• E
    Eheath10 replied to the thread Monroe @ Shelby.
    Whatever you feel makes you cope better.
  • J
    😂😂 you must not have ever played at the pound, those refs there bleed orange, though I think the refs from Friday were near perfect...
  • T
    theTRUEdynasty replied to the thread Monroe @ Shelby.
    Heard it from a Burns fan that wasn't at the game. Thought it would be reliable info. 🤷‍♂️
  • T
    theTRUEdynasty replied to the thread Monroe @ Shelby.
    Thanks for the clarification. Rumors spread fast. I had heard that the JV was QBing and asked why didn't Warlick go back to QB since he...
  • J
    JKTiger40 replied to the thread JK vs NE.
    I think NE has the better offense while we have the better defense. We’ve had a good defense for years now, Hassan korneagy is no joke...
  • V
    Vik-Val 86 replied to the thread North Lincoln @ Hickory.
    I have to give props for North Lincoln making 4 rds. They are 12-1. Any team playing after Thanksgiving is having a good season.
  • J
    JKTiger40 replied to the thread Kinston At Whiteville.
    Realistically I think whiteville by 10+. Butttt I would love for Kinston to win so I’m pulling for them.
  • B
    Burkeforreal replied to the thread North Lincoln @ Hickory.
    Someone asks why is this even a thread. Worth talking about at least but yeah I don’t see it making 9 pages like the Crest game
  • R
    The called us classy
  • G
    I agree
  • E
    Eheath10 replied to the thread Monroe @ Shelby.
    😂😂I almost said this but did not want to seem prejudiced
  • M
    mdawkins70 replied to the thread Post scores 3rd. Round.
    🤫We're trying to keep it a secret that they're such a young team. 😂
  • Lion Attack
    Lion Attack replied to the thread Monroe @ Shelby.
    You definitely won’t get any hating on Monroe from me. Played you guys in 2016, probably the coldest game I ever attended. It was a rare...
  • shelbyfan1
    shelbyfan1 replied to the thread Monroe @ Shelby.
    I know what u mean, just pickimg fun.. Going be tall task, but the kids are up too it... We are excitrd to still be moving on to this...
  • Mavrick69
    I agree Mount Airy is number one. The point I was making this Corvian team by being ranked that high must be pretty good.
  • BurnsBullDog02
    BurnsBullDog02 replied to the thread North Lincoln @ Hickory.
    My prediction is that N. Lincoln shocks the world!!! and only loses by 27.
  • BurnsBullDog02
    BurnsBullDog02 replied to the thread Monroe @ Shelby.
    That was my point bro. If I tell an honest opinion I may get in trouble for not saying Shelby will destroy them or win. lol I already...
  • Mavrick69
    Ya I'm very impressed with Mount Airys defense got some big boys that can run. I'm picking the bears to win 24 to 14
  • Maiden Creek
    1. Monroe 2. Shelby 3. Brevard 4. Northeastern 5. Reidsville 6. Forest Hills 7. James Kenan 8. Whiteville 9. East Rutherford 10. West...
  • g-dog08
    g-dog08 replied to the thread Kinston At Whiteville.
    Will pull for Kinston in this one but I think Whiteville gets it done at home.
  • g-dog08
    g-dog08 replied to the thread JK vs NE.
    Good luck to both teams this week, congrats to JK for finally beating my Dogs, you guys were due. But I do think your season comes to a...
  • B
    Hope EB JR parent's give what they ask for next coach then we will see if they are happyLOL
  • V
    After Mooresville got down 35-24 then that’s when I felt it was over with. Game of course ended up 35-30.
  • V
    Vik-Val 86 replied to the thread Grimsley vs Hough 12/6 Rd 4.
    This definitely going to be a good one. I’m going to say Hough in a close one. Hough beat Mallard Creek twice with 33-0 and 34-0 win...
