Cleveland County

Letting them visit the high school. Seeing the weight room. Talking with school faculty on what they need to do in and out of the classroom to be part of the team. It's a way to bridge the middle school and high school programs.
To be honest every high should have a version of this at each school. Very cool experience for the kids.
Money can't buy?
If you’re insinuating something against someone. How about you grow a set of nuts and say it to their face?

If not feel free to explain yourself. I just posted something that made a bunch of kids happy and money can’t buy happiness.

And as far as I know Crest doesn’t have 2 million for a new field house. We still have the same unsafe press box from 1967.

Nut up or shut up and #HateUs!
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No the difference is that you can't discern sarcasm. The point was no real Crest fan could ever pull for Shelby under any circumstances. It's not like Joe or Hunter are fielding a team anytime soon. It's intersting you didn't care about the venereal diseases.

Let's say Joe did find 11 to play and he mandated that Shelby play them on live TV in front of the whole world. I'm simply saying that I am dressing up as a broken laptop throwing corn pops at Shelby when they come out and pulling for team Biden to beat the brakes of of Shelby in a football game. COME ON MAN!
Letting them visit the high school. Seeing the weight room. Talking with school faculty on what they need to do in and out of the classroom to be part of the team. It's a way to bridge the middle school and high school programs.
Thanks. Must be a Cleveland County thing. Not against it. Just never heard of it.
It’s goat milking’ season followed by soap making from aforementioned goat milk

Once the Kurds are chilled and the swamp azz soap (not my words but theirs) is made and packaged for sale in the dollar general they will be back in full force

Until then you are stuck with us neanderthalistic buffoons
Bob, don't worry about old Rulz's, I hear the nursing home is short on staff and he must be eating his diapers again. That's why he talks so much 💩, he likes the other end too.
That’s funny, I’m sure a few burns people are out there. Seems like they would be outnumbered here for sure.
Lol you'd think a few would show up for Marlboro Man and defend the turf, however those cats are out frog gigging, treeing a coon with a redbone coon dog, chewing redman and on the way to Jerrys mini mart to tell lies in the morning.
Ask Shely Lion where the priorities lie at the Polkville stop light.
It is what it is. Dirty Ankle Mafia🤣🤣🤣
Bob, don't worry about old Rulz's, I hear the nursing home is short on staff and he must be eating his diapers again. That's why he talks so much 💩, he likes the other end too.
WTF is Bob? I've been asking for a while now. Obviously a Shelby fan coach former player. Just seems like a really intriguing guy. Let me ask around if y'all won't tell me.
I live way way way in the north end of the county and the internet or broadband is nonexistent here ! On a waiting list for Starlink and currently use a 5g aircard from firstnet ! It’s fast enough to stream etc numerous devices and wife uses it to work from home but I’d kick a charger fan slap in their tooth for some “real” broadband internet
So to answer the question earlier about internet NOPE lol

Edit : ok I’m old I couldn’t kick a midget in the tooth but I’m betting I could make a shin or perhaps a knee bleed !


Dirtyanklemafia so it does exist I had heard of it before, it’s not so far from me, Verizon internet seems to work the best for me here off highway 10 in the upper end.

Best entertainment money can't buy....right here on CC NC PREPS.

But honestly, where's the Burns ppl. Do they have internet up that way🤣
Burns guy here of course, just lurking and watching, in all reality no dog in the fight currently concerning Shelby and Crest, I mean after beating both and one twice last year and a less than stellar performance at KM (not sure we even made an appearance that night) it mattered very little on the way home from Reidsville.

However I have enjoyed the few comments concerning the fireworks in this thread.
I got called out by my name one time as if I was being outed on preps however most knew me by my name anyway so it didn’t matter …,

I’m an ambassador of good will and cheer across this here county and state !
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Wait ? There is a for real Dirty Ankle Mafia? I made that sign with a router as a joke ! Hope they ain’t real ! I ain’t got no time to be fighting three toothed inbred backwoods troglodytes !

It’s cool ,I make one call to my man Rulz we will fight em back to back at the intersection of dirty ankle and ankle road! We getting old but they can still get these arthritic hands !!! Where’s the icy hot?

Tell em Rulz!!!!
We don’t have 2 million for a field house. But, we got something money can’t buy. ^ right there.

They just can’t see it. Soon, they’ll have no choice.

If you’re insinuating something against someone. How about you grow a set of nuts and say it to their face?

If not feel free to explain yourself. I just posted something that made a bunch of kids happy and money can’t buy happiness.

And as far as I know Crest doesn’t have 2 million for a new field house. We still have the same unsafe press box from 1967.

Nut up or shut up and #HateUs!
They’ll figure it out when we have the first indoor practice facility in the state for high schools. 🤷‍♂️
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Bob, don't worry about old Rulz's, I hear the nursing home is short on staff and he must be eating his diapers again. That's why he talks so much 💩, he likes the other end too.

