HS Transfer Portal

And people wonder why academics have gone downhill, and half the kids have low level reading efficiency. We also wonder why there's such a need for remedial classes in college.
Colleges haven’t gotten worse, just more numerous. Enrollment has tripled in the past 50 years and a larger % of students attend. College is a now a for profit enterprise and less for public benefit.
Because there are many times where transfers help kids. It's not always on the field, but it could be a social issue or an educational issue.

But keeping it on the football field, outlawing transfers is locking a kid in when coaches have freedom to move around. If you're a WR and your new coach runs the double wing, you should have the right to change schools for example. That's how we got the transfer portal in the first place in college football.

Not to mention you would have lawsuits out the a** from parents not being able to have a say so in where their kid plays sports. Horrible idea
Because there are many times where transfers help kids. It's not always on the field, but it could be a social issue or an educational issue.

But keeping it on the football field, outlawing transfers is locking a kid in when coaches have freedom to move around. If you're a WR and your new coach runs the double wing, you should have the right to change schools for example. That's how we got the transfer portal in the first place in college football.

Not to mention you would have lawsuits out the a** from parents not being able to have a say so in where their kid plays sports. Horrible idea
And it won’t be long
before parents sue the State, who are refusing to extend NIL to public schools, but are OK with the privates. Can you imagine that you had a kid who could make $100k/yr., but are denied by govt. That’s anti-capitalism!
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I was told by a senior administrator that most schools in CMS have 100 to 200 kids per school using affidavits to attend the school of choice. It only matters if you play football. A couple of kids from chambers were on their way to Butler, and they were sent back.
@bigdadd11103 Correct me if I am wrong, did Elijah Littlejohn transfer from WC to Charlotte Christian and then transferred from Charlotte Christian to West Meck? If true than why not transfer back to WC or is West Meck his home school?
@bigdadd11103 Correct me if I am wrong, did Elijah Littlejohn transfer from WC to Charlotte Christian and then transferred from Charlotte Christian to West Meck? If true than why not transfer back to WC or is West Meck his home school?
Mom worked at WC but she lost her job at WC. Went to Christian as a result of that. West Meck is the home school, to my understanding.
Mom worked at WC but she lost her job at WC. Went to Christian as a result of that. West Meck is the home school, to my understanding.
Pep nailed it. WC is part IB so unless WC was his homeschool or he had a parent there he could not return. Once u leave a magnet it's 365 to another magnet or return to homeschool.
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Yall get your popcorn ready!!! Biggest Transfer News you’ll see ever again coming up soon! Yall think Littlejohn made noise then be ready!!!! Let’s just say……In my best Karl voice…..That NCISAA football ain’t got no gas in it!!! And it’s a Rich Boys pipeline!!!! #GOATINGBACKHOME
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Looks like it. Private school ball is boring IMHO. Watered down playoffs and you cant get excited about a community you didn't grow up in. PLay with your guys and have fun representing your school playing with guys you grew up with . Great move by him.
Unless he was getting a big NIL deal, I don't get the move. The journey is much more exciting playing 5 games to get to the State Championship in public, vs 2 games in Private. You also most likely play a team in The State Championship that was in your conference. Reidsville crowds are electric, and everyone's home grown. I asked a friend last year, who did PD play 1st in the playoffs. The season was already over, they had won already. PD should try and schedule 3 elite programs for their non-conference games. They definitely have the coaching.
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If they are paying big time $$$$ I would tell my young one to transfer too. PD has a great education and can make big time money through NIL now. I agree though, everything else is almost a downside. I rather play with the guys I grew up with and public school football at this point is just better week in and week out. I can’t be mad either way, I understand both sides.
Looks like it. Private school ball is boring IMHO. Watered down playoffs and you cant get excited about a community you didn't grow up in. PLay with your guys and have fun representing your school playing with guys you grew up with . Great move by him.
She's retired now but my wife was teacher at a private school. It's interesting but attending those games and even Charlotte Catholic games, it felt more like community than any public school game. On top of that there was no need to wand people before coming into the game and you didn't have to worry about a shooting breaking out. They were fun times.
Unless he was getting a big NIL deal, I don't get the move. The journey is much more exciting playing 5 games to get to the State Championship in public, vs 2 games in Private. You also most likely play a team in The State Championship that was in your conference. Reidsville crowds are electric, and everyone's home grown. I asked a friend last year, who did PD play 1st in the playoffs. The season was already over, they had won already. PD should try and schedule 3 elite programs for their non-conference games. They definitely have the coaching.
PD's biggest competiton is usually Rabun Gap.
She's retired now but my wife was teacher at a private school. It's interesting but attending those games and even Charlotte Catholic games, it felt more like community than any public school game. On top of that there was no need to wand people before coming into the game and you didn't have to worry about a shooting breaking out. They were fun times.
Private games are safer for sure, but that has to do with economics like almost anything else in this country.

