Breaking News!!

First day of practice will be in the gym. They're having a candlelight vigil for Erin Phillips on the main field tonight, so Coach Smith say that would be to much of a distraction. That's ok. The vigil is a nice thing. Monday at 6:30 guys.
I went up to the high school again tonight only to find out they were going to stay in the gym because of the conflict. I did get to speak to Coach Smith and he said he was probably only going to have around 30 players and I hope he meant on the varsity but i'm not really sure. I'll try and go back Monday night.
Dogs9, I would think 30 players would be just varsity players. If not then we will not have a jv team for sure. We have had a jv team for many years but declining numbers may not allow that this year. Anyway when I go up tomorrow evening for practice I'm sure these questions will be answered.
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The future of Albemarle High School???????. I really believe the school board wanted to close this and other schools in the county, but public outcry and they just flat ran out of time. So we have a 1 year repreave. In the upcoming school year I will be watching the BOE meetings very closely and also how AHS is preforming this year in the classroom. It is a must that the students have to do a better job in the educational end of it. Sure sports is a part of the HS experience and I'm sure the only reason some of the kids even show up in the morning. But it has and always will be getting an education first and formost.
Now with the facilities study complete the board can look at the state of the buildings in the system. However to me the low enrollment in some of the schools is a key as to what needs to be done. A county like Stanly just doesn't need 4 high schools with the present numbers. Redistricting is a must and should be the number 1 prority of the school board. However this has been a taboo subject for many years with all the previous school boards
This board has to step up and just DO IT.
As for Albemarle High School the administration, teachers and especially the students have to show everyone what they can do and make it a memorable years. I think they will!!!!!
They will have too redistrict the lines. The next meeting is Tuesday.

I knew with Erin's memorial walk, it would come in conflict with practice.

RIH classmate #ErinPhillips
Looking forward to 6:30 today when I will see the 2015 version of my Bulldogs at Practice. Unlike past years I have no idea what to expect. Interested in the numbers more than anything and if we will have a JV team this year. Met Coach Smith on Sat but didn't get to talk much. Seems like a nice guy. Also interested in who the asst coaches will be. Lots of unknowns this year but I am just excited they we will have a team. Will be back later tonight with a report on what went on. Go Dogs.
Hope to get up there tonight for a little while also and check out the Dogs.
Seems more common now especially with the smaller schools. Albemarle was the only county school that had a JV team last year. South did have one to start the year but I think injuries forced them to combine both squads before the end of the year. Albemarle's JV team last year probably only played 5 or 6 games . West Stanly was the one school that surprised me last year by not having a JV team.
Albemarle has been blessed over the years by having a J.V. And honestly, Albemarle doesn't need a J.V. this year. We need to rebuild the foundation. If gutting the J.V. teams makes this happen then so be it.....

People keep saying that Albemarle is going to close down, and I wish they would get that thought out of their "Thick Skulls", its not going to happening.

I'm excited to see the new O. Albemarle has been running a system that was installed 25 years ago, and even though it was very successful, it's time that Albemarle tried some new things out. Same thing with WM. Eddins came in and changed system and culture. The kids had to buy into it, and once they did, they haven't looked back since.

The same goes for Albemarle. It won't be until next year util we see the fruition of this new offense.

Athletically, we're up there with the best. We keep good athletes, we have went through a coaching spell the last 3 years.....3 coaches in 3 years = failure.
Just got in from practice. Ghee I'm tired. 3 hrs. The offense we have been running for the last 20 some years is history. Double wing is in. Searching for a QB but looks like the jv qb from last year may be ahead at this point. 2 really strong power running backs. Stanback and Emery. Gosh are those two huge. Hearing lots of speed . Don't know anything about the defense yet. Most impressive thing I saw was just about all the asst coaches are new and more on the way. Lots of individual attention to the kids. May take some time to get the new system in place but when the kids adjust to it. Watch Out! All I can say is Albemarle just keeps pumping out the athletes. We will probably take our lumps early but hopefully the kids will buy into this system and Coach Smith. Time will tell. Go Dogs.
Another observation yesterday. Last year we gave up to much yardage on kick offs. They run a drill yesterday trying to teach the kids to stay in their lanes. Also this team is very young with not a lot of experience so we will have to grow up in a hurry. This may be painful early on but it's the only way to gain experience. At least we will give the opposing coaches something to think about as most of them knew Albemarle's playbook better than we did. Interesting point. Talking to the starting TE's father at practice and he thinks TE's in HS are not used enough. Most are just another blocker when they should be included in more pass routes. The jamboree is less than 2 weeks away and I think coach smith is trying to cram as much practice in as possible because of the late start we had. He seems to me to be letting the assistants handle much of the instructing while he oversees the whole practice and steps in when he sees the need. I really like what I saw from the assistant coaches. I think we have been shorthanded in the past with only a handful. This year looks to be different. How will we do in the coming season. I really don't know. It will be very interesting to see how this squad comes together with the coach and the team on the same page. I think we are seeing a new era in football at Albemarle. I for one am excited and looking forward to the first game.
I was told that we have around 40-45 players and maybe 50 when school starts. That's without a J.V. I'm guessing. That's 2 platoon numbers. I was also told that they are learning the Offense fast, but this will be a growing pain until they get it right. I still see a third round appearance from Albemarle no matter what.

