Maiden at Reidsville

Come on, Mule.
Why do you hide behind her skirt?
Tell us the WHOLE story on Que.
And tell us why you are always the first to come to her defense, no matter what the issue.
What is the status of Stoneville High School?
And what is it’s proximity to Reidsville and Rockingham County.
Tell us about Que’s glowing success at Reidsville High School? You guys launched her success.
And you act so coy.
Tell us why she herself refers to Reidsville High School as “her team”? Nothing there, Mule?
That is exactly what she said to our Head Football coach/Athletic Director at last year’s Soccer Championship Game won by Shelby.
“Take it easy on my team” she stated just before your rams came to Shelby in the football playoffs.
We can’t and don’t make these “myths” up.

No influence, Mule?
In the cluster of the Covid Spring season of 2020/2021, with all teams facing odd scheduling and conference adjustments, how did we know that when the teams names went in the hat for seeding, Reidsville would just miraculously come out with the # 1 seed….again.
And that is just one of several “ breaks” that has gone Reidsville’s way in Que’s reign.
I better stop.
But don’t act so sanctimonious, Mule.
Way too obvious.
It's best to not go off your meds. And do not skip your appointments with the mental health clinic.
You really have no clue how unimportant football/athletics is to the administration all of the administration. Hence, no presale, no exact change line, parking spaces used by school busses. It’s all out there for full view tonight I’d say
Clueless ... they probably don't realize that the entire town of Maiden will be there and aren't expecting a huge crowd. A lot of fans will miss the first quarter while standing in line. And forget about getting concessions.
All boils down to not enough help.
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