This would hold more water if these partial qualifiers were 4 and 5 star recruits. We are talking 2 and 3 star recruits. Freshwater is a 3 star recruit on the cusp of 4 star. If ECU had any shot at 4 and 5 star recruits like the power 5 then they wouldn't take partial qualifiers. Fact is, NC State or any other power 5 team should have a easy time with ECU every year with the 4 star talent they have. NC State will be a heavy favorite going into week 1 and should blow ECU out. Something they haven't done in a decade. Citing partial qualifiers is low hanging fruit that really doesn't give schools that lose to ECU a legitimate excuse. I'm a fan of all NC collegiate schools, last thing I want to see is a power 5 NC school lose to ECU. Fact is, ECU plays up to those games like it's the super bowl. Lol