The Right Decision

Look how much richer Obama is b4/after being president.

They never get enough.

Wall is going up.
Look it up.
Only a few years ago both parties wanted illegal immigration to stop. Wander what changed?
The wall is a waste of our money. It will not stop anyone from crossing. It will not stop drug traffic. The money could go to pay for a lot of things our people need. Trump complained that President Obama played too much golf. Trump has wasted more money playing gold as well as his kids flying all over the world in his 4 years than all the other presidents put together. Where is the Republican outcry over this. All we heard about for the 8 President Obama years was the deficit. President Obama entered office in early 2009 in the teeth of the Great Recession. Not surprisingly, the deficit exploded from $459 billion in calendar 2008 to over $1.4 trillion in calendar 2009. As the economy recovered the deficits shrank to a low of $442 billion in 2015 and was $585 billion his last year in office. Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030. Where is the Republican outcry over this? BTW I am a registered Republican. I am definitely not a Trump Republican. He has destroyed my party. I will not sing his praise because I hold him accountable.
I call those numbers very skewed. If you believe that all those deaths are covid then you are dumber than I thought. Prior to covid the economy was the best it had ever been. It will get back there once the crazies get out of the way and get back to normal. So Roy cooper says we arent opening up because of covid and folks losing businesses and having to lay folks off is Trumps fault. Delusional is all I have to say. It is all by design by the dems. Evidently you cant see the forest
If you believe that it is not then you have been duped. Even FOX News says it is. Apparently you cannot see the forest or the trees.
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Well once again the Democrats candidate is a joke. Yiu can all act surprised at the outcome in November.
You guys think we are a democracy.
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The deficit doubled under Obama. Go back to page 2 and read the article. Trees!
They got that money because they both authored a number one selling book after leaving office.Trump will have to pay someone to buy his book..So far Trump has cost us tax payer over a 100 million dollars so he could play golf while Americans are dying.Quadrupled the federal deficit and put million out of work.He is now calling for a boycott of an American company and said the employees could find another job.Why would anyone want four more years of this shit show?
Now that's funny .I always wondered how some people could be so angery ,it's got to be TDS ,there no cure for it, so good luck being a tool for so much hate and ignorance.
The next four years watching the leftists go into the dust bend of history will be delightful I must say.
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Private Schools in North Carolina are playing football in the fall. If the Private Schools make it through the fall. The Public Schools will most definitely follow in the Spring.
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Dear Rivals,
Will you PLEASE add a filter that blocks certain words. Trump, Biden, Democrat and Republican. These folks know how to F up a good football message board.

If our politicians weren't playing games, we would be talking football because they would have started playing the past Friday. So here we are. There are many many more threads to talk on so if you dont like the subject simply click on another one.
Cancel culture is at again

I agree. If you can’t have fun with it when you are posting something is wrong. If you don’t like the thread don’t be in it. More people post better it is for the site like I have said before. If you are posting in this thread just don’t get mad at someone else’s opinion.
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How can someone support a party or candidate that is doing all they can to take Jesus Christ out of this Country(already succeeded in schools), pro-abortion, will not denounce violence in the streets, constantly lie to the minority communities just to receive votes, raise taxes, take our lawful guns, bring socialism into our country, defund the police (but still have their private security wherever they go) , blame all the problems on the white man, cozy up to the wakos in Hollywood. I could go on all night. Bottom line is, no candidate is perfect but I be damn if I vote for someone that supports what I’ve mentioned. Our Country was founded on Jesus Christ and the Constitution is the Constitution, if u don’t like it, head North Canada will accept u. TRUMP 2020!!! Can’t wait for the crying come November, may even be worse than 2016.
And for u gagoss. To sit here and blame Trump, OUR President for this, simply shows u had to have had someone holding your hand all those years coaching. He shut down travel from CHINA in late January early February and your boy Biden didn’t agree so much. And Pisgah, u would never come out from behind your computer/phone and say that in public, u would get laughed out the building. Typical Dumocrat and Libertards at work. Catch a ride with Madonna or Miley when they leave Country, wait they still here?? Must take 4 years to pack up
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Alot of dems thank the USA is a democracy.

I guess they didn't learn the Pledge of allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands.....
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And don’t forget, our freedom is slowly fading. Freedom of speech gets censored on these liberal run social media sites is just the start. Libertards never surprise me anymore.
Your saved and work in the church and support an adultery,habitual liar and a admitted sexual predator and a admitted pedophile. Must be the church of Satin.
Someones been drinking the DNC koolaid….You are also about to cast a vote for a sexual predator in joe biden… By the way where are these so called admissions?
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How many adult film stars has Biden or Obama paid off ?

P.S. Have you ever watched the Billy Bush interview with The Orange One on Faux News or did they even show it on your only source of information ?
GSO and me agreeing on something? 2020 is something! Ignore them GSO, they're too busy watching Faux News to have time for facts or logic. They're also too busy spreading QAnon bs.
I can’t wait til November 3rd, when the silent majority speaks. I’d be ashame to be associated with a Dumocrat. Must take a special person.
😂😂😂😂 ahhh surprised you had time to reply inbetween posting QAnon theories and watching a man who dodged a draft because of “bone spurs” talk about how great he is.

Surprised you had time to reply being so busy tweeting at the President.TDS is real.

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Surprised you had time to reply being so busy tweeting at the President.TDS is real.

It’s called trolling. You wouldn’t get that though. You’re too busy being irrelevant. Guess you still don’t have 50 followers so I can’t block you on there yet. Thanks for the plug of my twitter, I’m a great follow.
It’s called trolling. You wouldn’t get that though. You’re too busy being irrelevant. Guess you still don’t have 50 followers so I can’t block you on there yet. Thanks for the plug of my twitter, I’m a great follow.

Have fun teaching the multi use of skateboard while protesting today. You just showed what’s most important to you. Your social media account and trying to be relevant. Just wondering did the President tweet back to you.
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Have fun teaching the multi use of skateboard while protesting today. You just showed what’s most important to you. Your social media account and trying to be relevant. Just wondering did the President tweet back to you.
You keep telling yourself that
At least one Catholic kid has his stuff together. I guess Kentucky Catholics are true conservatives

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