That’s it. 😂😂. Good grief. You’re so boring. At least you try hard. Bless!

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Lol John along time ago got mad at me and called me by my name. Long time Golden Lion for sure.
You’re lying again but whatever. You’ve called me by my name many of times. I don’t give a crap. You want my address? Ask for it.

I’ve never been mad at you. What are you 12? This is the internet and no one behind a phone screen can make me mad.

This all just fun for me. I started this thread on February the 6th. It’s 21 pages of fun. You or anyone else didn’t have to say a word on it but you did.

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They’ll figure it out when we have the first indoor practice facility in the state for high schools. 🤷‍♂️
I don't know about any of that. He was just trying to disparage a person in a backhanded way and I simply asked him to do what any real man would. Say it to their face.

He won't........He's WOKE! He's a member of SANTIFA.... That's ANTIFA with an S on it for Shelby. They're not rioters or anything. They just congregate in large groups and eat pancakes and think a whole lot more of themselves than the rest of us do. They like to brag on this and that you know 2 mil here 2 mil there but face to face not so much.

This is not all Shelby fans by the way. There are some really good Shelby fans and some of them are my friends. But these SANTIFA's they are different. Realville for instance, I'd bet money he eats an ear of corn the long way.

SHS Lion is the leader of SANTIFA. He's a good dude he just doesn't have original thoughts and I could be wrong but I think testicular fortititude is probably an issue when it come right down to it, hence the backhanded disparging and lying.

I could be wrong. He might just be out of midol.

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You’re lying again but whatever. You’ve called me by my name many of times. I don’t give a crap. You want my address? Ask for it.

I’ve never been mad at you. What are you 12? This is the internet and no one behind a phone screen can make me mad.

This all just fun for me. I started this thread on February the 6th. It’s 21 pages of fun. You or anyone else didn’t have to say a word on it but you did.

You have done reeled me in and I will be here till the end. Of the thread I mean. Hopefully as this could go on for years.
Lol John along time ago got mad at me and called me by my name. Long time Golden Lion for sure.
Thanks lol got it and John is CR.
So maybe we need to start a Bob vs John thread.😂 Y'all guys are entertaining.
The Crest Mafia guy (my ol bud wont say his name...he gets pissed when I use his name) just gave me the details earlier this morning. I got a little background and history on it now. It's all in fun, just seems a little more serious if one didn't know.
Bob and John are the stars of this show with SL, LD12, BS, Shoe fits, RS all co-staring. CR is trying to fire SP78 but the producer won't have it. Chopper is a gas thrower special guest here and there.
Y'all guys keep up the good work.
Nothing serious on my end Joker. I got love for my friend SHS Lion. Not fruity devils onion type love though.

We've lambasted each other forever. If I found out he was sick and leaving this world. I'd go to the hospital and insult him to his face and give him a hug. That type love.

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But honestly, where's the Burns ppl. Do they have internet up that way🤣

You see...up here in the North End, we're just good ol' country boys that know a thing or two 'cause we've seen a thing or two......

If you ever run up on two ol scraggy, mangy tomcats fighting out behind the barn, you learn real quick like not to try to get in the middle and separate em. You likely to get a good scratch or two..... Naw, we just let em fight it out to the end, then we come in, scoop up whats left of the carcasses and toss em out back in the gully and go on with our day.
You see...up here in the North End, we're just good ol' country boys that know a thing or two 'cause we've seen a thing or two......

If you ever run up on two ol scraggy, mangy tomcats fighting out behind the barn, you learn real quick like not to try to get in the middle and separate em. You likely to get a good scratch or two..... Naw, we just let em fight it out to the end, then we come in, scoop up whats left of the carcasses and toss em out back in the gully and go on with our day.
Yep. Crest and Burns folks barely fuss at each other anytime but game week. We've both got the same end of the crappy stick for years. But times are changing.

Business is about to pick up on The Ranch !
We tried telling all y’all.

Word has indeed reached the Shelby Lion household regarding this !

If you don’t mind I’ll share:

This season down at the manure ranch Billy Jack Jim Bob has decided to pull out all stops and has shared his secret “fat back crackling strip” recipe with the concession crew ! So “saddle up “‘tighten up those size 55 belts , roll up those chins and enjoy in the grease stained saltiness that no amount of high blood pressure meds can control

See you in the emergency room fellow tachycardia patients !!!

You see...up here in the North End, we're just good ol' country boys that know a thing or two 'cause we've seen a thing or two......

If you ever run up on two ol scraggy, mangy tomcats fighting out behind the barn, you learn real quick like not to try to get in the middle and separate em. You likely to get a good scratch or two..... Naw, we just let em fight it out to the end, then we come in, scoop up whats left of the carcasses and toss em out back in the gully and go on with our day.
Burns got a heck of a Baseball team what I’m hearing..
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