I did not refer to Shelby as classless sir, I referred to you as classless....Some of your own said it without actually saying it. (Most probably think it ) You started a deliberate thread to either, downplay Reidsville's accomplishments, or distract from Shelby's pitiful season, or both. I can't confirm or deny whether it is true because I'm not interested in spending the energy to find out.. You're so full of yourself, you missed the whole point . What difference does it really make ? I do know what the NCHSAA record books say. Hating Reidsville must be exhausting man !! .....
Shelby / Winston Salem Children's Home WNCHSAA Co - Champs 1947 ....... Whoopeeee
I bet you had to eat lunch by yourself in school
Wow. Such vitriol. Feel better now.?
We have gone at it with you before.
Hard to forget such a clever handle as “ramit”.
How long did it take you to think that one up?
And we guess that the 02 either refers to your graduating class or…..could it be…you played on the 02 championship team?
Isn’t that the team that stopped the 31 consecutive year slide with not even a championship appearance?
That absence would be what we Shelby folks would consider “pitiful”. But that’s never happened to us.
No, it was just a single challenging season with seniors possessing two rings already and two teammates making the Shrine Bowl this year. Y’all ever done that? Not the first time for the Golden Lions.
But before we go any further, our posts here represent the collective contemplations of several in our group. By referring to “me” as classless, you offend up to 56 individuals. We don’t always agree, but we do share a disdain for a community that would go and name themselves the “capitol (sic) of NC high school football”. If you are looking for a tangible reason for starting this thread, that’s it.
It is a bogus claim and the 31 consecutive recent year gap plus the lack of a single unified title proves it ( which is true despite your lack of effort to study). And we are aware that there are those in your own group of Reidsville faithful that prefer that the self proclamation had never transpired.
We have been through this before with your crowd. We don’t “hate” Reidsville. We have praised your accomplishments.
But you are not the”capitol (sic)” of anything.
Quit promoting that BS and we will calm down.
And when you bring up the “titles” thing again, another reminder that Princeton holds the record for College Football titles, and like Reidsville, the bulk of which occurred before the modern age, integration, and face masks.
Is Princeton the “capital (correct spelling, capitol refers to a building) of College Football.
Not hardly.
As far as the NCHSAA record books, we and others have exposed significant mistakes and omissions in their reports. Plus there is an admitted bias to their records.
We will ignore the cheap personal shot at the end.
You would be stunned with what “we” represent.