Western NC devastation

Safety is the top concern for all in western NC. I can see playoffs being delayed though as many schools in the west may face closure and travel issues for weeks.
I don’t know how the state will handle this. My son in law has been sent to Waynesville with EMS. He is a paramedic. They had a lot of issues getting there as so many mudslides have blocked roads. When they did get there he was asked if he brought body bags. He said yes. They asked how many and he replied about 100 plus. How many do you need? The guy said about 100 plus.
Let’s keep our Western brothers and sisters in our prayers!
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I don’t know how the state will handle this. My son in law has been sent to Waynesville with EMS. He is a paramedic. They had a lot of issues getting there as so many mudslides have blocked roads. When they did get there he was asked if he brought body bags. He said yes. They asked how many and he replied about 100 plus. How many do you need? The guy said about 100 plus.
Let’s keep our Western brothers and sisters in our prayers!
My area was rough too but somehow we escaped relatively ok. Praying for my western brothers n sisters.
I don't see how a good portion of teams will even be able to field a team, or school for that matter, before playoff time. I can't wait to see how the smart people at the NCHSAA handle this. Gonna be a lot of weird looking records.
I don’t know how the state will handle this. My son in law has been sent to Waynesville with EMS. He is a paramedic. They had a lot of issues getting there as so many mudslides have blocked roads. When they did get there he was asked if he brought body bags. He said yes. They asked how many and he replied about 100 plus. How many do you need? The guy said about 100 plus.
Let’s keep our Western brothers and sisters in our prayers!
Here is the thing about what’s going on in western NC. Football should be secondary. There is so muck that needs to be fixed from Burke county/yadkin county west that it will take months to even resemble normal . That is to say if they do not get any other major rainfall. If they do get significant rain it will lead to more
Problems. I feel for those in western NC. I hope that things start to improve and they get things going again.
Most of the losses won't be covered unless they had flood insurance. The economic loss will be felt for years to come. I don't understand why the media isn't treating it like Katrina. The devastation is unreal
The economic impact will be devestating in the long run. Some of these towns impacted were already not doing great. I hope the government gets money and resources there ASAP to help the re build of this great area of our state. I have many friends and family that are in the areas impacted. Gonna be weeks/ months for any kind of normal from what it sounds like. It's terrible. Prayers up to all impacted.
I would think Congress could do that, but we know they will not. Its never happened with prior disasters, but it is a great idea. Most of the people not impacted will send their thoughts/prayers and move on with their lives to the next news story, while the folks there will struggle, unfortunately. Some will go and volunteer and do all they can to help their neighbors, we need more folks like that.
Send another dime where???? Ukranine ?? Those are two separate issues from 2 separate funds. According to the FEMA website resources are already in motion to those areas
sammyk is right. USG policy (every administration) for most of the Twentieth Century to the present is to send money to mitigate/prevent issues from happening here on US soil in the name of security. As Barney Fife says nip it in the bud. The belief (I say theory) is by giving these country tax payer dollars then those can countries can address the issue. It is why agencies like USAID exist. We only hear about the things that fail and never highlight the funding that works. That is another story.
I would rather us not send so much to Ukraine and especially should not be sending any type of aid to countries that would rather see us die anyway. What I am trying to say is I would like to see our Government Use more of our tax dollars to help those in need in the US.
I can agree with that.
Send another dime where???? Ukranine ?? Those are two separate issues from 2 separate funds. According to the FEMA website resources are already in motion to those areas
I don’t know you, but thank you. I have deep roots in the area and I have friends and family hurt bad from this storm. Homes destroyed, cars lost, people unaccounted for. The ones hurt the most were not wealthy and were right in the storm’s path. I moved away a year ago but my heart is still in that area. I also feel for those in the Ukraine who were invaded by an evil power. Those two events are not at all related. We live in the best nation in the world and we should help those who are suffering from disasters and invasion. Those trying to tie those events together should consider the WNC and Ukraine victims before they politicize anguish and pain. #WNC
I would rather us not send so much to Ukraine and especially should not be sending any type of aid to countries that would rather see us die anyway. What I am trying to say is I would like to see our Government Use more of our tax dollars to help those in need in the US.
They are. I understand your frustration. But the money that's being sent to Ukraine and Israel (we don't send money to them, we send it to US defense contractors to create weapons for other countries which create US jobs) is separate from the funds we use domestically and the money we have to use domestically to aid with situations like what we're dealing with is more than enough. It's all about logistics now. This isn't some flat area like the coast, it's the mountains. It's much harder to get in and out to help people. This is going to be a long effort on everyone's part.
As long as there are homeless people in the US, the country should never send another dime ANYWHERE else period until that is taken care of. Imagine Washington sending humanitarian aid to other countries while someone is on the corner down the street from the White House holding a cardboard sign. Actually, you don't have to imagine it.
As long as there are homeless people in the US, the country should never send another dime ANYWHERE else period until that is taken care of. Imagine Washington sending humanitarian aid to other countries while someone is on the corner down the street from the White House holding a cardboard sign. Actually, you don't have to imagine it.
ANYWHERE !!!! Don’t care who,what,or why
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I don’t know you, but thank you. I have deep roots in the area and I have friends and family hurt bad from this storm. Homes destroyed, cars lost, people unaccounted for. The ones hurt the most were not wealthy and were right in the storm’s path. I moved away a year ago but my heart is still in that area. I also feel for those in the Ukraine who were invaded by an evil power. Those two events are not at all related. We live in the best nation in the world and we should help those who are suffering from disasters and invasion. Those trying to tie those events together should consider the WNC and Ukraine victims before they politicize anguish and pain. #WNC
My man. Sad what is going on in both places.
As long as there are homeless people in the US, the country should never send another dime ANYWHERE else period until that is taken care of. Imagine Washington sending humanitarian aid to other countries while someone is on the corner down the street from the White House holding a cardboard sign. Actually, you don't have to imagine it.
If only it was that simple.
Right now Washington is pathetic and it is time we get our country back. God Bless these people in Western North Carolina.
Are you Cherokee or Lumbee???? Perhaps Catawaba?? Are they getting their country back??? So please stop that polarizing rhetoric. And what does that even mean time to get our country back? Who is "OUR" ? And before you try and turn this, I am a DD2-14 alum and not some bed wetting ultra liberal. And yes I hope that those people in Western NC gets the help they need. From the sounds of it the federal government is sending help.
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As long as there are homeless people in the US, the country should never send another dime ANYWHERE else period until that is taken care of. Imagine Washington sending humanitarian aid to other countries while someone is on the corner down the street from the White House holding a cardboard sign. Actually, you don't have to imagine it.
Ok how do we stop homelessness ??? I am 100% with you. We the best and richest country in the world should not have homelessness. So how do we fix that ??? How much are you willing to pay to help with that?? Sending aid to Ukraine is pretty much weapons food and supplies. I am sure the people working for the defense contractors would be sad if we did that. I am sure many towns built around that business would suffer if we stopped sending aid to other countries. But back to homelessness how do we fix that ?? My guess would be a staggering amount of money would need to be spent on mental health. Billions. The. Job training to put people back into the work force. That would cost billion
Are you Cherokee or Lumbee???? Perhaps Catawaba?? Are they getting their country back??? So please stop that polarizing rhetoric. And what does that even mean time to get our country back? Who is "OUR" ? And before you try and turn this, I am a DD2-14 alum and not some bed wetting ultra liberal. And yes I hope that those people in Western NC gets the help they need
What I've always wondered...and maybe you can help me with this...I don't know that I've ever actually asked this question out loud, it may be stupid, but here it is:

