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Oct 28, 2015
Mayberry - RFD,NC

Legislature sends HB 91 to Cooper with bipartisan support. Could the NCHSAA be out? Click the link below.​

Posted November 17, 2021 2:31 p.m. EST
Updated November 17, 2021 5:04 p.m. EST

By Nick Stevens, HighSchoolOT managing editor
RALEIGH, N.C. — Both the House and Senate voted to adopt a new version of House Bill 91, aimed at reforming the way high school athletics are administered in North Carolina.
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We are playing 2a schools now. It might be worse but it least it's something
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I don't think the NCHSAA is out. My reading is this mostly allows the State Board to veto any rules it doesn't like, and have the threat of not renewing the NCHSAA's authorization to run high school sports every four years if it gets out of line.

This bill is very different from the Bill that originally was proposed. Essentially, instead of the government running high school athletics with a politically-appointed commission, as was originally proposed, now the State Board of Education will enter into an agreement with a non-profit to be allowed to administer high school athletics for four year terms under rules established by the State Board.

Since the NCHSAA isn't fighting this bill, I imagine it will be the NCHSAA. Then, when you read the State Board's rulemaking authority, over and over you see "The State Board may by rule delegate the an administering organization." (Meaning the NCHSAA). And I imagine that delegation will happen a lot, but the Bill gives State Board veto power by majority vote over any rule or regulation the NCHSAA comes up with. I don't see, however, that they get to veto or overturn anything else (such as discipline decisions).

The only way the State takes over high school athletics under this Bill is if the State Board is unable to come to terms on a "memorandum of understanding" with a nonprofit. The way I read it, if the State doesn't get NCHSAA under contract by March 15, 2022, then DPI would take over for 2022-23. So, beware the Ides of March. But then the state could relinquish back to an administering nonprofit after that once it proves to be a total mess.

The Bill also no longer writes four classes into law (a good thing), and no longer automatically bumps charters up a class (a bad thing if nothing gets done, a good thing if they go with a multiplier based on population they draw from for all open enrollment schools instead).

It's also interesting that the State can enter agreements with "one or more" organizations. Does that mean one organization could do realignment while another does gameplay governance? Or that the state could be split geographically?
We are playing 2a schools now. It might be worse but it least it's something
That was done to appease the legislature. The preference is to not have charters but that is not going to happen. The politicians are the ones behind closed doors that push charter schools and treating them the same. Also, home school students having the same rights as the kid that goes to class all day. It is all smoke n mirrors. Ask the teachers that have been around they can tell you.
A question I have that's bothering me a good bit with this new "government oversight" is....for instance....
Will this now allow the SBE and Cooper to mandate all student althetes be required to get the vaccination or else lose the ability to be invlolved in sports across the state of NC? The way i read hb91, it stated that a governing body such as the NCHSAA or whoever agrees with their law of the land, mainly the Lions share of power being given to both the SBE and Coopers office both!? I known the NCHSAA has been complete garbage in more ways than one in the past and I'm personally not a Que Tucker fan myself....will this situation be any better or even worse?? Thoughts gentlemen? Am I reading this wrong or does anyone else also smell something thats potentially a little rank here in the near future with this "government oversight"???
Why should it? Kids have been required to recieve multiple vaccinations to enter public schools for years.
That answers my question so I'll leave it at that. I respect your opinion fine sir and I think it may be best to just "agree to disagree" before we open that can of worms. It's more than a hot topic where I'm concerned and I'm not sure it would be best to elaborate anymore than that and leave it be. Either way....cheers to you sir 👍
A question I have that's bothering me a good bit with this new "government oversight" is....for instance....
Will this now allow the SBE and Cooper to mandate all student althetes be required to get the vaccination or else lose the ability to be invlolved in sports across the state of NC? The way i read hb91, it stated that a governing body such as the NCHSAA or whoever agrees with their law of the land, mainly the Lions share of power being given to both the SBE and Coopers office both!? I known the NCHSAA has been complete garbage in more ways than one in the past and I'm personally not a Que Tucker fan myself....will this situation be any better or even worse?? Thoughts gentlemen? Am I reading this wrong or does anyone else also smell something thats potentially a little rank here in the near future with this "government oversight"???
You may want to direct your concern to the state legislature. They’re the ones participating in the power grab. A couple of legislators got their panties in a wad over some NCHSAA decisions they disagreed with that didn’t favor their local schools. Legislative abuse, as usual. I’m not always a big fan of the NCHSAA, but they’re rank amateurs compared to the partisan crowd in Raleigh.
You may want to direct your concern to the state legislature. They’re the ones participating in the power grab. A couple of legislators got their panties in a wad over some NCHSAA decisions they disagreed with that didn’t favor their local schools. Legislative abuse, as usual. I’m not always a big fan of the NCHSAA, but they’re rank amateurs compared to the partisan crowd in Raleigh.

I'll say it again, people need to be careful what they wish for. They need to understand what Raleigh is doing to these schools they love so much.
2022 can change a lot ! !

