Cherokee spanks Swain County!!


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Dec 10, 2013
Braves nearly hit the century mark for the 2nd game in a row as they steamrolled Swain County 96-55 !!

Who's next?

This post was edited on 1/16 9:33 PM by Mont1963

This post was edited on 1/16 9:34 PM by Mont1963
Dustin Johnson lit up the nets with 36 points tonight for the Braves !
But as you know this is a big game for both schools cause of the 10 miles between the towns. So I say congrats to all 4 teams from cherokee with the big wins in front of a packed house.
I see what you did there wnc...

Mont again really? That's like us beating yall again in football. Does it really deserve a comment lol? Johnson did have an awesome game.
Sure it deserves a comment. We have to read all about Swain, Robbinsville, and Murphy during football season so why shouldn't the BRAVES fans be able to comment with our wins...even if it is "just Swain". And it never fails, somebody has to bring up football....the football stadiums are 10 miles apart. Really? Is that all you've got? Some folks just can't stand it because Cherokee is having a successful season. I'm sure we will reach a rough spot then all you haters can post your "i told you so comments" on here. Until then GO BRAVES! #BRAVENATION
Its not about them being successful. its about people on here and their lack of HUMILITY!! I mean you really want to boast about beating Swain and Murphy this year? No offense, just saying......Have a little CLASS if you want peoples respect! These posters act like they haven't won a game in 30 years...LOL
Humility? Class? I see it as a school and their fans showing pride in their kids and the success they've had to this point. But, perhaps you might want to go back and read some of the posts that were put up during football season and then come back on here and talk about humility and class. LOL, I spent all fall reading posts between Murphy and Robbinsville yes, we can talk about a lack of humility and CLASS if you would like to digress back to football season. If i remember correctly y'all were proud to lay a butt whipping on us little ole Braves back during football season, and yes it was bragged about on here.

I think you guys should be proud of your accomplishments and should post that information proudly on here. I am also on the boards during football season, and the very schools that seem to be offended by your pride in your basketball team, are on there flapping their gums about their football teams success. For the record, I have no problem with that either. It is what this board is for, and since this is a basketball forum, I certainly think it is reasonable for you to display your pride in your team, and inappropriate for people to want to talk football during basketball season. Cherokee fans please show the restraint that I am referring to, and don't get on the football board next year and talk about basketball. The only thing that I caution you about, is the more you talk when you win, the more have to be willing to listen when you lose.

Best of luck Cherokee, happy to hear of your success.
When a school of 200+lays smack on much bigger schools (500-600), I saty it is worthy of talkin about!! Football is over!! Let's talk some basketball !!!!

GO GWY BRAVES !!!!!!!!
All I meant was bragging about beating Swain or Murphy in basketball is like a team bragging about beating Cherokee in football. I am proud of the Braves and Lady Braves success this year. They have been very impressive and should both make deep runs in the playoffs. Lad and others don't make it more than it is. I don't remember anyone in football bragging about beating Cherokee. In fact it was the contrary on the strides made in that area this year. And lad don't act like Swain only has football. If you wanna compare head to head records overall for every sport it would be more than one sided so don't even go there. Enjoy basketball to the fullest. The team is there where you should enjoy every bit of it. They are very fun to watch.
With all due respect Gal, there is a huge difference. As stated above, we are talking about a school with an enrollment of 250ish vs schools 550ish. Swain or Murphy would have no right to brag about beating Cherokee in anything. They should beat them with an enrollment that is double. Conversely, when Cherokee is winning in basketball or anything else considering the size of the school, they have every reason to think it is a big deal, and if I was a supporter of one of the larger schools, it would concern me a great deal, as to what is happening in my athletic department after November.

Maybe my views are incorrect, but I think it is a great thing when small schools have success. Coming from a small disadvantaged rural school, I cannot help but pull for the little guys.
That's why you don't ever really hear anything from Swain about beating Cherokee in anything other than when some Ike it up during football in years past. Anything else is irrelevant because it is almost a given. But beating Swain and Murphy in basketball and bragging about it is comical in my opinion.

Play the numbers game all you want. That has been played out too. Nothing to do with the numbers at all. More to do with the program and what is focused on and what isn't. If winning in basketball helps the likes of Alleghany feel relevant and helps you feel good then more power to you. I love how the numbers argument is used both ways against the likes of Swain and Murphy. Damned when we do and damned when we don't. When we win it is cause we are suppossed to cause we have more people. Mocked when we lose with woohoo look how great we are we beat the big school in one sport type posts. Lol...get over it.

Again I am not against the Braves and other smaller schools doing well in basketball. I have seen them play some very good basketball. I just think bragging about beating a very poor Swain and Murphy team is not worth bragging about. Apparently you feel like beating a school with more kids despite not fielding a very talented team is good. You are entitled to that. I ain't mad at ya. Enrollment alone doesn't equate to success. Talent is more important wouldn't you agree? I could be wrong but I don't ever rember hearing Hayesville fans complain about numbers or brag about beating Swain or Murphy recently on the court. That is cause they know what the deal is. They know where their strengths are and they just go out and play. Good luck to Alleghany and the other small schools. Please take it easy on the big boys out there...
The fact remains is that there is NO reason that a school the size of Swain or Murphy should be as bad ad they are in basketball .

