Western NC devastation

Safety is the top concern for all in western NC. I can see playoffs being delayed though as many schools in the west may face closure and travel issues for weeks.
I don’t know how the state will handle this. My son in law has been sent to Waynesville with EMS. He is a paramedic. They had a lot of issues getting there as so many mudslides have blocked roads. When they did get there he was asked if he brought body bags. He said yes. They asked how many and he replied about 100 plus. How many do you need? The guy said about 100 plus.
Let’s keep our Western brothers and sisters in our prayers!
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I don’t know how the state will handle this. My son in law has been sent to Waynesville with EMS. He is a paramedic. They had a lot of issues getting there as so many mudslides have blocked roads. When they did get there he was asked if he brought body bags. He said yes. They asked how many and he replied about 100 plus. How many do you need? The guy said about 100 plus.
Let’s keep our Western brothers and sisters in our prayers!
My area was rough too but somehow we escaped relatively ok. Praying for my western brothers n sisters.
There are unfortunately going to be teams that won't finish the season. Many schools will be lucky to return by Christmas if not later by the looks of things. The death toll is going to be terrible. Just unimaginable situation right now. This is far worse than Matthew was and that's saying alot.
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I don't see how a good portion of teams will even be able to field a team, or school for that matter, before playoff time. I can't wait to see how the smart people at the NCHSAA handle this. Gonna be a lot of weird looking records.
Most of the losses won't be covered unless they had flood insurance. The economic loss will be felt for years to come. I don't understand why the media isn't treating it like Katrina. The devastation is unreal
I don’t know how the state will handle this. My son in law has been sent to Waynesville with EMS. He is a paramedic. They had a lot of issues getting there as so many mudslides have blocked roads. When they did get there he was asked if he brought body bags. He said yes. They asked how many and he replied about 100 plus. How many do you need? The guy said about 100 plus.
Let’s keep our Western brothers and sisters in our prayers!
Here is the thing about what’s going on in western NC. Football should be secondary. There is so muck that needs to be fixed from Burke county/yadkin county west that it will take months to even resemble normal . That is to say if they do not get any other major rainfall. If they do get significant rain it will lead to more
Problems. I feel for those in western NC. I hope that things start to improve and they get things going again.
Most of the losses won't be covered unless they had flood insurance. The economic loss will be felt for years to come. I don't understand why the media isn't treating it like Katrina. The devastation is unreal
The economic impact will be devestating in the long run. Some of these towns impacted were already not doing great. I hope the government gets money and resources there ASAP to help the re build of this great area of our state. I have many friends and family that are in the areas impacted. Gonna be weeks/ months for any kind of normal from what it sounds like. It's terrible. Prayers up to all impacted.

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