I think that game was just a great gut effort for the dogs almost 60 offensive plays the game couldve finished differently. If it wasnt for those holding calls and intentional grounded calls against havelock.again i hope wrh is focused on nsj not Ed or anyone else its one game at a time.tonight is the night wrh vs nsj should be a good game . Bulldog nation lets show upband support the team. Go Dogs!
If NBBears say that they are then I believe it. Since he is familiar with the program and is from the area. So I stand corrected. WRH either is pretty darn good or played the game of their lives to go up there and beat the Rams at their house then.

It was an impressive win, no doubt. Havelock is not down this year, I assure you. They just ran it down the Rams' threat all night, 50 times to be exact. WRH completed 2 passes, both were TD's. WRH is legit