As far as community feel…some privates feel that way bc the kids grew up playing at the same elementary, middle, and high school yes of course. But most of these big time privates like PD around the country that are attracting top level HS athletes are pulling kids from all over, not much a community feel and your not playing with your neighborhood friends you grew up with. I know PD has a really good OL that they pulled from butler a year ago. PD is much different than a boring a** country day trust me😂. Nobody is going to watch sorry country day play besides their “community”.
She's retired now but my wife was teacher at a private school. It's interesting but attending those games and even Charlotte Catholic games, it felt more like community than any public school game. On top of that there was no need to wand people before coming into the game and you didn't have to worry about a shooting breaking out. They were fun times.
School shootings? Come on man. You are really exaggerating. In comparison to Reidsville High School where everyone knows each other since birth, no comparison to game time atmosphere.
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She's retired now but my wife was teacher at a private school. It's interesting but attending those games and even Charlotte Catholic games, it felt more like community than any public school game. On top of that there was no need to wand people before coming into the game and you didn't have to worry about a shooting breaking out. They were fun times.
I'll bite. What does wanding have anything to do with the topic of football and quality football? Just another way for you to slide in our biased commentary. I've been to private school games and unless they are playing a big rival or is CC its very boring. You have the 4 big privates and PD, but the rest of private ball is really really bad. Most of the Charlotte privates recruit public school kids and if they played with their on communities exclusively no one would really care. That's why CC is so adamant about being in a public league., Its better for business. Why are the charlotte privates begging to get to play public HS better for business. If private ball was good on its on they wouldn;t recruit public school players so hard.

NO one is lining up to see Country Day, Latin, Trinity Christian, North Raleigh, Cannon, Rabin Gap or metrolina so no need to wand as the stands are empty.
Looks like it. Private school ball is boring IMHO. Watered down playoffs and you cant get excited about a community you didn't grow up in. PLay with your guys and have fun representing your school playing with guys you grew up with . Great move by him.
Private games are safer for sure, but that has to do with economics like almost anything else in this country.

As far as community feel…some privates feel that way bc the kids grew up playing at the same elementary, middle, and high school yes of course. But most of these big time privates like PD around the country that are attracting top level HS athletes are pulling kids from all over, not much a community feel and your not playing with your neighborhood friends you grew up with. I know PD has a really good OL that they pulled from butler a year ago. PD is much different than a boring a** country day trust me😂. Nobody is going to watch sorry country day play besides their “community”.
Oh I agree. I've said for a couple of years now that Chad Grier is doing a great recruiting job over there. As far as Country Day goes, I have no clue what's going on over there. At one time, they had some very good football teams, playing Catholic every year in the Cook Cup. But since Bob Whitman retired and his son took over, their football program has taken a nose dive. I don't know if they're deemphasizing football or what. But I agree, they are pretty sorry these days.
School shootings? Come on man. You are really exaggerating. In comparison to Reidsville High School where everyone knows each other since birth, no comparison to game time atmosphere.
Not at all exaggerating it. The last couple of years there have been problems.
I'll bite. What does wanding have anything to do with the topic of football and quality football? Just another way for you to slide in our biased commentary. I've been to private school games and unless they are playing a big rival or is CC its very boring. You have the 4 big privates and PD, but the rest of private ball is really really bad. Most of the Charlotte privates recruit public school kids and if they played with their on communities exclusively no one would really care. That's why CC is so adamant about being in a public league., Its better for business. Why are the charlotte privates begging to get to play public HS better for business. If private ball was good on its on they wouldn;t recruit public school players so hard.

NO one is lining up to see Country Day, Latin, Trinity Christian, North Raleigh, Cannon, Rabin Gap or metrolina so no need to wand as the stands are empty.
I mentioned no wanding as contributing to a better experience. So tell me, who else besides Providence Day around here, are recruiting public school players so hard. I find public school ball pretty boring now. With the transfer portal and all, it's the same teams at the top, year in and year out. Without looking at schedules, one can pretty much predict with 95% accuracy who's going to the playoffs and who's going to contend for a state title. The transfer portable has made things pretty boring for public school ball as well.
I thought we were recruiting, guess we just suck at it.
Yeah yall looked horrible!!! PD ain’t even top 10 in NC! Rabun Gap is hands down the BEST in the NCISAA Weddington ,Hough,MC,Grimsley,EF,Dudley, CG,Rolesville,Richmond,Clayton, and more would beat them’

Playcalling!!!’ They got the best Athlete since Lebron,Mahomes,Suggs,Green Beckam!! And they have him blocking all game! Better coaching my ass!

Jimmy Teague and the Reidsville Way (Erik now) is a HALL OF FAMER! Pure disrespect! We have 23 rings! 7 of last 8 we’ve played 16 Games!! 14 games the only time we didn’t! Kendre Harrison back at Reidsville get your popcorn ready! Dionte Neal,Jariel Cobb,Cam Jones, J9, and Dre back! We changed our offense due to him leaving’ And Dionte we needed to play QB and it’s SHOWING! Nobody can guard that! We without Dre are a legitimate top 15 NC team! With him? I don’t see anybody beating us! That is 100 percent factual in basketball! The dynasty is back! Charlotte Catholic I like y’all’s intensity’ but Dre with us we would show yall what he is capable of!!

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