It's not categorization of you man, just trying to make an analogy. Might be a bad one, but we have all probably been to a zoo or seen a video of that happening. I don't have a issue with any of you guys on here. You just have a different personality and style of talking football than I do. You remind me more of the guys that would be out on the field, say we are going to ram this ball down your throat, do it, then come back at them and flex and say TOLD YOU BOY! I was always preferred the don't say anything, let them talk their trash and when you beat them, you give them them a quiet look of that's what you were mouthing about. Just do your job because that's what you do. It's just a personality difference.
I probably won't make the game Friday due to work and logistics. Would be glad to meet you sometime at another game. From what I gather, even though I feel old, I am probably one of the younger guys on here that pulls for the Bears.