Will they upset Concord this year? That would be a great start to the season. Upsetting a 3AA power house.
I counted about 35 at practice yesterday Sway, but I look for that number to go up somewhat as school starts and also heard as usual some don't have their physical papers yet which is the norm. Hard to say at this point if we can two-platoon or not. Probably have a few going both ways is my thinking. Pretty sure we will not have a jv team. From what I saw they are getting the offense pretty good at this point. Should be a fun year.
I counted about 35 at practice yesterday Sway, but I look for that number to go up somewhat as school starts and also heard as usual some don't have their physical papers yet which is the norm. Hard to say at this point if we can two-platoon or not. Probably have a few going both ways is my thinking. Pretty sure we will not have a jv team. From what I saw they are getting the offense pretty good at this point. Should be a fun year.
Buddy were you sitting beside the auto mechanics building ? I stopped by briefly but I stood over by ticket booth. If I get by today I'll come and sit in the shade where you were.
I expect the numbers to rise as well. I don't believe the late comers will be starters, it may be their first time on the field.

As far as the J.V. goes, we shouldn't have had one last year. It was way too much talent on the J.V. squad to only get to play 5-6 games.

I am looking at a 9-2 record. I just don't see us getting past Concord ( we have to play a perfect game to do so) and defiantly not WM (This Year). Next year, the Dogs will "ROLL" no doubt.

Buddy, I thought we had our QB. The QB from J.V. last year was a pretty good scrambler but needed to work on his passing. There was another kid on J.V. that was a better passer but not as athletic as the other one... I see a QB battle.
That's what I saw yesterday Sway. They were trying at least 3 kids at QB. I also heard that the qb will not be running to the sideline for plays. Heard they would have wrist bands with the plays on them.
Never understood why they had the quarterback doing all the extra running anyway. Send in the plays with a different back or receiver if they have to or the plays on the wristband would be even better.
Great!, they're going back to 2009-2012 days. They were using them then. They ran a little "Oregon" style then. I still believe Christian should have won 2 SC in 2011 and 2012.

It's good to see that they are grooming our QB's to take more responsibility and be "Thinkers", that's where the "books" come into play.... That's what's killed Albemarle in the past 2 years along with instability in coaching.

The one QB you saw yesterday, I went to school with his mom. I'm excited, but I kinda got the feeling of who the QB is going to be.

Who is the OC by the way?
You need a JV squad if at all possible. Freshmen and sophomores can play Thursday and Friday with the eight quarter rule. It was put in place to help the small schools so they could field a JV team. JV football is where players can matchup without being overwhelmed and pick up the fundamentals and offense at a slower pace.

If Albemarle has 35 players or even 40 this makes me wonder what type of enrollment numbers will the school have. My fear is that both AHS and South will be lower this school year than last.

Another concern is the late start. An example is naming the HFC so late often leads to players not having the proper medical clearance keeping them off the practice field and out of pads for longer. Trying to cram a lot of new things into a short period of time. AHS is a perfect storm for some early season problems. If they can keep their heads right and stay injury free they should be fine. The key is they cannot afford to lose bodies much less producers.
You need a JV squad if at all possible. Freshmen and sophomores can play Thursday and Friday with the eight quarter rule. It was put in place to help the small schools so they could field a JV team. JV football is where players can matchup without being overwhelmed and pick up the fundamentals and offense at a slower pace.

If Albemarle has 35 players or even 40 this makes me wonder what type of enrollment numbers will the school have. My fear is that both AHS and South will be lower this school year than last.

Another concern is the late start. An example is naming the HFC so late often leads to players not having the proper medical clearance keeping them off the practice field and out of pads for longer. Trying to cram a lot of new things into a short period of time. AHS is a perfect storm for some early season problems. If they can keep their heads right and stay injury free they should be fine. The key is they cannot afford to lose bodies much less producers.

Tango, no one is saying that it doesn't matter if Albemarle doesn't field a J.V. let alone any other FB program in N.C. We all know the importance of a J.V., but did having a J.V. last year benefit Albemarle in anyway.....nope.

We knew last year what the numbers were going to look like this year. Yes, the numbers are "Declining" that's been stated by the BOE and Advocates for Stanly County....these are "FACTS". And the 8 quarter rule has bitten us in the past as well as other at the point at Albemarle, why even risk it?

These coaches know full hand the challenges they will have....the "STUDENTS" know full well of the challenges they will have. Anybody that knows football "Knows" the challenges that Albemarle will have this year.

Why do you keep bringing up the obvious? That's not logical to me...

