Hertford County @ Nash Central - Princeton @ Elizabeth City Northeastern

Dagoob, are you at the Nash Central/Hertford Co. game? I might have walked right past you 10 minutes ago along the bottom row of the bleachers....
NC scores on 3play: HC no defense at all They better be able to score or they’re in trouble because it looks like they play no defense in first 2 min of game
Wait, are Wizard, Dagoob, and TDPass all here? Hope I can meet all of you before we leave....I'm on visitor side waaaaay down on the scoreboard end
I may have seen eniugh already but will hold further comment till after this scoring fest is over
On Nash Central ex attempt not a single HC player moved a step.
TD Hertford County

ko return by Bears 🐻❤️❤️❤️

Hertford County 22
Nash Central 21
dagoob, this is a joke, neither team plays any defense whatsoever I’m switch to watch the Whiteville/SWE game at the qtr. this does not impress me. Which ever team wins will be in for a rude awakening next week seriously
Playing against no defense will give them a false sense of securuty
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Whiteville /SWE is not on NFHS so I'm back here. I don't know what to think with either Nash Central nor Hertford County's refusal to play defense and tackle.
Nash Central 52 HC 36 at halftime…….well I hope y’all bet the over……defense definitely optional in this one
dagoob; looks like yall going to play Whiteville
I'm not sure who the Horses will play but I do know the Horses will play defense and there will be no such scoring as this
I've never heard of a 3rd round playoff game with a score like this at the halftime and what I'm seeing is not the scoring but the not tackling!
I like N. Central over H. County, Whiteville over SWE! Next week Clinton over N. Central , Whiteville over NE…Clinton beats Whiteville again and goes on to win SC game! I was traveling earlier and tried to post but went thru bad service area, I hit send and it didn’t post…I also texted OrangeCrush this before games. It’s halftime and H County still has shot, but I’m still sticking with N Central. I feel Clinton has the best defense in 2A football, and like the great Paul Bear Bryant once said “Offense sells tickets, but defense wins championships.”
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I thought Hertford should have taken that 15 yd penalty on the extra point not the ensuing kickoff.....worked out though when they stopped the 2 pt try
Refs at Nash Central must think they’re getting paid by the hour. My lord.

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