Thomasville FB

it's been announced. Bradley George as football coach and James Atkinson as AD.....not sure i'd call it a shocker for the community, more so of a head scratcher but who knows..let's see how it goes
Coach George was an assistant coach for the past two years. Good guy and I’m excited to see how he leads the Bulldogs this upcoming season. If I’m not mistaken Atkinson was the basketball coach for the Bulldogs a couple years ago?
I won’t criticize these men. Don’t know them very well at all, but have been told they’re good men. But I will certainly criticize the process.
You’ve heard the old army adage, “ hurry up and wait”. This was the opposite. Wait for months and then rush to make a quick hire. A hiring panel with no one involved with football or athletic administrative background. Less than five candidates for each job, with several others who weren’t considered in order to meet a hasty deadline. All so that the previous AD or principal couldn’t make the hire.
This has the signature of a school board that doesn’t have a clue how to run a school system, much less hire an athletic staff.
I sincerely hope that both men have success. But, if they do, it will be in spite of the board and administration, not because of it.
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I'm seeing 12-13 wins and a very deep playoff run for the Bulldogs. They are my dark horse to win it all.

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