1st of all I was pulling for ECC member East Duplin but there was one coaching decision that seriously disturbed me at the time it occurred I could see the handwriting on the wall. Why in world did coach decide to go for it 4th and 6 or a long 5 just inside the 50-yard line with about 2-3 min to play in the half. The score was 9-7, just a 2 point Hibriten lead in a obvious defensive field position game. Hibritian had the same situation earlier and they punted, downed the ball around Hibriten's 1-yard line and subsequently got the safety. You didn't see Hibriten go for it at midfield. Why didn't ED punt, hopefully backing Hibriten up, flipping the field and hoping the defense held and take it to the half 9-7. ED didn't come close to converting. Hibriten takes over on downs around midfield, runs about 3 plays and then scores from about 43 yards out. Damn, then it's 16-7. ED's defense the 2nd half was brilliant shutting Hibriten out and scoring themselves once to make it 16-14 the final score. I'm not trying to be too critical, and certainly not anti-ED, but I think if they had punted, there's a pretty good chance they could have won that game 14-9. Just my opinion, but it bothered me then and it bothers me now. Sometimes early decisions greatly effect the outcome of the game. I think that was the case Saturday. Just saying, .........not hating, honestly.