TD, I am sure you are aware that HB91 was totally written and pushed solely by republicans. What changes to the make up of NC Congress, do you think is happening in 2022. This bill had nothing to do with Cooper, other than him signing it into law.
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Most house races are already in gerry mandered heavy republican districts. The Senate seat up is already a Republican but will recieve a heavy democrat challenge by a military veteran that has held a town hall already in every county and his busting his butt while the other 2 candidates from the other party sit home and pander and go to out of state fundraisers.
China gives us a Flu virus every year now the COVID-19 from China will be an annual shot. They will eat anything that walks on 4 legs or crawls and flies in China maybe even walking on 2 legs. LOL

Is China Ground Zero for a Future Pandemic?

It's because Chinese people value freshly slaughtered meats as being better tasting and more healthy. So there are tons of random people just selling live animals on the street without any regulations or sanitary testing requirements.

In a way, it's really cool to be free to do whatever you want that way. But the flip side is that sick animals get sold to families who take them home and eat them for dinner, passing on viruses to humans.

In the US you can't sell caged chickens from your garage. It's illegal. The food industry is highly regulated.

Not so in China.

The new variant of Corona Virus is no different. Researchers think the new strain came from a snake.

Wuhan apparently has a large market for live animals and freshly slaughtered meats.
China gives us a Flu virus every year now the COVID-19 from China will be an annual shot. They will eat anything that walks on 4 legs or crawls and flies in China maybe even walking on 2 legs. LOL

Is China Ground Zero for a Future Pandemic?

It's because Chinese people value freshly slaughtered meats as being better tasting and more healthy. So there are tons of random people just selling live animals on the street without any regulations or sanitary testing requirements.

In a way, it's really cool to be free to do whatever you want that way. But the flip side is that sick animals get sold to families who take them home and eat them for dinner, passing on viruses to humans.

In the US you can't sell caged chickens from your garage. It's illegal. The food industry is highly regulated.

Not so in China.

The new variant of Corona Virus is no different. Researchers think the new strain came from a snake.

Wuhan apparently has a large market for live animals and freshly slaughtered meats.
I saw a report in 2008 11 years before we ever heard of covid-19 they were in the Congo where Ebola originated from and they were testing exotic animals that people eat in these countries and they all carried some kinda coronavirus especially the bats that pass it to other animals and they man doing the test said then that it was only a matter of time that one of these viruses mutate someone eats these animals and you'll have a pandemic on your hands.
The same reporter went back there last year because of the start of covid-19 and a woman then in a 3rd world village had some virus that had no name they didn't know what course it would take she was very sick seems he said at the end of the report that she lived but he interviewed the man who discovered Ebola and asked his biggest fear and he said a virus as deadly as Ebola but spread like covid-19. I was like well thanks for that happy thought.
I saw a report in 2008 11 years before we ever heard of covid-19 they were in the Congo where Ebola originated from and they were testing exotic animals that people eat in these countries and they all carried some kinda coronavirus especially the bats that pass it to other animals and they man doing the test said then that it was only a matter of time that one of these viruses mutate someone eats these animals and you'll have a pandemic on your hands.
The same reporter went back there last year because of the start of covid-19 and a woman then in a 3rd world village had some virus that had no name they didn't know what course it would take she was very sick seems he said at the end of the report that she lived but he interviewed the man who discovered Ebola and asked his biggest fear and he said a virus as deadly as Ebola but spread like covid-19. I was like well thanks for that happy thought.
The common cold, head or chest, or both is a coronavirus. I saw it on a bottle of cough medicine last year before CORONA-19 got started everywhere and on disinfectants, I already had said kills coronavirus.
But the cough medicine want stop COVID-19 but disinfectants will kill it on surfaces.
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You may want to direct your concern to the state legislature. They’re the ones participating in the power grab. A couple of legislators got their panties in a wad over some NCHSAA decisions they disagreed with that didn’t favor their local schools. Legislative abuse, as usual. I’m not always a big fan of the NCHSAA, but they’re rank amateurs compared to the partisan crowd in Raleigh.
I could agree with a lot of what you said there.
Respectfully, I gather that this doesn't bother you in the least!?
Does not bother me in the least if all students are required to add this vax to the list that are already required. Keeping them alive and healthy is a whole lot more important than some stupid "political" belief that some orange person wants people to believe or not believe.
Does not bother me in the least if all students are required to add this vax to the list that are already required. Keeping them alive and healthy is a whole lot more important than some stupid "political" belief that some orange person wants people to believe or not believe.
🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 OK!
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The funds from the lottery were for the schools and they are sent to the schools BUT the money that was previously used for schools appears to have floated away. Will the legislature swoop in and take money from sports to offset the budget shortfalls?
Not to mention the cut on the funds sent to counties for schools….from forty percent to twenty-two percent. The accounting folks use the term supplantment for the legislature using lottery funds to replace money they would have spent anyway.
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Does not bother me in the least if all students are required to add this vax to the list that are already required. Keeping them alive and healthy is a whole lot more important than some stupid "political" belief that some orange person wants people to believe or not believe.
Some of you need to read up on all the athletes WORLDWIDE who are collapsing and some dying after being forced to take the is players w myocarditis...the shot causes INFLAMMATION and it is not needed for young, healthy, kids
check it out

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