Breaking News!!

Hitting is starting? Great. Let me check my schedule for today, this is something I don't want too miss.

As far as staying low, these are the fundamentals we've been missing for the last 4 years. We didn't have a great OL when Christian was QB honestly. Staying low and good "Pop" is what we need.

I stated that there will be some miscues in the backfield
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It was great to finally meet Sway. Dogs9 was also there and we all got to know each other a little better, since there wasn't much going on at this shorten practice. After talking to Jay Howard and his dad I can see a lot question marks about this years team. I think a lot of questions will be answered next sat at the jamboree. A lot of questions.
My biggest concern is how PHYSICAL we will be. This has been missing the last several years. It would not surprise me if we really take our lumps this year, so I think it is up to the kids on the field to prove me wrong. If they play hard and hit hard then that is all I will ask.
In realility I guess we are lucky to even have a team this year, what with all the uncertainty at the school this past year.
I see WM having a cake walk through the conference this year as they seem to be loaded like we used to be. This could also be the year that NS finally beats us on the field IF they can get their heads on straight for the game. It's been a mental thing when they play Albemarle.
I like Coach Smith and think he will do a great job with what talent he has to work with, which to some degree is still an unknown quantity. We have some good athletes but do we have ENOUGH. That is my question. So far all of the practices have been installing the DW and haven't seen very little work on the defensive side of the ball. Should see some this coming week as time is starting to become a factor. I think our success this year will depend on the play of our QB and offensive line. 2 critical areas in the double wing.
And in closing I will say again this team has to be PHYSICAL if we are to be successful. Next sat should tell us a LOT. Go dogs.
On a personal note I would also say that losing my wife of 39 years recently was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. But the timing of the football season has helped me a lot in dealing with this. It gets me out of the house and being with lots of people is a big plus. Although missing her is something that will always be on my mind, moving on with my life is what she would have wanted and that is what I am trying to do. Thanks Guys!!!!
Nice too finally put a face on the names, even though I already knew what you looked like Buddy ;). Nice too meet you and @Dogs.

We definitely didn't see a whole lot yesterday, still going over the fundamentals, we've been missing that for the last 4 years.

On a positive note. During tackling drills, I saw Emery lay bodies on the ground.....and I mean the "Hammer". We'll see how he does during the jamboree.

My observations from yesterday, still I say we will come in second to WM. I heard that WM has a squad this year, they will no doubt drop 60+ on us this year....hell Albemarle did it all the time in the past, so why wouldn't they.

Haven't seen or heard anything about NS, it will be a good game, but we should still win. We should be well tuned on O and D by then.

We have nice size at the skilled position. Our DB's are a ? and LB's are a ?

Now, speaking on fundamentals. If these kids aren't ready at the high school level, someone needs to take a magnifying glass and look back at the middle school level.

Smith should work with the middle school coach to have the kids ready at the next level. I believe Jack did.

Speaking with a good friend and we both agreed, all the missing talent that Albemarle usually has, is on the corner chasing money, girls and "you know what"....sad But true.
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No doubt Emery is a physical kid. You can see that by his running style. From a coaching standpoint I believe they have the WM game circled and the goal is to have everything in and at a 100% by that game. Anytime you have a late start as a new coach you have to still be very detailed. If you look at our schedule up until the WM game that is truly the first real important battle for us. So from now until that week we will be constantly working on new things. We have a strong running game and that will allow us to control the clock, our QB has to be decent but not great due to the strength of our running game.

Our QB will have to be able to hit open receivers

Our defense will have to be able to hold

Our special teams will have to be able to hold lanes and keep away long returns

If we do these three things and I think we will be able to see this during the jamboree we will be fine. It will be hard for WM to throw up 60 if they can't get our O off the field. That D line for WM is nice as well so that's where I think the DW will help us.
I'm not saying we will beat WM to clarify this season. All I am saying is that I think it will be close IMO. I think WM is a top notch team and with us losing 20 players there are too many question marks for us as of right now. I see WM having a fantastic season this year and will make a deep playoff run. They will be a state contender.
Coach Smith is spending a lot of time teaching the DW. 3 hrs each practice. We have 2 kids at qb, so we could see both getting playing time to start the season. As the season goes on one should emerge and be the starter. Like nation said our qb doesn't have to be great with the DW he just has to be smart and consistent. With only 37 players I'm sure that some of them are probably not ready for football at the varsity level so they may have to grown into it. All we can do is take our best players and put them where they can help us the most.
I trust Coach Smith in taking his time with these kids and teaching them technics which has been missing for several years. I think it will pay off in the long run even though we may start slow due to this. Its hard to scrimmage the first team O against the first team D when so many will be going both ways.
As for the jamboree my understanding is both Latin and Salisbury have been invited but not sure if they have commited. Will post when I know for sure.
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WM will drop at least 60. Concord also.

We will come second in the conference no doubt.
WM will drop at least 60. Concord also.

We will come second in the conference no doubt.

