Albemarle's Future?

First off welcome aboard AHSDog. It is my understanding that this year would make Coach Smith eligible for his retirement. So I think you are correct. You are welcome to join us in our discussion on the future of SCS's. It is very important that the school board gets this right.
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@steady99, yes Coach Andrew retired after last school year. @Buddy Rich, thanks for the welcome. I do hope that the BOE makes the right call. I don't see the logistics in closing Albemarle High, but then again, I'm emotionally invested. It has been my dream to hopefully lead the football program someday, but that can't happen if the school isn't even there.
First off welcome aboard AHSDog. It is my understanding that this year would make Coach Smith eligible for his retirement. So I think you are correct. You are welcome to join us in our discussion on the future of SCS's. It is very important that the school board gets this right.
After some of the bashing I saw him take on this site Im surprised he didnt turn in his walking papers in October.
@steady99, yes Coach Andrew retired after last school year. @Buddy Rich, thanks for the welcome. I do hope that the BOE makes the right call. I don't see the logistics in closing Albemarle High, but then again, I'm emotionally invested. It has been my dream to hopefully lead the football program someday, but that can't happen if the school isn't even there.
I'd also like to welcome you to the boards and you've only been on here a couple of days and I'm pretty sure I know who you are. That doesn't really matter because you or someone like you is what Albemarle needs in a football coach. They need someone that will live and breath Albemarle football 24/7 365 days a year. They need someone who will bring back the Bulldog Pride back to Albemarle but that won't happen if the school is closed.
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Hi guys, been a long time follower of this forum, so thought I'd join in the mix. As a graduate of AHS and an alumni of the football program, the future of AHS means a lot to me. My question about the future of the program deals with rumblings I've heard about Coach Smith having submitted or planning to submit his retirement papers this school year. Any news on this front from anyone else?

I think he has enough time in the system to retire. If the season would have went well I expect the plan was to stay. With the way things went it is better for the program to make a change to a new HC but it has to be a football guy who can relate to the students at AHS. I understand coaches need to be good teachers but that should not be a class room only scenario.

From a financial standpoint what would be the difference in the bottom line if AHS 9-2 and gets three home playoff games? I expect the crowds would have been much larger plus three more home games.
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if he is leaving not sure the resume stack on Kilgores desk is gonna be very high.....Uncerainty year to year on school existence. Declining population numbers. Perhaps if there is an honest reinvestment by the county, commiunity, parents, and students to revive AHS then maybe quality coaches seek this position. If not, more of the same. Coaches at the end of their careers or young coaches that want to say they were a head coach in their resume. What's yalls thoughts?
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I'd also like to welcome you to the boards and you've only been on here a couple of days and I'm pretty sure I know who you are. That doesn't really matter because you or someone like you is what Albemarle needs in a football coach. They need someone that will live and breath Albemarle football 24/7 365 days a year. They need someone who will bring back the Bulldog Pride back to Albemarle but that won't happen if the school is closed.

Thanks for the welcome @Dogs9! I have to agree you you 100%. I was one of the ones who helped lay the foundation of the legacy of the program under Gaster, told that by the man himself. I will forever be one of "Jack's boys"! I played under him, interned under him, and coached along side of him. Someone like Gaster is what the program needs. Someone with fire, with passion for the game, and compassion for his players. The PRIDE does need to be brought back to the team, the school, the entire community!

If you do know me, then you should understand my passion for this program. I just hope logic and common sense prevail in the politics of all this. Lord have mercy on the Bulldog Faithful!!
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if he is leaving not sure the resume stack on Kilgores desk is gonna be very high.....Uncerainty year to year on school existence. Declining population numbers. Perhaps if there is an honest reinvestment by the county, commiunity, parents, and students to revive AHS then maybe quality coaches seek this position. If not, more of the same. Coaches at the end of their careers or young coaches that want to say they were a head coach in their resume. What's yalls thoughts?

@billythekid75, I agree with you there. With the present situation, getting quality applicants could be a real problem. The whole Russell Stone fiasco really got under my skin. I spoke with him briefly at the NC Coaches' Clinic about the whole mess. After less than 2 minutes of talking, I immediately liked the guy. We missed out there big time!!

Your point about older coaches and young coaches is right on point. An older coach who is great at turning programs around would be a great benefit to AHS. Look what Gaster accomplished when he arrived. But this situation is different, compounded by the mess with the BOE. A young coach, like my self, could be the right way to go in some aspects, breathing new life into the program. There are pros and cons to each pathway.
One bit of advice...don't politic or apply for a job that isn't open. I think if the school is open another year, there will not be a coaching change. It is just an opinion....based on being in the business since 1983. (I'm one of those older coaches. I agree totally that the stack will be even smaller, should it open up. Five or six coaches in just a few years....jerked around a hall of fame applicant last go round... It is a tough advertisement to sell.)
One bit of advice...don't politic or apply for a job that isn't open. I think if the school is open another year, there will not be a coaching change. It is just an opinion....based on being in the business since 1983. (I'm one of those older coaches. I agree totally that the stack will be even smaller, should it open up. Five or six coaches in just a few years....jerked around a hall of fame applicant last go round... It is a tough advertisement to sell.)