Yes, everyone has down years, but even in a down year, Swain county and Murphy should be respectable.
Ultimately I have no dog in this fight so I will remove myself from this conversation. The point that I was trying to make is that I don't see why the little guys like Cherokee should have to refrain from being proud of victories because schools do not put an emphasis on a major sport like mens basketball. Certainly talent and coaching is way more important than enrollment numbers, but when you have twice as many students, you are twice as likely to have talented athletes in your school. I think sometimes people forget to consider the percentages when thinking about the differences in school sizes. Most people easily recognize that a school of 2000 has a significant advantage over a school of 1000. Yet when there is a discussion involving a school of 250 vs 500 the difference gets played down. On a percentage basis, the difference is exactly the same.

I wish none of you any ill will, and again I am removing myself from this conversation so that you guys can have ur own argument.
First off, people are acting like cherokee fans are on here bragging for day and days about beating swain and Murphy. From what I have seen that is not the case, I see a cherokee fan come on here and post the outcome of the most recent game and then when the next game came along they posted about that game and that has been the case for every game so far this year. Some of you are making it sound like those are the only two teams a cherokee fan has posted about beating by alot. Am I wrong?
Gal, you can't deny that cherokee has built a great basketball program in recent years and all evidence points to that program staying strong for a while? So please let's keep conversations in this generation and not go down the road of comparing sport for sport from the beginning of time. Because then we would have to listen to the knights about how they have the whole world beat in state championships if we open that door We have football they have basketball.
Also gal it is a big deal when the little guy beats the big guy. If u think the odds of having 11,5, or 9 starter quality athletes doesn't go up when u go from 250 to 500 enrollment, you are insane. I remember about 10 years ago our fans posted all season about beating mooresville, TN because they are a huge school. I do realize comparing that TN football team to our hoops team is ridiculous but still it was a big deal because they were so much bigger. Also from that same year we are still reading post this year about a 4A school being scared of us. So admit it beating the big boys is always good
And people are acting like this is the first time cherokee has had success in hoops how far have their girls gone in recent years? I think they have had some success.
Not sure where any of that came from. Obviously you missed the point so I will try to catch you up and break it down. No one ever said mont was ony bragging about beating Swain. About the only thing you got right in that long ramble of a post was he has come on here and stated after every game they have won. Which is completely fine. I was simply ribbing him a little for bragging about beating Swain in basketball which equates to us bragging about beating Cherokee in football or anything else for that matter. No one ever said or acted like it was only Swain or Murphy being singled out. I swear some people would try and argue or try to start something with anyone just to do it lol.

Next, when did I ever hint at Cherokee not having a great basketball program? Never! They are known and will be known for their basketball. They have great athletes and a perfect style of play that leads to exciting games to watch. They start this is their powerhouse youth league and this style is developed all the way up through the system. Don't try to make it sound like I was ever bashing or claiming Cherokee doesn't have a good basketball program. They absolutely do. The point you obviously missed from my previous response to a question posed to me was you will never see Swain brag about beating Cherokee in say baseball, volleyball, wrestling, track, cross country, football, etc...because it is expected. We are a bigger school and overall we have strong athletics. Does that mean we are dominant in everything? No. Does that mean we have some sports we are not very good in right now? Sure. I was saying if someone wanted to compare overall records across the program it would be onesided is all. Nothing to get mad about is it?

The next thing you missed is the point about enrollment. Here it is...YOU ARE ARGUING WITH SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH YOU. Enrollment overall can factor into the quality of team fielded by a school but it isn't the only factor. Cherokee basketball is proof of this. The strength of the Cherokee basketball program is due not to enrollment but to the emphasis put on that sport from a very young age. Swain has football. Hayesville has baseball and basketball. Rosman has volleyball. It is what it is. Cherokees win over say Reynolds campares to Swans win over Morristown I. Football that you referenced. Don't try to equate Cherokee beating Swain in basketball to the game you referenced. You guys beating Reynolds possibly. That is a sizable difference in student population. And again don't try to twist my words. I never said it didn't matter about enrollment so how am I insane? I did say We are damned if we win and damned if we lose with some of yall and you obviously fall in that category. When we win it is cause we have more numbers. When we lose it is like winning state for yall. It is funny to me really how you are trying to make a big deal out of something that in reality I agree with some of what you said and all I did was poke at Mont a little which he totally got. To bad a coue of you guys missed it.
I think the issue is with the heading ''Cherokee SPANKS Swain County'',etc....Just my take on the matter.
Gal I have nothing but seen respectful post and actually supporting the cherokee teams.. Bk now he is a diff story ... And the others .. The same ... I enjoy the talk .. I like to guess what mont is gonna use for his headline .. They are very comical... Like a batman comic strip.. I'm just glad people talking about cherokee ... Good or bad it's brought a little excitement to the board ..
Im not trying to equate their win over us to that game and I mentioned that in my previous post. I guess my issue is, We dominate Cherokee in almost every sport and so does murphy, so why is it such a problem for their fans to boast a bit when hoops season rolls around and they put it on us. "You" may not brag on here about beating cherokee in football and maybe most of our fans on here dont brag on here but you are absolutely out of your mind if you are thinking swain fans dont brag about our dominance over them in football. It may not happen on these boards but it happens and as you know cherokee and bryson city are so close and there is so much intermingling between the two with jobs and such that the Braves fans have to listen to it. So dont you agree gal, that they should puff up just a little bit this time of year. You are right though their program starts young and perfects their style all the way through.
I have said previously that they absolutely should puff up. Honestly I was just ribbing Mont a little.
WELL, we have CLOBBERED Swain County and SPANKED Swain County, so what is left??

If, by chance we get to see them in the tournament, what shall we do to them Gal?

( I know, Gal wishes it to say: Swain upsets Braves, or maybe just: Braves squeak by Devils!!)

What shall it be? Only time will tell.
I honestly could careless about the outcome. I ha e only been to a couple games. You need to get more crative with them though. You can do better than that.

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