Monroe vs Brevard

I got the new Michelin Cross Climate tires put on it. I put them on my wife’s car a couple of years ago and liked them but we traded it in and got her a new car. So I got 4 new tires and I now have a full sized spare. I ordered a jack kit for it off e-bay and should have it tomorrow or Thursday.
You can't go wrong with Michelin. We've owned a x3 for 13 years and I've only put one set of tires on it. Michelin defenders still have 50% left probably dry rot before wear out. I've had vehicles with run flats no jack I don't like the ride and noise. I got those off as soon as I could

The Rematch Whiteville at Northeastern

I guess you could say it’s like Reidsville’s schedule. One thing I noticed is Paswhatever gave us the toughest game in the 1st round an NE scored over 60 on them…I think that’s the only common opponent….opps Jk too who squeaked by us or should have beat us by 50 if they didn’t cramp up or have the refs call back 8 touchdowns 😆
Cmon guy let’s be real just watching the game James kenan was visibly better. It’s not an excuse when it’s a fact, yall couldn’t score until we started to cramp up horribly on defense.
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The Rematch Whiteville at Northeastern

I guess you could say it’s like Reidsville’s schedule. One thing I noticed is Paswhatever gave us the toughest game in the 1st round an NE scored over 60 on them…I think that’s the only common opponent….opps Jk too who squeaked by us or should have beat us by 50 if they didn’t cramp up or have the refs call back 8 touchdowns 😆

The Rematch Whiteville at Northeastern

Figured you knew I was from West Craven. Eagles too! I’ve met Coach Moore at NE and his wife. Good people in my book. I consider dagoob a good friend. Yea I’d like to see NE get a championship if we can’t do it. I usually stick to the Eastern teams in Championship games but I have a lot of good friends on the western side. It would be difficult for me to pull against Reidsville because of @rambbq and @TheMule Maiden as well cause of @Maiden Creek . But I’ll be pulling for NE all the way.
I didn’t, but I like west craven. Don’t know too much but I always like them beating ED😂
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Fake Schools

The ignorance on this board is overwhelming.

The only time the word "God" appears in our founding documents is in the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence where it states "Nature' s God". That is a Deist term, not a Christian term as most of our founding fathers were Deists, not Christians. Deists believe in the god of "nature and reason" which is why that term is in our Declaration (and the only time "God" appears).

The first amendment freedom of religion encompasses both the free exercise clause and the separation clause. That's why all of us are free to practice the religion of our choice (or not if that is our choice) which is the free exercise clause. The separation clause prohibits any government body, agency, official, etc to promote one religious belief over another (the "separation of church and state").

It is a fallacy to state that a public school student cannot carry a Bible in a public school. Christian students in their "off time" can hold Bible study/groups on school grounds during school times. The ACLU has fought for the rights of Christian students to wear crosses, carry Bibles, study in groups and on and on. But, for Christians to have that right so do Muslims, Jews, Satanists, you name it. What is the right of one faith is the right of all faiths, that's what many Christians, who have always been dominant, struggle with. Teach the Bible in public school, teach the Koran as well (see how that goes over). Our Constitution is not in place to protect the rights of the majority but the minority (the same rights, not more, not less).

Charter schools are the creation of the NC legislature and are public schools. The original number of permissible charter schools was very low and the legislature (republicans) have allowed the number to increase exponentially with very little oversight. Some claim that charters are a way to re-segregate public schools for those who don't wish to pay for private or religious schools. Charters are loved by the republicans since more power and authority are retained by the parents and not school boards (which we've seen can and has been abused)

Just this past week the republican legislature approved vouchers for payments to parents who are sending their kids to private or religious high schools. Guess who's benefitting the most, not the poor folks. I sent 3 kids to 13 years each of Catholic schools, cost me an absolute fortune, worked multiple jobs, forewent vacations, etc and still working at age 70 at least 60 hours a week. It was worth it for them to have that religious education and safety while I was still paying my taxes to support our public school system. Now, folks sending their kids to religious or private schools will be subsidized by all of us thanks to our republican legislature. The NCGA couldn't care less about high school athletics, they are about making their donors happy and charters and vouchers make their donors happy.

There are only four private schools in the NCHSAA, the four Catholic schools. Charlotte Catholic and Cardinal Gibbons have been members of the NCHSAA since it's origination. Bishop became a member when the school relocated 20 years ago when the school moved from WS to Kernersville. Christ the King is the most recent addition. Only 4 Catholic schools in all of NC participating in athletics. All of the remainder of the schools are public schools.

PS... you want the Bible taught in your public school then if you believe in our Constitution you want the Koran taught as well. We don't get the right to chose. If we believe in freedom of speech then we also have to uphold other's rights to speech which we abhor. Bishop now plays in a conference with a local charter school ( all black). Before the start of the girl's game we've always had the national anthem. Not at this public school, its Lift Every Voice (known as the black national anthem). On the wall is a flag, not red white and blue but red, green and black. Not an American flag in sight. Was I upset, you betcha. Do I support that public schools right to their freedom of speech, you betcha. Can't have my rights and deny the same rights to others. The same rights, not more, not less. That's what's supposed to be guaranteed by our laws.
Listen to the video provided by Appvol . It totally destroys your argument

The Rematch Whiteville at Northeastern

Well I’m off to boot camp Thursday so too bad I won’t get a chance to see whiteville get destroyed by NE 😢….and on top of that I won’t even get a chance to see NE lose another state championship 😂 but it’s all love and jokes I wish yall luck and I’ll see yall again in march
Good luck with boot camp! We will keep you in our prayers!!

The Rematch Whiteville at Northeastern

Im not pulling for Monroe, whiteville, brevard, or north eastern. My team is out and I’m not piggying off another team. Otis who is your team? You seem to be comfortable supporting the eagles all the way through the playoffs 🤦‍♂️
Figured you knew I was from West Craven. Eagles too! I’ve met Coach Moore at NE and his wife. Good people in my book. I consider dagoob a good friend. Yea I’d like to see NE get a championship if we can’t do it. I usually stick to the Eastern teams in Championship games but I have a lot of good friends on the western side. It would be difficult for me to pull against Reidsville because of @rambbq and @TheMule Maiden as well cause of @Maiden Creek . But I’ll be pulling for NE all the way.

Monroe vs Brevard

I read where you had bad luck last week with tires. I got to buy some myself low profile don't last long
I got the new Michelin Cross Climate tires put on it. I put them on my wife’s car a couple of years ago and liked them but we traded it in and got her a new car. So I got 4 new tires and I now have a full sized spare. I ordered a jack kit for it off e-bay and should have it tomorrow or Thursday.
