High School Football Practice Rules?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2021
On Thursday I happened to pass two high schools and could see their Football practice fields. Both fields were full of players and coaches in what appeared to be full on organized practices.

My question, to those who are more knowledgeable than I, what are the current rules for practice before the beginning of "practice" on August 1?

Please note that I am not suggesting that anyone is doing anything improper. I am just asking for clarification.
On Thursday I happened to pass two high schools and could see their Football practice fields. Both fields were full of players and coaches in what appeared to be full on organized practices.

My question, to those who are more knowledgeable than I, what are the current rules for practice before the beginning of "practice" on August 1?

Please note that I am not suggesting that anyone is doing anything improper. I am just asking for clarification.
You can have organized summer practice. There are some dead periods in the summer and no pads. I don't think it can be "required", but if you show up on the first official day you will be behind the 8 ball. I believe that is correct.
There was a legendary coach who told me once "it's a $500 fine to practice in full contact mode all summer. If your booster club won't pay it, they don't want to win." Practice rules have loosened a lot because of the NC Football Coaches Association....and earlier school game dates. There was a time before endowment games that opening weekend game 1 was the Friday before Labor Day.
There was a legendary coach who told me once "it's a $500 fine to practice in full contact mode all summer. If your booster club won't pay it, they don't want to win." Practice rules have loosened a lot because of the NC Football Coaches Association....and earlier school game dates. There was a time before endowment games that opening weekend game 1 was the Friday before Labor Day.
That sounds like a Jim Taylor statement.
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They practice all summer in pads then on August 1st, all that gear has to come off for about a week as they morph back into it.
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Yes. I was referring to coach Emory. He was a laugh a minute when he started remembering the golden days of his coaching.
There are clearly no rules at all for some NC High Schools. Just look at Lake Norman High School. Today was there a legal workout by the very fine high school team and coaching staff? YES THERE WAS!

But do you also know who else was on the field? None other than 12 to 14 members of the.....New York Giants including Daniel Jones.

Just think what an impact those high school players might feel from looking across the field to a group of the NFL's best players having a "private" workout by themselves.

Can you imagine the high schoolers being impressed by the discipline and commitment they saw being shown by QB Jones, RB Barkley and company?

Yes, I am being a little tongue in cheek in my attempted humous effort to say: OMG how great it is that the guys from the Giants requested permission to practice on the Lake Norman facilities.

I sure wish they had called Mt Airy!!!!