated way of thinking is almost gone and our country can finally move forward. Go wash your f150 and turn on the race boomer.
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What’s wrong with that way of thinking. What makes yours superior? And ain’t nothing wrong with f-150. See that’s what’s wrong with our country. People thinking one opinion or group is superior to another. It’s ok to disagree without stereotypes. Although I’m pretty sure all Prius drivers are democrats 🤪. When did we become so easily offended.
We should be talking about playoff matchups right now but instead given the current state of affairs it’s the same tired political arguments from both sides. Good grief, I can promise you no one is going to change the others mind on here with these endless political arguments.......
73 million which was trumped by 79 million if we want to be specific.

sad thing is look at map of elections. Cities all blue everywhere else red. Your numbers advantage only comes from California really. Otherwise it’s a dead heat and that’s with all the illegitimate mail in ballots. There’s literally whole states where Biden didn’t win a single county. So I’d say y’all should be humble. Thank God the cities are crammed full of people who want to live off our hard earned dollars. The whole while never contributing anything to society. That’s where your margin comes from. They call trumps base of hard working citizens deplorable because we don’t want to give our hard earned dollars away, even more our freedom. I’ll bet you $100 that in two years gas prices will be over $3 again. Guarantee he breaks his promises on raising the middle class taxes. You’ll be paying for everyone else’s insurance. And here in the great state of N.C. we still won’t have hs sports. But never fear uncle joes going to lock us all up for 6 more weeks.
Direct me to a court case about illegitimate ballots that Trump has won yet. Take Cali away and Joe is still ahead in the electoral college. I've been humble but I don't want to hear about humbleness from supporters of the biggest prick in this country.
I cant believe you clowns still back this guy Biden. The guy is such a lowlife, crack head, meth smoking Chinese owned coward. Sad to see America go down like this. The main stream media spreads hate 24 7 on every channel. Please educate your self, Biden will ruin this country very quick. Its not about skin color, class status or anything. It's right and wrong folks please pray
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