I completely agree @sleehrat. Just putting it out there that I would love the job if available. But you are right, can't apply for a job that isn't open.
Have to disagree with Rat on this one, D7165. You should politic & butter up (maybe even put in a few bucks) to Sway, Buddy Rich & Co! Being the large donors & "loyal" supporters they are for the AHS staff, they are already conducting an extensive coaching search for the next HFC they can bash!!! ;) jk

Rat is correct. If the job opens or even exist after this year, follow the proper protocol. Apply for the position and hopefully you'll get an interview if you have the qualifications the administration is looking for in their next HFC. However, stay as far away as possible from the other AHS posters & the NCC. Their endorsement would be the "kiss of death" for you
Have to disagree with Rat on this one, D7165. You should politic & butter up (maybe even put in a few bucks) to Sway, Buddy Rich & Co! Being the large donors & "loyal" supporters they are for the AHS staff, they are already conducting an extensive coaching search for the next HFC they can bash!!! ;) jk

Rat is correct. If the job opens or even exist after this year, follow the proper protocol. Apply for the position and hopefully you'll get an interview if you have the qualifications the administration is looking for in their next HFC. However, stay as far away as possible from the other AHS posters & the NCC. Their endorsement would be the "kiss of death" for you
You might be right about the NCC's endorsement of a coach being the kiss of death because the NCC gave Russell Stone a unanimous endorsement and you saw what happened to him. You can say what you want about the NCC but you won't find a group that is more supportive and loyal to the Bulldogs anywhere.
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if he is leaving not sure the resume stack on Kilgores desk is gonna be very high.....Uncerainty year to year on school existence. Declining population numbers. Perhaps if there is an honest reinvestment by the county, commiunity, parents, and students to revive AHS then maybe quality coaches seek this position. If not, more of the same. Coaches at the end of their careers or young coaches that want to say they were a head coach in their resume. What's yalls thoughts?

Great point. Will be hard to attract quality candidates with all the uncertainty over which schools will stay open. Under the circumstances, probably best if Smith stays if he's willing to do it. Putting aside x's and o's, he seems to be well respected and a stand-up guy. Good person to provide a steady hand during a transition like this.
First order of business is to keep the school open. Hiring a coach comes after this. I brought Stone into the picture and he was treated like crap. That was my big beef against the adminstration. He would have been a great addition to AHS. I have no more to say about Coach Smith as I have already voiced my opinion. Now we just have to wait and see what the BOE is going to do. That is the next order of business.
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@AHSDog7165 welcome, were you part of the championship run in 2001-2003?

I can't lie Warrior, we did give Smith the business on this board, but he didn't need to come to this board to know how the loyal fans felt, he could hear the boo birds rising up to him from the press box.

But if anybody wanna lay my pockets with cash I'll gladly accept, can't promise anything though.

Albemarle will not be shut down, it will take that board another 3 years to complete that study...
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@AHSDog7165 welcome, were you part of the championship run in 2001-2003?

I can't lie Warrior, we did give Smith the business on this board, but he didn't need to come to this board to know how the loyal fans felt, he could hear the boo birds rising up to him from the press box.

But if anybody wanna lay my pockets with cash I'll gladly accept, can't promise anything though.

Albemarle will not be shut down, it will take that board another 3 years to complete that study...

I was an assistant with the 2002 season, Varsity and JV both undefeated!
Who are you AHSDog? If you don't want to say on the board you can email me. I was close friend with Gaster and knew most of the staff. Think I know but not sure..
One last piece of advice D7165, not that you need it. In all seriousness from first hand experience, be very careful in returning home until you are an extremely successful head coach with a proven track record.

I appreciate the advice Warrior.
@sway1532 oh yes sir! Tell me, what does a coach have to gain from pandering to a bunch of folks that run straight to a message board and tell the world what we're planning to do. Then when they don't like it, bash the coaches, their practice style, coaching style, and everything else they can think of. You want me to sit at your job and critique every decision you make? Some people on this forum had AMPLE opportunity to tell AHS head coach exactly what they thought of him, but chose to type it here instead. Yep practice would be closed fellas.
@sway1532 oh yes sir! Tell me, what does a coach have to gain from pandering to a bunch of folks that run straight to a message board and tell the world what we're planning to do. Then when they don't like it, bash the coaches, their practice style, coaching style, and everything else they can think of. You want me to sit at your job and critique every decision you make? Some people on this forum had AMPLE opportunity to tell AHS head coach exactly what they thought of him, but chose to type it here instead. Yep practice would be closed fellas.

Well I'll be....
You can close practice if you like...but, if you struggle to beat CC and get blown out by the conference mediocre, no one is coming to your practice anyway... just saying. :)
You can close practice if you like...but, if you struggle to beat CC and get blown out by the conference mediocre, no one is coming to your practice anyway... just saying. :)
That's a great point sleehrat, front running seems to be a MAJOR requirement in showing your "Albemarle Pride"!!!!!
I wonder who will be the next coach. With Smith hanging it up after a catastrophe, who's gonna install pride back into the program?
What is the latest on the plan B proposal? Don't they meet tonight?
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