"If Albemarle has 35 players or even 40 this makes me wonder what type of enrollment numbers will the school have. My fear is that both AHS and South will be lower this school year than last."

^^^ Why will it make you wonder? The numbers will be low.....that's obvious, and will continue to decline if they do not "Redistrict the LINES". But you have West Stanly with close to 700 or more kids and can't field a J.V. team....that make perfect sense too right?....right.

And as far as the perfect storm, I've seen the movie, pretty good one, but the sun shined at the end.;)

Tango, I'm not sure who's side your own, but your suspect in my book. Good day.
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I agree that you need a JV program but last year they only got to play 5 or 6 games due to the fact most of the other conference teams didn't have a JV team. Even West Stanly who is the biggest school in the county did not have a JV team.I really don't think they can be any less prepared this year as they have looked the last two years in their first two games.
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You need a JV squad if at all possible. Freshmen and sophomores can play Thursday and Friday with the eight quarter rule. It was put in place to help the small schools so they could field a JV team. JV football is where players can matchup without being overwhelmed and pick up the fundamentals and offense at a slower pace.

If Albemarle has 35 players or even 40 this makes me wonder what type of enrollment numbers will the school have. My fear is that both AHS and South will be lower this school year than last.

Another concern is the late start. An example is naming the HFC so late often leads to players not having the proper medical clearance keeping them off the practice field and out of pads for longer. Trying to cram a lot of new things into a short period of time. AHS is a perfect storm for some early season problems. If they can keep their heads right and stay injury free they should be fine. The key is they cannot afford to lose bodies much less producers.

I agree hiring the HFC late is not ideal. They were trying to hire the HFC in may but the board would not allow it. Additionally, I believe we had 38 players last year so I believe our numbers are close to that. I do find it very interesting that they did the open enrollment this year instead of redistricting. I believe that shows where this board stands in regards to our community schools. You wonder if we had a football coach and Coach Andrew did not retire this season or we had a men's basketball coach named of they would have voted so convincingly for open enrollment. I know 2 schools who benefitted athletically from the open enrollment and it wasn't AHS.

I stopped up briefly last night and I noticed an incredible amount of speed and loved the coaches attention to the basics. It seems that they are building a great foundation. I am sure with how young we are that we will take our lumps but a big thing I noticed last night was the focus of the kids and the attention to detail by the coaches. Anytime you have that focus you have a great chance to be successful.

One thing that has to be noted is so far I feel Mr. Kilgore has made some very good decisions. My prayers are with him and the other leaders of the school. Also with all of our coaches and players.
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Tango, no one is saying that it doesn't matter if Albemarle doesn't field a J.V. let alone any other FB program in N.C. We all know the importance of a J.V., but did having a J.V. last year benefit Albemarle in anyway.....nope.

We knew last year what the numbers were going to look like this year. Yes, the numbers are "Declining" that's been stated by the BOE and Advocates for Stanly County....these are "FACTS". And the 8 quarter rule has bitten us in the past as well as other at the point at Albemarle, why even risk it?

These coaches know full hand the challenges they will have....the "STUDENTS" know full well of the challenges they will have. Anybody that knows football "Knows" the challenges that Albemarle will have this year.

Why do you keep bringing up the obvious? That's not logical to me...

"If Albemarle has 35 players or even 40 this makes me wonder what type of enrollment numbers will the school have. My fear is that both AHS and South will be lower this school year than last."

^^^ Why will it make you wonder? The numbers will be low.....that's obvious, and will continue to decline if they do not "Redistrict the LINES". But you have West Stanly with close to 700 or more kids and can't field a J.V. team....that make perfect sense too right?....right.

And as far as the perfect storm, I've seen the movie, pretty good one, but the sun shined at the end.;)

Tango, I'm not sure who's side your own, but your suspect in my book. Good day.
Yes the sun did shine in the end of the movie but the entire fishing crew died.
Tango, I'm not sure who's side your own, but your suspect in my book. Good day.

Dang sway, don't shoot the messenger. I promise you that Tango bleeds 100% Albemarle blue. But he also tries to look at every issue from every side, and tries to assess each situation fairly. That's why he is one of the most respected posters (if not THE most respected) on NC Preps.
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Albemarle is blessed in terms of number this year from what I see across the YVC for football. When you have close to 40 kids coming out, its great for the dogs. South Davidson has 26 on roster, EM has 33, South Stanly has only 25. I also think not having a JV this season helps more than hurts Albemarle. Not to get too far ahead but I would like to see AHS in a better conference next year.
Albemarle is blessed in terms of number this year from what I see across the YVC for football. When you have close to 40 kids coming out, its great for the dogs. South Davidson has 26 on roster, EM has 33, South Stanly has only 25. I also think not having a JV this season helps more than hurts Albemarle. Not to get too far ahead but I would like to see AHS in a better conference next year.
Off the subject but Florida is showing redshirt freshman Will Grear as starting QB for this year. The boy could play.

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