Clinton vs Lakewood Scrimmage Aug 11th

Hey RWTW do you have a roster?...if so you think you can take a picture and message it to me...wanna match some #'s with names saw Alot of potential out there tonight excited to see a lil more at the jamboree friday
And yes Rayquan did play a solid game offense and defense 5-6 yards a carry outta your fullback is exactly what you need in our offense......I'm really excited about that passing game its just gonna open things up for Skinner and the other backs.....And both QBs looked great WRs too
And I saw some the JV kids walking around...don't think size will be a issue in the near future....seen some pretty big kids walking around
Play of the night was Skinners downfield block enabling our QB to score. Serious Props giving to Skinner by teammates

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