Fake Schools

Fake or legit, the boundaries limit the traditional schools. I remember the days of Mt. Z. and the rumors were found to be true. Basketball 101, limited classroom seat time, championship caliber athletics.... but, really a "fake" definition of "school". I can see both sides of the issue. Public schools are not reaching their potential academically for many, so charters exist. I agree with most on here though. Athletically, it is not an equal playing field when you can get student-athletes from regions while others use districts.

Dearest Mt. Airy, Eastern Randolph and Mt. Heritage folks

Let Shelby Lion be the first to welcome you all to 3a next season....

Just a heads up ( a warning if you will) to prepare you all of what to expect...

Shelby Lion will at some point call you one of the following

1. Bedwetter
2. Snot nosed punk
3. Punk with a cigarette
4. Troglodyte (Ill wait while most of yall look that word up)
5. Clown
6. Potsie
7. Rerun
8. Opie
9. Moronic imbecilic cretin
10. Neanderthalistic Doofus

Just know its all out of respect and admiration, and there shall be no whining, nor runny noses, you shant run to the mods for help because I know just how far I can go without getting banned ( I think lol)

I am not sure what other Mighty Mite teams around these parts are joining yall in 3a, but dont come in thinking of playoff glory.. The Mighty Golden Lions have dibs on the 3a title this coming season...
Maybe occasionally yall might win one here and there,but you're gonna have to go through us..

Looking forward to breaking the bread so to speak on these here forums with some or all of yall.... Just remember I am pretty quick witted...(Who are we kidding I am so dumb I could be twins)

Till next season... Merry Christmas, Happy New year.... Come August when the 3a threads open I shall be there to welcome you all with open arms...

BTW: You heathens from Heritage if and when we play yall, leave the milk jugs full of rocks and the hub caps in the car..... We gots bad nerves round these parts and all that racket makes my head hurt, even though I sat amongst you unwashed non store bought shoe wearing cretins at Newton Conover a few years back

While you can be young once, you can be immature forever....

YET Shelby is playing basketball right now!!!!

Fake Schools

See your the one who thinks WE are the enemy. I have a different opinion than you do about school and politics overall but any time I voice it here you come trying to bash it. I watch you repeatedly spout your liberal disdain for anyone who sees the school thing differently. It’s over and over. The problem is yall don’t want to see it. Look I live in the most liberal place in the west in Buncombe county. You and your way of thinking I am no stranger to.
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Fake Schools

One more thing. My 21 year old daughter not son is a Junior in college. And is currently in Scotland studying so she hears other voices and opinions. The thing is I’ve taught her right and raised her in church and she knows that all these voices aren’t right. She voted for the 1st time this year and voted red. We have no problem hearing other opinions. Just know that I’m not stupid and won’t fall for the shenanigans. My wife is currently in a PA program at PITT. We are here now. Same thing. They push liberal ideals all the time

Dearest Mt. Airy, Eastern Randolph and Mt. Heritage folks

For your first dip of the toe into the new 3A I’m going to give it, as my baby boy would say, meh…
I do appreciate the effort it took for you to tear yourself away from the arms of your first cousin/wife to post this “welcome” to all us. She probably spit some Grizzly at you as you grabbed the phone. Yall call that foreplay I heard.
Anyway, speaking for my brethren coming up from 1A, thanks for the warning about the name calling.
I’ve heard of a Golden Cat before but thought it resided mostly in the southern region of a trophy wife?
Looking forward to your self proclaimed quick wittedness…
Hope to be able to keep up 👍
Merry Christmas to you as well SL..
Next year is a new experience for us all…
And if, god forbid, somehow Shelby DOESN’T win this football thing, the smallest school in the classification might revisit this diatribe…

Fake Schools

See, that's indoctrination.

The Bible is full of not so tasteful things and has been used for centuries to try and control civilizations.

Name a civilization that thrived and survived under religious rule.

Our founding fathers didn't seem to be fans of that.
The USA thrived under the principles of the Bible until it started leaving those principles behind

Fake Schools

How is putting cross dressers etc in libraries with kids not coming after them. Liberals claim they want everyone included until a Christian comes and they say no you are a bigot etc. 1 liberal took the Bible and prayer out of schools. I call that coming after religion. They want to take the 10 commandments out of every public place including the court house that have been charged with keeping the laws that we have from that very Bible that the 10 commandments come out of. Your president in her own words said she would take guns but she didn’t win. Your party wants to take In God We Trust off of the money. They want to take One Nation Under God out of the pledge and so much more. No im sorry what we have in common is less than your party wants to say unless you are more centered than your party is which then I would agree
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Wilson Prep @ Tarboro

Alot of respect for Tarboro since the 80s. I like the Old School offense they run. And the School color Purple and Gold. What uniform combination will they wear vs Wilson Prep? That would be awesome if they wear the Gold Jersey and Gold pants like they did vs Warren County. The alternate black uniforms is the least favorite for Tarboro fans.
The all gold did look very good the other night. Most of the time they wear the all purple this late in the playoffs.

Fake Schools

The Bible is fine. It is the word of the one and only true God whether you like that statement or not

See, that's indoctrination.

The Bible is full of not so tasteful things and has been used for centuries to try and control civilizations.

Name a civilization that thrived and survived under religious rule.

Our founding fathers didn't seem to be fans of that.

Fake Schools

Says the liberal. There is a reason that college aged kids vote blue overwhelmingly. I have a kid in college now and have seen first hand how this public education goes in the high schools and younger

"Says the liberal" 🙄

So what, that your kids has been exposed to people and ideals from all over the world instead of the ones from your town?

There is a reason that rural areas go one way and somehow were convinced a convicted felon, sexual assaulter/adulterer/sleeze has convinced folks he's going to save them all while pushing more sexual assaulters, drifters, millionaires/billionaires into the government.

I remember a time when folks in rural areas wouldn't associate with a man of such and thought the millionaire wasn't their friend. But here we are.

The next war won't be between you and I. You and I have alot more in common than you realize or will admit, but you've decided that you hate people like me because you've been told we are the enemy. You've been told we are coming for your guns(surprise, guess how many I have, it ain't 0), you've been told we are coming for your kids, you've been told we are coming got your religion. All blatant lies to create a fake enemy.

I'm not your enemy, the "liberals" your son goes to college with aren't the enemy. The millionaires that are setting out to destroy the foundations we have to increase their wealth and further strain you are the enemy. I love you, and I love everyone on this board, even if we don't get along. I'd give you clothes, I'd feed you if you were hungry, and I'd give you a ride if you didnt have a car.

The folks convincing you that I am the enemy, do not love you.