I doubt WM will.... WM has a tad bit more class...... WM will win. Put it in the books and move on. If the score is out of hand it will be because our 3rd string hung one on you guys. And finishing 2nd should be a given. The conference is horrible.
Buddy...sorry to hear of your loss. BTW, the offense you guys have is clock control as well. That is how we both at WM a couple of years back. It can be explosive... 64 vs NS same year... You will enjoy it. Hopefully you can enjoy a wonderful season.
I doubt WM will.... WM has a tad bit more class...... WM will win. Put it in the books and move on. If the score is out of hand it will be because our 3rd string hung one on you guys. And finishing 2nd should be a given. The conference is horrible.
I doubt WM will.... WM has a tad bit more class...... WM will win. Put it in the books and move on. If the score is out of hand it will be because our 3rd string hung one on you guys. And finishing 2nd should be a given. The conference is horrible.
Spiketomandjerry4. Come on over to the old shop building across the field so we can meet up. Had a good crowd sat night. Sway, Dogs9, Old Clockman, Jay Howard and his dad, Carl and of course Buddy Rich. Carl is the oldest bulldog fan dating back to the late 40's. I am next starting in 1951.
Carl might remember my dad playing if he was a fan from the late forties. He was a senior co-captain in 1947 on Toby Webb's first team. He played blocking back on offense in the single wing and was a defensive back on defense.
Carl told me he was in the 10th grade in 1947. Quit school and got a job. But continued to follow the bulldogs till this day. He might remember Gene.
This is a good day for tackling.

If I have time after the gym. I'll stop by. Might watch from the stadium.
You might be right sway, but I am holding back till after the scrimmage this coming sat. I think that will tell me a lot about the coming season. And don't worry I will tell it like it is. The good and the bad. Can't wait.
sway the way seeding rules are yall would have played murphy in 2nd round last year i wouldnt feel so confident in your guarantee if i was u.
That was last year and I'm talking about next year. How does this add up? #ScratchesChin
U r right history never repeats itself, i forgot u got it all figured all depends on what side of bracket u get on. Whoever avoids robbinsville and murphy the longest makes the 4th round. Which was my alleghany trojans last year. The seeding rules give subpar teams like thomas jefferson and elkin last year higher seeds for finishing good in their subpar conferences. Which makes albemarle play murphy or robbinsville before they should.
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I don't think Concord will put 60 points up against Albemarle but we might pitch a shut out. The Defense of Concord will be tough to run against. Coach Padget don't like to run the score up against anyone.Hey Buddy as far as parking goes they won't let anybody drive into the stadium but there will be plenty of handicap parking and they will drive you all the way over to the visitor side of the field in a golf cart.This will be a tough game for me, I attended Albemarle High and played some football there.Both of my sons played football for Concord.I still help out the football program. I think it might be a good game at least I hope so.
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U r right history never repeats itself, i forgot u got it all figured all depends on what side of bracket u get on. Whoever avoids robbinsville and murphy the longest makes the 4th round. Which was my alleghany trojans last year. The seeding rules give subpar teams like thomas jefferson and elkin last year higher seeds for finishing good in their subpar conferences. Which makes albemarle play murphy or robbinsville before they should.

For a second time KW I absolutely agree with you. I never liked the POD system, but it seems that the seeding now is no different. I just wish they went of strength of conference. They do in 4A-3A when determining seeds if I'm not mistaken.

I don't think Murphy will be as strong this year as they have in the past, but still a very disciplined team, and a difficult team to beat in the post season. Next season should be fun for everyone.
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When I think of Concord I usually think of one of the best in the SPC year In and year out. Albemarle has played Central for two years in a row and usually Concord beats Them. Good Luck against Brown
For a second time KW I absolutely agree with you. I never liked the POD system, but it seems that the seeding now is no different. I just wish they went of strength of conference. They do in 4A-3A when determining seeds if I'm not mistaken.

All four classifications are the same. Placing in conference, conference record, overall record. Remember Butler and Indy playing in week two when Butler was absolutely loaded during the Indy run.

A lot different possibilities without the pod system. Saw teams with one loss go on the road in round two while in the opposite pod teams with teams with four losses were hosting teams under .500% in the second round.
I don't think Concord will put 60 points up against Albemarle but we might pitch a shut out. The Defense of Concord will be tough to run against. Coach Padget don't like to run the score up against anyone.Hey Buddy as far as parking goes they won't let anybody drive into the stadium but there will be plenty of handicap parking and they will drive you all the way over to the visitor side of the field in a golf cart.This will be a tough game for me, I attended Albemarle High and played some football there.Both of my sons played football for Concord.I still help out the football program. I think it might be a good game at least I hope so.

Glen Padgett is a solid guy. Really like him.
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When I think of Concord I usually think of one of the best in the SPC year In and year out. Albemarle has played Central for two years in a row and usually Concord beats Them. Good Luck against Brown
Thanks Bulldogs Follower its going to be a good game for sure. It's being played on Thursday night this year. Time Warner Cable is televising it live this year.
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