Same ole asheboro


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Gold Member
Nov 10, 2022
Is this their coaches last year? This coach brown is nothing like his bro up at Grimsley….crazy to me how asheboro can lose to southwest randolph. Idk what southwest has this year but can’t imagine it’s to much!!
Really someone give me a good answer, other than the recruiting pipeline that runs east in the county, what is the issue at asheboro? It seems to be a school that should be much better than it has historically been.
Really someone give me a good answer, other than the recruiting pipeline that runs east in the county, what is the issue at asheboro? It seems to be a school that should be much better than it has historically been.
Always loved Easterns tradition and respect their tradition? Have yal gotten help from the pipeline this year?
Asheboro had Benji Brown and were average. They had Gillespie and were awful. Aboro is not a coaching problem from what I can see but like Lexington an administrative and city problem. They don't get support and coaches need support no matter how good a coach they are. Lee J Stone rolling in his grave...

I still say Aboro is much improved and the offense backs that up. Defense not so much...
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BTW Aboro is 55 percent Hispanic, 25 percent white and 15 percent African American. Take from that what you will...
Eastern also has strong history and tradition. Asheboro was a state power in the 50s and 60s under Lee J Stone, and right after he retired they went downhill fast and with few exceptions have been average to terrible for 50 plus years. Culture matters. It's the same reason South Davidson is usually awful even when they play similar size schools and why Lexington has been awful despite playing 2A ball as a 3A school for years. It don't change just like that. Aboro is similar in that they have 1300 kids and are arguably large 3A slash small 4A size. Numbers only matter as much as the want to is there. Charlotte Garinger says hello too in that regard.

Eastern is 50 percent White, 30 percent Hispanic and 10 percent AA fwiw

And Calvin Brown did wonders to elevate the football program at Providence Grove. He is by far their most successful coach so far. He is in a bad situation and fighting an uphill mountain at Aboro...
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