MA Bears at Eastern Randolph

our local news said heavy rain hit Asheboro area during the night….anyone confirm? If too wet, MA field good & dry
Poured and poured. Well over an inch. Very sloppy. Didn't even have to turn on the sprinklers as suggested by buzz. Just got back from practice. Coach told the players to just go black friday shopping this morning and save the field for tonight.
Poured and poured. Well over an inch. Very sloppy. Didn't even have to turn on the sprinklers as suggested by buzz. Just got back from practice. Coach told the players to just go black friday shopping this morning and save the field for tonight.
Should dry out little by game time.
Some yeah. Still gonna be really slick. Not quite done raining yet and winter time sun at 60 degrees doesn’t dry as much as 85 degree summertime. Going to be sloppy
Worst I've seen it. Easterns field crowns in the middle so all the water runs to the edges. It keeps fast teams from running around the ends. I'm pretty sure thats why they designed it that way. Dry in the middle, pig pin on the edges.
If it’s gonna be sloppy I’m giving the advantage team to ER. Going to be hard for a finesse team like MA to get down and dirty with a mountain team like ER.
Got to say you don’t quit. Sadly a lot of times your posts, and their layers of meanings, apparently go right past a few people. Those are the ones who grab onto that low hanging fruit and run with it.
Well done yet again sir.
I promise I’m done now. It’s just hard to pass up the opportunity when I see one .
Good luck to your Vikings sir. Pulling for y’all unless you end up playing the Mustangs.
As far as posting, I left them alone most of yesterday and it was mostly Go-Daaa-Bears, couple of Robbinsville definitely the better team, and one sad attempt at copying a Steelers inspirational song.
They needed a jolt to get them through rest of day. Hopefully these guys can contain themselves enough to make drive to Ramseur.
Adam's had more rush yard than ER the Ville should have won they beat themselves
They didn’t “beat themselves”. They lost. Didn’t score enough. Didn’t win special teams. Were stopped twice inside ER 25 in last 4 minutes. If any of y’all’s teams had done that would have called it great defensive stands with game on line…
Y’all keep changing things to fit your narrative. ER won. Again. Get over yourselves.
About that rain....... Do any of you remember when Crash Davis (Kevin Costner) in Bull Durham told his team mates what they needed was a rainout. They said it had not rained in a week and no forecast for rain anywhere in sight.
The Davis took them to the field and showed them how it worked!
Now how much rain did Southeastern's field get????
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About that rain....... Do any of you remember when Crash Davis (Kevin Costner) in Bull Durham told his team mates what they needed was a rainout. They said it had not rained in a week and no forecast for rain anywhere in sight.
The Davis took them to the field and showed them how it worked!
Now how much rain did Southeastern's field get????
Of course I remember that. Solid baseball movie…
Who is Southeastern and when they playing???
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buzz emerging from his thanksgiving slumber
And Mike Tomlin called. He said y’all need to get your own “inspirational” song…
Also can’t play it during road games. Unless those 6x9s in the Winnebago be thumping 😂
Just proud to be a Bear and hope these young men have fun and play hard. Good luck to your Wildcats end of the night life goes on and it's all good.
Was glad to see ER win last night. Did not want them to be the recipient of all that put down by those mtn teams. And they beat the best of the best of the best.
Aw man…
Sorry I missed the Men in Black line earlier…
Getting old I guess…
Well done sir…
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Go BEARS 🐻 🏈 ! ! !
We need to play for 2 more weeks to win it all, 3 counting tonight .... Keep your cool and glide right on to Dec. 9th ! Make it your game and your way ! ! !
Man that’s some large font right there.,,
Not to mention some slight looking waaaay ahead…