Fake Schools

They're not "my" polticians. Trump did it because his daddy gave him money. He didn't self earn it or self start it. Then he bankrupted how many businesses along his way?

I agree career polticians need to be stopped and making money shouldn't happen when in politics. But the folks like the Virginia Foxx's of the world that have convinced you that Donald Trump is going to save the world are the same ones that keep these dark money PACs going and that refuse to sell stock.
You talk about dark money. What has the Soro’s family done to this country by spending untold amounts of money to get very progressive liberals elected especially DAs across the country.

How come all these world leaders are treating Trump like he is President right now.

Harris had over a Billion dollars for her campaign and ended up 20 Million in debt. That’s somebody we needed leading the free world

Mt Airy this year and the future

MA will have 19 Seniors next year and around 12 returning starters. QB position will prob be the Hemric kid who I am told is quick can throw and run triple option good. Get #51 Hiatt back as he was out with knee injury and #77 Moncus filled in at center very good. # 4 returns which is biggest one along with #12 #21 #22 and #71. Look for #5 the Mason kid to get more carries also. JMO
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Fake Schools

Then you should stop paying taxes. Not everyone can dictate where their individual dollar goes, hence why having elected officials who set the tax rates and determine tax dollar expenditures, is important. Ultimately they answer to their constituents unlike non-elected officials. County boards of education should always have oversight over public education funds.
No they can’t dictate where their money goes but our state allows funds to schools that aren’t traditional public schools and it should so that we parents have the option of where we want our kids to go. My kid goes private and I pay for it but it’s nice to have the charter option as well. People crying that we have that option don’t speak for everyone. Sorry. That’s how it is. My tax dollars should and do give me an option and that shouldn’t stop because y’all don’t like how they operate. I don’t like how the few on a school board dictate to our kids as a whole what is taught and not. There has been outrage nation wide about it so it’s obviously a problem
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Fake Schools

If you give someone a dollar and they turn that into $10 then that person understands $$$. If he inherited 1 million or 400 million he is worth 5.5 BILLION today. I'm not the smartest, but that is the blueprint of how to manage businesses, money, investments, etc. What are you talking about? SMH
How many people win the lottery and in 6 months they are broke. I always laugh at that joke but the real joke is the politicians becoming millionaires on 6 figure salaries and that people believe they are for them

Fake Schools

They're not "my" polticians. Trump did it because his daddy gave him money. He didn't self earn it or self start it. Then he bankrupted how many businesses along his way?

I agree career polticians need to be stopped and making money shouldn't happen when in politics. But the folks like the Virginia Foxx's of the world that have convinced you that Donald Trump is going to save the world are the same ones that keep these dark money PACs going and that refuse to sell stock.
If you give someone a dollar and they turn that into $10 then that person understands $$$. If he inherited 1 million or 400 million he is worth 5.5 BILLION today. I'm not the smartest, but that is the blueprint of how to manage businesses, money, investments, etc. What are you talking about? SMH
And Charters are here and were created because the problems with "traditional" schools. Now, I do agree, Charters, and I'm sure they all agree as well, should play up in 3A and 4A for sports. Especially, year in year out, if they are competitive or superior in sports. My kids went to a charter, played sports, and both excelled in sports and academics. Both played college sports and excelled academically and graduated. I credit those accomplishments to the charter they attended and the rigorous academics they were introduced to along the way. I saw many, many kids (athletes) try to get into our school of choice through the lottery that was denied year after year. So, I don't agree with the assessment that lotteries don't work or its easy to get into if you are an athlete. All Charters are being overseen by the Charter Schools of NC and if you do not comply with the rules (lottery), you will lose your charter.
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Fake Schools

And I've never once viewed you as an enemy, and just because I challenge or question your thought doesn't mean you are the enemy. I don't go around screaming "you conservatives" are destroying the country and all this nonsense.

I live in one of the redest areas in the state where I'm seeing these I won't say conservative because I don't think conservatives as a whole are chaotic but I'll say MAGAs create, and they create more chaos than anything. Look at the Elkin City School board and the Surry County Commissioners.

Yadkin's school board isn't partisan and seems to be the most functional in the area.

Amazing what happens when you don't let a D or R get in the way of anything.
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Fake Schools

How is putting cross dressers etc in libraries with kids not coming after them. Liberals claim they want everyone included until a Christian comes and they say no you are a bigot etc. 1 liberal took the Bible and prayer out of schools. I call that coming after religion. They want to take the 10 commandments out of every public place including the court house that have been charged with keeping the laws that we have from that very Bible that the 10 commandments come out of. Your president in her own words said she would take guns but she didn’t win. Your party wants to take In God We Trust off of the money. They want to take One Nation Under God out of the pledge and so much more. No im sorry what we have in common is less than your party wants to say unless you are more centered than your party is which then I would agree

As for drag queens, no they don't need to be in school but you focus on a thing that has happened in how many places? Out of how many thousands of schools?

Do you know In God We Trust wasn't in the pledge until 1950?

Fake Schools

Sorry to tell you all of your liberal politicians are millionaires and they did that off of you and I. Trump made his outside of politics. Career politicians need to stop.

They're not "my" polticians. Trump did it because his daddy gave him money. He didn't self earn it or self start it. Then he bankrupted how many businesses along his way?

I agree career polticians need to be stopped and making money shouldn't happen when in politics. But the folks like the Virginia Foxx's of the world that have convinced you that Donald Trump is going to save the world are the same ones that keep these dark money PACs going and that refuse to sell stock.

Bill Belichick to UNC

Always been the case. He didn’t call the shots in either the Mack/Davis hiring. He did for the women’s basketball coach.
Maybe the legislature can get involved! They could mandate that Belichik be the UNC head coach, with Bill Cowher at State. They could legislate that their non-conference schedule had to consist of ECU, App, Charlotte, WCU and Pembroke.

My Version of Realignment Conferences

Grizz, first thank you for all the hard work. Can’t imagine doing that. And I really appreciate the need for limited travel time. With the gate, especially football, critical to the financial aspect of athletics, that’s really important.
Having said that, I really hope there aren’t any split three class conferences and hope even more there aren’t any with four. I can’t think of any way to create a fair playoff format with that. And it seems to me that would mostly negate the reason for going to eight classifications.

But maybe that’s just me.

Cleveland County

Yall getting your mason jars from the DG there at 10/Golden Valley Rd or using the old carolina dairy milk jugs over on the other end at Good Old Boys old store? lol
Washburn’s … they are a little higher but have to support your local store… and pick up the best bologna sandwich you will ever eat !!!!!
