Laney/Topsail Fight

Slasher Killer

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010

This is the craziest fight I have seen in NC in a good while. Hope the kid that's hurt is fine; the news channel from that area said he got body-slammed. Yikes.

Was anyone there to see it?
Where did you find this video?
I was at the New Hanover/Purnell Swett Game but a friend was there.
My understanding both benches cleared. I understand 7 players were ejected and the game continued after about 15 minutes. Probably more ejections or both teams will be ejected for leaving the bench after video is reviewed. Hope the player is ok. Was told he was laying on the field for several minutes. This could be an ugly situation before it is over.
wHat is the ruling on ejections and playoffs? SIx (for the team) during the season and no playoffs? THe kids ejected have to miss the next game too
sorry for the incorrect info. I was told 3 were ejected last night. I'm sure more to follow. Laney's star RB Watkins(6) was at the bottom of the pile. Couldn't tell from the video if he was part of the fight or pulling players off. Too many bodies.
I was there and saw the fight. I know that the head referee has 24 hours to electronically submit his Ejection Report to the NCHSAA and then the schools will have 24 hours to confirm or dispute the official's report. I do not know what the ejection/suspension rules are for (1) fighting/throwing a punch/tackling/shoving an opposing player or (2) for leaving the bench/going onto the field. However, only three players were ejected last night and MANY more than those three threw a punch/tackled/shoved an opposing player during the brawl. 85%+ of the players from both teams were on the field.

Like Coach Yeoman was quoted as saying in the Star News this morning, I hope that the Laney and Topsail video guys kept their respective cameras rolling. I also hope that the schools have not deleted any video that may not be favorable. If there is a complete video of the event and if the NCHSAA rules call for suspensions for leaving the bench or throwing a punch/tackling/shoving an opposing player then many more than the three players who were actually ejected will be sitting out for however long the rules call for.

I will also add that both coaching staffs and the Laney AD did a good job of restoring order. If the coaching staffs for both teams had not shown some maturity the incident could have resulted in a really bad situation. However, it was one of the worst things I have ever seen at a high school athletic event.
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I was there also. I thought the Laney QB was slammed to the ground but a Topsail LB. One Laney player and two Topsail players were ejected after the fight. A few plays later a Topsail player was assessed a personal foul penalty, It was his second personal foul penalty of the game therefore he was ejected at that point. Coaches from both teams did a great job keeping the benches from jumping in. That's why we see a lot of the coaches come into the video a few mins after the fight started. Good thing for Topsail because they were outnumbered 2-1. Ugly scene for sure. I hope the players that pushed and pulled and hit without throwing punches are not punished. These guys have to defend themselves and their teammates. I didn't see any punches thrown, a lot of hitting and pushing. They players can't see their QB get slammed and then run off the field.
I wasn't there but according to you it's ok to leave the bench or if on the field to push pull and hit to defend your teammate as long as you don't punch? If you are trying to stop a fight is one thing but any participation in the melee would be construed as fighting I would assume. It's just regrettable the whole thing happened. Any word if the Laney QB was injured?
I am not sure how much leeway there is, if any, in enforcing a rule that prohibits a player from leaving the bench area and entering the field of play. Does the player who only enters the field by one inch and touches no one get punished? Do you actually have to participate in the fight to get punished? Do you have to determine if someone who enters the field of play was trying to fight or trying to break up a fight?

The point is, it gets real gray if the punishment is not based on whether the player simply leaves the bench area and enters the field of play but is instead based on the player's actions once on the field. I can state unequivocally, from seeing the event live and in person, that many players from both teams entered the field of play whether they participated in the fight, where trying to break it up, were trying to help a teammate or simply stood there and watched.

With respect to the two areas where "fighting" occurred near midfield, there were a few punches thrown, a few guys were tackled and knocked to the ground and some were shoved. The film (to the extent that the post-play fight was recorded and has not been cut or deleted) would likely provide some answers as to who was involved and what they did.

I truly do not care one way or another as to whether anyone gets punished or not. I would certainly expect that the "powers that be" in the New Hanover County Schools and the Pender County Schools are working together to minimize the incident and minimize any punishment for the players. I think this all comes down to whether the NCHSAA gets involved and is provided with a complete video of the entire incident. If it gets to the NCHSAA for a ruling on any rule violations, as opposed to the local level, then it could get interesting.

Again, kudos to both coaching staffs for showing some maturity as this incident was on the verge of completely exploding.
NCHSAA will be involved for sure since both schools are under NCHSAA . If I remember correctly, if more than three players ejected from the game or during the season from one team, that particular team will be disqualified from the playoffs. That is why I said NCHSAA will be involved for sure.

Diamond are forever....I don't know why you are not sure about NCHSAA. All fights and ejections will be reported to NCHSAA via referees. NCHSAA comes down pretty hard on those things. You have to remember that all high schools that are under NCHSAA are subjected to NCHSAA rules.
I don't think players should leave the bench. If it was the QB for Laney, he got body slammed to the ground and then hammers. Players can't be asked to run to the side lines and watch that. They have to get the guy off their QB. The Refs were there weren't doing much of anything physically. I don't know what their responsibilities are and I'm not knocking them. Bad situation but the players have to be able to defend.
If I remember correctly, the NCHSAA doesn't get involved unless asked by the local LEA. It may different for fighting but most authority ends with the LEA unless they ask the NCHSAA to get involved. Also, there are 2 LEA's involved. Does that make a difference?
Port - I agree players who were on the field during the play should not run to the sidelines. The point is players on the sideline are not supposed to run onto the field. Those are two completely different scenarios. If I was a Laney player ON THE FIELD when the body slam of my QB occurred I would have probably wanted to scrap as well.

