Dangerous stuff there. My my we have become such a soft people. What was done about the filth your student section was shouting last night? What was done about your students riding around in the bed of pickup trucks before the game spraying Pisgah fans with stuff walking on the sidewalk? You people are so blind you think your kids are so perfect. News flash: they ain't. The way your team behaved on the field last night was very disgraceful. What is going to be done about the handshake line behavior of a couple of your players and one certain head coach? Get back to me when you find out please.So what was done about the post-game bird flipping last season by those precious darlings?
"Our administration has enough class to let their kids celebrate. Theirs doesn't plain and simple." Oh, you mean tearing down a baseball fence? Or stealing and defacing a game ball? That kind of celebrating? But you are right about one thing. Tuscola does NOT allow these things to happen, (or at least makes their best effort not to.) They feel it is better act like they've won before.
And outcoached. When chapel came to canton he embraced the rivalry. This coach has snubbed it every year he has been here and it shows. ITS NOT JUST ANOTHER GAME!!!!!Congrats to the bears. Yall obviously wanted it more. Good luck the rest of the way.A lot of times you can blame a loss on refs, turnovers luck or a number of other things. Not tonight. Tuscola was outplayed. Period. The bye week may have hurt, who knows. I didn't see the want to in the Mounties. Congrats.
We just kicked their butt in every area.
Offensive and defensive line absolutely imposed their will on the Mounties. Our linebackers were cracking skulls. Our secondary looked like the Legion of Boom out there. Offensively, Henson was gashing them running the ball, Davis showed their corners who was boss, and Wike picked them apart like it was a 7 on 7. And do I need to even start with coaching? Our offensive play calling was genius, and left Tuscola confused and eating our dust. Defensively, we made them pass, which if you can force a Tuscola team to do that, you've already won. This game left me excited to see what happens the rest of non-conference playing RS Central, Greeneville, and Polk. Tuscola will be lucky to finish in the top half of their conference
And outcoached. When chapel came to canton he embraced the rivalry. This coach has snubbed it every year he has been here and it shows. ITS NOT JUST ANOTHER GAME!!!!!Congrats to the bears. Yall obviously wanted it more. Good luck the rest of the way.
I agree PB. Stevie wonder could of stopped our offense last night.It just seemed to me that the Bears came to play and Tuscola didn't.Tuscola never changes from year to year the same plays .Like someone said you stop the run .You win.Wish them the best rest of season.
How bout your perfect boys tearing apart and vandalizing the visitor's dugout at our baseball field Mule? This was your team not fans. How bout that Mule? Class personified. You guys like to think you're superior in so many ways don't ya? Guess what. You're just like us. And back when you somewhat admitted that it was a lot more fun. We have picking in the park, you have HART. We have a labor day parade, you have the Folkmoot Parade. We have the big Mill, you have High Country. We have Southern Porch, you have Birchwood Hall. We have bluegrass, you have chamber music. We're just not ashamed of who and what we are and don't try to cover it up. I don't think Waynesville even remembers what they are anymore. Not enough natives left to remember. Sadly.
Maybe they can hire you as a consultant and speech writer?The kids can only be told "it's just another game" so long and they start believing it. I'm I the only one that will get on here and call a spade a spade? The old guys gotta go. There's 9 games left. There's still time to save the season. Send him back to the country club TODAY! Best half of football we've played since he got here was two years ago at Swain. Oh that's right.... he was EJECTED that game. Postell called the plays. Name him interim for the next 9 games and let the chips fall where they may.
Almost forgot, I heard the post game speech was a reeeeeaaaalllll knee slapped. SMH
Or just maybe mule we can get back to being a football town like we used to be.A one sided rivalry isn't a rivalry. It's called getting your butt kicked.You either accept it or do something about it.So I ask our side once again.....Is it just another game? Like our boys have been told?Or does it matter?Maybe they can hire you as a consultant and speech writer?
Sorry Black Bear, my response was to Shinetime, not you. He was the one that originally posted that comment.Our new "Sheriff" was in the middle of our post game celebration leading the cheers with our players and cheerleaders. I think she is going to get along just fine with our coaches and players.
Mule I have a vandalism to report by my Black Bears. It occurred approximately between the hours of 7:30-10 at CE Weatherby stadium in the form of BEARNADO!!! MOUNTIES WERE MAULED AND LEFT STREWN ALL OVER THE FIELD!!! THERE WERE NO SURVIVORS!!! Hopefully you can take this information to the proper authorities and the people responsible can be held accountable.
Absolutely. We may talk trash and all but it really pains me to look across the field and see half to a third of Tuscola's reserved seats empty. That's not good for the health of our sport or rivalry. I would love for both teams to be undefeated every year other than the loser of this game. That would be great for the health of this rivalry. Let's hope that Tuscola fans come back and get behind their team so this doesn't fade away.A healthy rivalry is a good thing. It fuels the spirit. It gives people something to strive to achieve. I hope this doesn't become "just another game". I don't want the #1 Rivalry to fade away.
Absolutely. We may talk trash and all but it really pains me to look across the field and see half to a third of Tuscola's reserved seats empty. That's not good for the health of our sport or rivalry. I would love for both teams to be undefeated every year other than the loser of this game. That would be great for the health of this rivalry. Let's hope that Tuscola fans come back and get behind their team so this doesn't fade away.
As long as we are in these separate conferences it will stay pretty much like this.Is the earlier date for this game the norm now or is there a chance it will change again anytime soon?