Is there any difference, morally or otherwise, between Indian tribes fighting each other and killing each other and taking land, etc., and the Settlers doing so?

Some would say, well the Natives were here already....true...but I look at it on a Macro level, in which case the rebuttal would be that in both cases two sets of people were established in separate locations and one set encroached on the other. When looking at it that way, there is no difference for this small piece of the puzzle.

Then I would move on to the next piece (question), and so forth and so on.

Either way, I know this to be true throughout history (there is 1 exception): a conquered people don't get what they had back, regardless of how they were conquered (except the Nation of Israel) America will be no different if we lose sight of God and our founding principles.

God Bless and God save WNC.
Ok how do we stop homelessness ??? I am 100% with you. We the best and richest country in the world should not have homelessness. So how do we fix that ??? How much are you willing to pay to help with that?? Sending aid to Ukraine is pretty much weapons food and supplies. I am sure the people working for the defense contractors would be sad if we did that. I am sure many towns built around that business would suffer if we stopped sending aid to other countries. But back to homelessness how do we fix that ?? My guess would be a staggering amount of money would need to be spent on mental health. Billions. The. Job training to put people back into the work force. That would cost billion
Another variable is that most of the homeless population doesn't want help. I know from experience, have had tons of conversations with homeless people and people living in the tent cities around Charlotte, most are content with free handouts and no responsibilities, yes there are hard days/nights, but overall they are content. Real life and the daily grind would be harder. do you fix a problem that doesn't want fixing?

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