Mactazheels - The NCHSAA will only consider the evidence presented to it. The referees ejected three guys so that is all I would expect to have been reported by the head referee in his electronic report that is due to the NCHSAA today. This was significant enough that the New Hanover County Schools and the Pender County Schools will be involved in the submission of any evidence requested by the NCHSAA from either school. Therefore, the school systems control the evidence submitted to the NCHSAA. As a result, the school systems have a significant role in the eventual outcome.
Hate it for all the ones who didn't "act a fool" but may be drawn into the punishment (ie, missing playoffs). Much like real life, the actions of a few morons can screw it up for everyone else!!!
On WECT news, the NCHSAA policy showed that leaving the bench area results in a one game suspension and fighting an automatic 2 game suspension. School officials on phone interviews said they would abide by any additional findings from the NCHSAA. Probably depends on what the video they review shows.
On WECT news, the NCHSAA policy showed that leaving the bench area results in a one game suspension and fighting an automatic 2 game suspension. School officials on phone interviews said they would abide by any additional findings from the NCHSAA. Probably depends on what the video they review shows.
NCHSAA will review film, it will not be left up to LEA. If they determine any players left bench area they will be subject to sitting out a game. The only ones that can leave the bench during a fight are the coaches to assist the refs. This could end up with both teams sitting home for the playoffs.
There were a number of players that crossed the side lines by maybe 10 yards but the coaches picked them up at that point.
Wildcat, I found this on Twitter last night off one of the pages I follow and I looked around until I found that report by one of the TV stations in that area.
Props to the coaches for getting there and doing their jobs. Seen a couple in my day that got worse due to the coaches not doing anything.

That kid getting hurt though is scary. That's what's sad about these fights. Not only can your players get kicked out but hurt too by silly antics like that.
On 530 WECT news they reported officials have asked to review the tv station video footage of the incident
There were a number of players that crossed the side lines by maybe 10 yards but the coaches picked them up at that point.

You are correct Port. Most of the players who entered the field of play from their respective sidelines went on the field of play by no more than10-15 yards and did not participate in the two scrums where it was ugly. However, I saw a few who entered the field of play who made their way to one of the two scrums. As I posted above, I would estimate that 85%+ of the players on both teams entered the field of play to some degree. This is going to be very interesting to see what the NCHSAA does with this one. I would love to see all the videos that are ultimately reviewed by the NCHSAA from whatever sources they are obtained by the NCHSAA. Will we see a literal enforcement of the rule prohibiting a player from entering the field of play or will mitigating factors be considered?
Last year Dudley was ruled ineligible for the playoffs because they had 2 ineligible JV players that only dressed out but didn't play in the game. Que Tucker's ruling from the NCHSAA was that dressing out was the same as playing. If they hold form I would expect a literal interpretation of the rule coming onto the field.
Hopefully the coaches kept them back enough that they didn't go onto the playing field.
Diamond are forever.....NCHSAA WILL be involved due to the fact THE GAME is under NCHSAA rules . If more than three players are ejected from the game, NCHSAA will forbid that team to play in playoff. THAT means NCHSAA WILL do the ruling. Now about battery and assult or whatever, that falls to the county schools (LEA) and police dept. My point is NCHSAA will be involved due to fighting PERIOD. Any fighting and ejections have to be reported to NCHSAA via referee on online report.
Diamond are forever.....NCHSAA WILL be involved due to the fact THE GAME is under NCHSAA rules . If more than three players are ejected from the game, NCHSAA will forbid that team to play in playoff. THAT means NCHSAA WILL do the ruling. Now about battery and assult or whatever, that falls to the county schools (LEA) and police dept. My point is NCHSAA will be involved due to fighting PERIOD. Any fighting and ejections have to be reported to NCHSAA via referee on online report.

Mactazheels - I am familiar with how this works including the 24 hour period for the referee to make his electronic report to the NCHSAA and the subsequent 24 hour period for the respective schools to confirm or take issue with the referee's report. This is all governed by the NCHSAA. I never posted that anybody else but the NCHSAA would be the SOLE decision maker. This case is 100% under the jurisdiction of the NCHSAA. I did not post anything about the LEAs. What I did post is that (1) The NCHSAA can only consider the evidence that it is presented; and (2) The respective school systems (New Hanover County Schools for Laney and Pender County Schools for Topsail) have complete control over how the schools respond to requests for documents/videos/other information that they receive from the NCHSAA. I am quite certain that both head coaches, both principals and both athletic directors have had conversations with senior level members of their respective school systems throughout the day.

You are naïve if you think that many school systems and schools have not previously been, shall I say, less than forthright with the NCHSAA. I have no reason to believe that the New Hanover County Schools and Laney or the Pender County Schools and Topsail are being anything but 100% forthright with the NCHSAA, but again, any gatekeeper of evidence (here the two school systems) has control over what the NCHSAA will be reviewing in order to reach their decision.

I did find it interesting to see reports tonight that video has been requested from media covering the game. It certainly would appear that there could be several sources with video of the incident.

I again will state that the coaches from both schools and the Laney AD did a remarkable job of staying calm and preventing this situation from getting completely out of hand.
I did not say If I think any school would have been forthright with NCHSAA. .....All I was trying to say is that these games are under NCHSAA jurisdiction . Glad both coaches done a good job and hopefully that they will get in playoff if possible. I do know NCHSAA are very strict with those things.
Three players from one team ejected = ban from the playoffs.

Pinecrest and Union Pines each had three players ejected during their "brawl" in 2010.
Nothing has been posted about further ejections, etc. so my assumption is either the video was inconclusive or no additional video was made available by the schools. I would doubt the schools stopped the tape but all the NCHSAA has to go on is what was provided to them.

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