Someone ONCE said :
I watched Neal’s Hudl highlights from that game. He is obliviously a superior athlete, but he has a water pistol for an arm, and if you think quarterback sweeps and screen passes will get it done versus fast defenses, as in Shelby or Monroe, you could be in for a rude awakening. He bounced everything outside. As fast as Shelby’s defense is, I can’t see him having much success doing that. 12-14 88 yards passing is efficient, but again, 90% percent of those passes were WR screens. He’s an athlete playing quarterback.
Cobb had 8 carries for 113 yards, his touchdown run being 89 yards. Take away the td, he had 7 carries for 24 yards. Humble yourself! You’re not as good as you were last year, period. I definitely hope Shelby sees the Rams this season, and both teams are healthy.
I wonder if he will say it twice?