East Wilkes @ Heritage

That's a pretty funny post. You've got no one as big or athletic as 71. 350 lb running a sub 5.3 40. You can eat buffet all he wants. You ain't moving him. So I'm sure that quarterback won't be tucking and running in a gap will he. That's pretty funny. I may have Read this wrong. And you're not as stupid as you sound. Or I read it right you are as stupid as you sound
only time he runs 5 .3 is when Golden Corral opens the doors lol

Corvian @ Eastern Randolph

Touchy touchy. It was really tongue in cheek. You've been on here long enough I don't think you're anybody. But it did just sound like that. Clown. I mean you've been on here long enough that you got to at least be in your late twenties or 30s. But I couldn't be wrong. Or I could be wrong. I like what you post man sorry for the sardonic
Bromance Hug GIF by Big Brother


I was expecting this to happen, he didn't really act like himself this year when we played. JV night he showed up late and didn't talk much and he was very quiet on varsity night. Kinda made me think then. But I always liked Southern, he always respected our kids and I respected him so much for that. It'll be weird not seeing him coach, he was at SC as long as I've been at NS (17 years.)

Whoever gets it will have a rebuilding period ahead of him. They had very few juniors this year and for a little bit it was only 3 or so they had out. Much like Elkin they had a ton of seniors, but unlike Elkin they made the most of their season. Their JV team had a rough year last year going winless for the first time at SC at any level since 1990.. Southern could see what was coming.

It'll be interesting to see who they go with. I'm like Thunderstruck I'm expecting that AD to get it, but I'm not sold on him either. They gotta be careful here, one bad move and a lot of Southern's work will be wiped away and it'll be a mess. They don't wanna be like South Stokes. South made a terrible hire in 2023 and it about near nuked their program, they've fixed it since but SC has a lot depending on this hire. Either they make a good hire and stay consistent, or not and it'll he a hard few years.
Coach went out on a winning season and made the playoffs! He is a great Coach and even better person and will always be an Golden Eagle!

Tarboro vs Pender 4th round

Say fellas. Lakewood confidence is at an all time high. They said they will 100% beat Tarboro. I mean you’re suppose to be confident now but at some point you gotta be real….
That guy said he wanna see what the hype all about. I admire the confidence I do, but that confidence usually turns into a nightmare really quickly.

East Wilkes @ Heritage

As big no but as we have some d linemen that probably run sub 4.7/4.8 40s ones about 6'1 225 not an ounce of fat, we're not huge up front but we are by no means weak.
Really not the case and you are very small and can’t stop the run. We are bigger, more physical and faster than you and that comes from seeing first hand. The night you best draughn the QB and #24 did it all and if you think that will be the bears wow you don’t watch much film. You will not stop the run and the QB will not run up the middle. You will see just how good #71 is and our middle linebacker also. But first we both have to take care of business this weekend

West Charlotte at Dudley

@New3ra not sure where/why all the rumors of WC losing guys to Hough is coming from but I've heard it too many times for there not to be something going on. The WC staff is getting guys into college and noticed early. It would be a shame for guys to leave as WC will be incredibly good next couple years.

What Hough does is incredible to say the least. They've got guys from all over the state on their roster. They recruit the portal and MS very well..They try and get folks in as 9th graders to avoid the scrutiny. It's amazing the talent they get in as transfers/residency moves....... Bailey middle is 75% suburban and their football team is bad. But Hough football is somehow 80% urban and dominate. Just amazing how those guys just show up......
