Newspaper coverage

When you log on and see the Ledford/PG write-up begin with "It was a dark and stormy field. The QB and LB looked passionately into each other's eyes. It was......LOVE AT FIRST DOWN." You have no one to blame but yourself.
If I had said reading science fiction people would think you make this stuff up. But you put passion into your write'-ups lol.
The Mt. Airy News may have moved from a 7-day paper to a 3-day paper and one sports reporter but that one reporter is still working his 40 hours a week to get all the sports in the 3 papers that come out each week. I can remember in my teens when we had two newspapers, The Mount Airy Times which was 1 day a week, and The Mount Airy which was 2 days a week. Then over the years, The Mount Airy bought out the Mount Airy Times. then The Mount Airy over several years went to 7 days a week and more quickly dropped back to 3 days a week. Will it once again become a 2 days a week paper as in the past ? When I started in 1989 they were 6 days a week and went to 7 days a week while I spent my 10 years there.